/SIG/ - Self-Improvement General - Meditation Edition

/SIG/ - Self-Improvement General - Meditation Edition

Hey, I posted meditation article on Sup Forums some time ago and I decided on improving and posting it here so more people can read it. I also plan on posting new short meditation exercises every day, but I am going to talk about it at the end of the article.

Why You should start meditating.

**1) It helps in fighting addiction(in a long-term perspective) better, than any other method that exist:**


> "At the 6-month follow-up, however, both RP and MBRP participants had a significantly reduced risk of relapse to drug use and heavy drinking compared with TAU participants, with RP showing an advantage over MBRP in time to first drug use. Among participants reporting alcohol use, MBRP and RP participants reported significantly fewer days of heavy drinking compared with TAU participants. At the 12-month follow-up, MBRP participants reported significantly fewer drug use days and higher probability of not engaging in heavy drinking compared with RP participants."

+ Anecdotal evidence from reddit:


**2) It grows prefrontal cortex(concentration and attention) and decrease gray matter in Amygdala(stress) and decrease feeling of pain**


> "MRI scans show that after an eight-week course of mindfulness practice, the brain’s “fight or flight” center, the amygdala, appears to shrink. This primal region of the brain, associated with fear and emotion, is involved in the initiation of the body’s response to stress."

> "As the amygdala shrinks, the pre-frontal cortex – associated with higher order brain functions such as awareness, concentration and decision-making – becomes thicker."

Other urls found in this thread:

s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/39616081/Mindfulness_meditation_improves_cognitio20151102-1793-1onmb2t.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1507023575&Signature=skzm7yAwTdLn3igRxqLNfeM3nQg=&response-content-disposition=inline; filename=Mindfulness_meditation_improves_cognitio.pdf

>pic related - my books on meditation, mindfulness and yoga

**2a) Increasing Attention and lowering stress:**


**2b) Lower feeling of pain:**


Other interesting qoute:

>"Other studies on expert meditators – that is, subjects with at least 40,000 hours of mindfulness practice under their belt – discovered that their resting brain looks similar, when scanned, to the way a normal person’s does when he or she is meditating."

**3) Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) May Prevent And Treat Depression**


>"Professor Kuyken conducted a study which found that MBCT helped to prevent depression recurrence as effectively as maintenance antidepressant medication did."

**4) Mindfulness Meditation Improves Cognition**

s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/39616081/Mindfulness_meditation_improves_cognitio20151102-1793-1onmb2t.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1507023575&Signature=skzm7yAwTdLn3igRxqLNfeM3nQg=&response-content-disposition=inline; filename=Mindfulness_meditation_improves_cognitio.pdf

>"In a 2010 study published in Consciousness and Cognition Journal, researchers assigned 24 people in the intervention group. They received four sessions of mindfulness meditation training. The control had 25 people, and this group listened to an audio book. Results showed that both the mindfulness meditation training group and the control group showed improved mood, but only meditation training reduced fatigue and anxiety and increased mindfulness. Moreover, brief mindfulness training significantly improved visuo-spatial processing, working memory and executive functioning. Researchers concluded, “Our findings suggest that four days of meditation training can enhance the ability to sustain attention; benefits that have previously been reported with long-term meditators.”"

**5) Mindfulness Meditation Help The Brain Reduce Distractions**


>“brain cells use particular frequencies, or waves, to regulate the flow of information in much the same way that radio stations broadcast at specific frequencies. One frequency, the alpha rhythm, is particularly active in the cells that process touch, sight and sound in the brain’s outermost layer, called the cortex, where it helps to suppress irrelevant or distracting sensations and regulate the flow of sensory information between brain regions.”

**6) Mindfulness Training Improves Working Memory Capacity and GRE Performance While Reducing Mind Wandering**


>"In a randomized controlled investigation, we examined whether a 2-week mindfulness-training course would decrease mind wandering and improve cognitive performance. Mindfulness training improved both GRE reading-comprehension scores and working memory capacity while simultaneously reducing the occurrence of distracting thoughts during completion of the GRE and the measure of working memory. Improvements in performance following mindfulness training were mediated by reduced mind wandering among participants who were prone to distraction at pretesting. Our results suggest that cultivating mindfulness is an effective and efficient technique for improving cognitive function, with wide-reaching consequences."

#If you want to read more about researches on meditation you can do it here:



I would post longer article, but usually people who need to start meditating have short attention spans and get distracted easily, but I plan on posting free mindfulness meditation program on reddit with posting everyday new 5-10 minutes mindfulness meditation exercises for first 15 days of December and after that second program(to clarify - also for free) if I see people doing exercises with me.

If you want to join to the program I will post it both on Sup Forums and on reddit.com/r/ChadRight tomorrow - 30.11.17 (thursday). I am doing it on reddit too, to prevent the /SIG/-meditation from mods

You will post 15 different mindfulness exercises?

Yes, why, do you want to join?

I thought mindfulness was all about breathing and bodyscanning.

I can join, but what exactly should I do?

