oy vey. m-m-muh ponzi joos
when you see the jews hyping the bitcoin and popping up these shits you know that bitcoin will crash
That ad made me kek
>FUD this coin whenever possible
So, shall I buy this since it's going to get shilled hard by the kikes and thus get rich since I missed out on the bitcoin meme
>Not calling it ShekkelCoin
It is at $10,000 each. No shit it will crash. I really fucking wish I invested in that shit back in 2010. I would be a millionaire now.
I should invest in this
What is the maximum amount I'm allowed to buy?
I'll send you fags a postcard when I'm a billionaire.
Only NEO can generate GAS
It would make sense to, the Jews are master's of finance
my meth head uncle talked about this shit back in like 08 when it first began and i was still a kid, im 19 now i should i have invested when i was warned about it.
hahaha the logo is perfect
now it just needs that javascript particles background with the connecting lines
looks like a fucking noodle on gold coin
Satanists and bitcoin are enemies. The carnal evil vs. the AI menace. I say good riddance, but do make sure to survive the carnage.
>not investing in money run by kikes
>will probably change the name after value goes up
>Jews know how to earn money
Well you can't argue with that
>calling it bitcoen
>not cryptoshekle
what an oxymoron
Do they produce any BitCoons too?
Asking for my peeps.