You could practice mindfulness while eating, cleaning your room, listening to sounds, looking at the trees in park etc.

Is /fit/ a good place to improve myself?

I got my first job and lost some weight, not as much as a racist as I used to be.

Not really. You can find there good articles, but they get archived and deleted after a while.

I am trying to create new place for self-improvement. We have reddit and discord already.

Good job user. How did you lose weight?

Thanks, I subscribed to your reddit and will do the exercises

So don't take workout advice from them? I'm trying to get in shape and eat healthier. Where would you recommend I look?

cheers user.

How to into fixing my leg lifts? Tore the same acl twice so I've had two reparative surgeries. Now my lifts are so fucking unbalanced

Are you polish?


Stop stealing our yoga u fucking savage wite ppl

No, fuck you haha

started waking up at 6am to go for a nice 3-4km walk everyday and decided to just take a trash bag and one of those grabbing sticks to pick up litter that was ont he side of the road

i feel myself becoming enlightened anons, i even started reading books for the first time in a decade

You have to run not walk pussy and after that you have to ride on your kangaroo and pic the trash

This shit got me into reading books which led me to start getting in Stirner. Fuck I cannot believe I agree with everything he says.

Good job, what books are you reading?

I cleaned my room for the first time in 3 years today. I have never seen so much filth in my life. Its also fascinating how much stuff was laying around on my table. I even found 5 euros
what are you reading?

What’s the discord?

I really like this breathing/meditation exercise I've picked up on What I've Learned channel. You sit down, and focus on making your breath as slow as possible, at least 10 seconds inhale and 10 seconds exhale. You focus on your breath and do that for min five minutes or more.

also dat captcha

take it easy and don't forget to stretch. Stretching has made my jogging to a whole new level. I used to get sore legs for weeks after a run, now i don't anymore.

How do I meditate? I’m all about improving my brain these days. I’m fucked in the head and smoke weed every day. Getting ready to quit that shit once I run out but idk how to meditate.

You all sound like fags.

But it feels so good. Its like being a kid and rolling around on the floor again.

am currently halfway through the Foundation of Exploration and after that I'll move onto the Conquest of Gaul and then Plato Republic

Tomorrow I will post 1st exercise(and the rules for the "challenge") here on Sup Forums and also on our reddit:


delete the whey, it's nothing near self improvement

How do you like "Foundation of exploration"?

Self improvement is masturbation

how do i deal with crippling depression /sig/?

Meditate, join our reddit, start taking daily walks in park. It helped me.

Are you really from Pakistan or is it proxy?

if only i knew

why would anyone want to proxy as pakistan

Supplements can really help. SAMe, 5-HTP, St Johns Wort, they are all really helpful and without nasty side effects like SSRIs.

Are you doing any of the following?

>smoking weed
>masturbating 2/3 times a week
>watching porn
>playing too many video games
>not getting enough sunlight
>dealing with too much stress
>drinking alcohol in excess
>using anti-depressants
>not getting enough social contact

I'd say 2 or more of the above for an extended period of time (several months) is more than likely to make you depressed.

i like it so far, the spectrum of destructiveness and building gave me some new perspective, and the part about hedonism was spot on

One small improvement a day, no matter how small.
Start with a shower and work from there.

We post there our stuff, cause it is safer than Sup Forums


dont really like taking any artificial meme pills

whats life like in pakistan

Stopped binge eating, don't stay on the computer as much anymore.

Old schedule:
>play vidya
>watch porn
>browse Sup Forums
>wake up and repeate

New schedule:
>wake up
>go to work
>play vidya

Aight, stop watching porn altogether, this is a fucking huuuge one.

An orgasm provides the largest natural release of dopamine possible and if you're constantly getting this hit, even 2/3 times a week, you are going to raise your tolerance to dopamine.

Dopamine is responsible for making you feel good about things, and if it takes an orgasm to get there, everyday life is going to seem incredibly mundane and depressing.

pretty comfy tbqh, other than being autistic and having crippling depression i mean

are people there poor? have you ever seen green grass before? do you have to watch out for terrorist and stuff?

Yes, good thing is to also find other habits to replace old one like sport and meditation

there are poor and rich people everywhere breh
>green grass
lmoa do you think i live in some kind of war zone or something , no terrorists in the main cities/areas

>I cleaned my room for the first time in 3 years today
good job in this rate you will be able to speak with a girl in 10 years

Redpill dump
-Lift, Walk, Stretch
-Onions Garlic (weather they increase test or not, my teeth are whiter and my breath doesn't smell like shit, just onions, stomach ulcers cured)
-Fish Oil
-Olive Oil
-Hot Water with Lemon Juice
-Soy (not a meme, my chesticles have retracted since quitting this shit)
-Chems (Di/Triglycerides, BHA/TBHQ, etc)
-Use soap on body every day (rinse every day, but washing with soap will eliminate beneficial macrophages from the skin/hair, dry it out, and leave it vulnerable to infection)

How do I stop smoking&start sleeping better, my niggers? I feel like its 95% a psychological thing.

It feels like every coffee/meal/talk with people is a trigger to think about smoking. Also I am suddenly hyper-active/agressive after stoping for even a day or two.

how is sex on a daily base different?

redpill on this onion meme
fuck off chad

the difference is that ive never had sex

The discord server please

sex releases a whole other cocktail of chemicals and shit

If you're sure it's a psychological thing, then vape. Because the rush is eliminated, and vaping looks retarded, you will soon drop this habit as well. This is how I quit.

Are you seriously asking how getting laid every day is different from wanking it by yourself in front of a computer screen every day?

It isn't very different. The negative effects of sexual excess are debilitating (brain fog, lack of motivation, sex-obsessed, inability to focus), and happen after orgasm because of the hormonal and physiological response.

Masturbation should be forgone entirely and sex should be practiced sparingly.

Take tryptophan and 5-HTP at night before bed. Maybe a melatonin for a week or so if you’re quitting smoking and are still having trouble sleeping.


I stopped fapping and quit porn bros! Thanks for dragging me out of the degeneracy dark hole. Used to be an addict and I didnt even realize it.

now i am more confident, higher testosterone, higher drive, more disciplined, more spiritually developed, richer, stronger.

From 'Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence'

How meditate?

I never use soap, it is widely known it is bad for your skin. I occasionally let my gf lather me in showergel

get some life goal.
realize you'll die so you better make the best you can.
read about reincarnations stages.
seek some spirituality, maybe read gnostics.
do nofap.
eat better (become some kind of vegan).
go to the gym.
take sun.
get a dog.
get a job.
learn a music instrument.

That could work.

Quitting masturbation and pornography is the number one thing you can do to improve your life.

hail sig

I mean, it's not really that different at all.

If you have sex just as much as someone would masturbate or you're combining the two, you're going to have an extremely high tolerance to dopamine and will most likely be depressed.

If you have sleeping problems know that sleep doesnt come instantly or like with the push of a button. it comes slowly and you just have to continue basic thoughts, youll be thinking even after you already have fallen asleep and this will morph into dreams.

dont look at screens before sleeping. Stop smoking have discipline. to struggle is to live.

This is why we need to reverse the sexual revolution.

fuck if i know but i feel like shit after fapping and i feel great and content after a long session of sex. much better for your health too.

>Not using organic soap without all the chemicals n shit

Here’s my SIG tip of the day:

One of the many ways I need to improve is financially. I’m in debt up to my neck and have no savings. For retirement all I have is a 401k. At my current rate, I’ll work my whole life to have a mediocre to poor retirement.

I want to retire rich. I have a problem spending money. I like getting new shit. To solve this problem, I started buying physical gold and silver.

This way I get something tangible which satiates my desire to get a new thing while making a solid and safe investment at the same time.

Bitcoins are the new gold

Pythagoras advocated continence (abstaining) as being part and parcel to living the ideal life.
When asked how often should one make love, he replied "When you want to lose whatever strength you have".

because for having real sex you need to be basically a Chad (unless you have an uggo gf like a normie).

So, is not the same.

>but what's the diference between using an emulator cheats and beating a NES game on a real NES

nice, I'll go to israel then

Reminder that Adolf Hitler himself was a nofapper.

Yes but you don’t get something you can touch or hold. It doesn’t trick your brain into thinking you went shopping or whatever. Bitcoins are also expensive as hell and still risky. Gold and silver has stood the test of time.

So yes I do agree with you. But if you’re not tech savvy or you are risk averse, bullion is better.

you have to rewire your brain on, consumerism is killing society
just live a simple, but not miserable life, and you will find happiness
if can get rich at the same time it's always better

If you posted the meditation infographics linked in the /fit/ /sig/ then good work man. Haven't started using them yet bt I will, it looks lke a great resource.

Look up Dave Ramsey for an easy system

>So don't take workout advice from them?
When they link you to articles, videos, or books those are generally legit.
When they say meme phrases like "drink a gallon of milk every day", that is a trap meant to destroy the weak so that they stop browsing /fit/

eat healthy

the gut is the second brain, if yours is in a bad condition it will make you feel depressed

Try adding a portion of sauerkraut every day so you get good gut bacteria

Any good ways to stop porn/fapping?
It's literally turning me gay

What's a good way to let off steam after 16 hours of working per day?

invest on cryptos and then buy silver and gold with them profits.

fucking boomers

>What's a good way to let off steam after 16 hours of working per day?
Shooting range

exercise and basic fitness stuff works.
or you can learn to relax and meditate
or do audiohypnosis from youtube.
or some audiobook
or classical music.

Can’t stress this enough either. You literally can’t be 100% healthy without a healthy gut. Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is also extremely helpful at healing the gut. Fiber is important too.

>no Triglycerides
You fool. Medium chain triglycerides are one of the best forms of fuel for your body and are literally brain fuels.

same question s/fap/alcohol/g

This. It’s why coconut oil and olive oil are good to cook with. They are full of these which can surpass the blood brain barrier and nourish your brain with healthy fat (your brain is composed of like 90% fat).

Drink cod liver oil