You guys realize he's playing you, right? It's all theater. Trump is closer with Schumer than any other congressman. But after what went down a month ago (where Trump basically betrayed Republicans by making a deal with Schumer and Pelosi), Trump and Schumer have to pretend that they're fighting so Trump retains his R-cred and helps Schumer with whatever behind-the-scenes deal they made. It's so damn obvious.
You guys realize he's playing you, right? It's all theater. Trump is closer with Schumer than any other congressman...
Other urls found in this thread:
What deal?
I knew from the beginning Trump was a democrat. Now I'll just watch and wait for his tax cuts that are actually going to raise my taxes.
This. If you're going to engage in political theater don't break the 4th wall.
>This. If you're going to engage in political theater don't break the 4th wall.
I like this
The alleged deal where Trump would give amnesty to criminal invader immigrants. The thing is, Trump actually tweeted that he doesn't want to remove illegal aliens. And the cucks on t_d would ban people for posting said Trump tweets. You guys claim the left is delusional, and they are, but Trump fags are even worse.
Congress has to get a budget passed by may 8th to avoid a shutdown.
Schumer / Pelosi want protection for DREAMers. Trump wants border funding.
Do you realize nothing you say or do will stop people from supporting Trump?
*Dec 8th
Yes I am aware that ~20% of the country will support Trump no matter what.
Looks like we're going to find out once and for all if Trump represents real Americans or not.
100% of his supporters support him and there's more than you know.
Ahh ok thanks. So you voted for Hillary ? Nice
Can't tell if that's 5 or 6 hoops your jumping through
you're goddamn right these retards got played
>100% of Trump supporters support him.
This is quite a retarded thing to say do you understand that?
Tell them goyim OP.
He did within weeks of getting office. Remember "Hillary has been through enough"?
In a lot of ways leftists are more aware than right wingers, not that I'm a fan of the false dichotomy. But at least they try to think through and solve societal problems, even if their methods are flawed and kinda retarded.
If Trump really thinks he can revive a comedy career that dead, then dammit I believe in him too!
its funny that you can see it with trump but never could with the democrat campaign that provably cheated all over the place from driving people to polling stations, to having more votes than voters in certain places, to donna brazile handing over questions to hrc, to the dnc colluding against bernie which now donna brazile confirmed mutliple times yet you people for some reason still dont want to believe..
But hey at least you know exactly what trump is doing, right? Its not like your side has been wrong since the 2016 election started to this fucking day...
I feel like him thanking hillary was like a sigh of relief he won. Like when you win a hard fought battle and turn out to be the victor, you are so elated you reach your hand out in sympathy for the loser.
I feel that was him saying "lets just move on from this, fuck what was said in the past" but then she started talking shit again so he went back to wanting her dead.
I did not vote. I'm moderate, left-leaning at best. My dislike for Trump isn't about the fact that he's "Republican" as much as it's he's a terrible person who can't even successfully pretend that he isn't. Regardless of what Hillary's intentions were in becoming President I would be able to sleep safe knowing that I wasn't going to wake up and see a Tweet from her announcing war on North Korea or Alaska being given to Russia.
I meant voters.
It's all theater goyim!
It could be. It could also be even more theatre. I won't buy any of it until Hillary is actually locked up.
Damn, I love my president.
What is a "real" American? No no true scotsmans now.
Republicans literally remove funding from poorer, liberal districts during elections so they have less voter booths and close at earlier times than Republican ones. And gerrymandering is almost a purely Republican issue. Republicans' plan for maintaining power in this country basically comes down to cheating.
That's actually the problem with Dems. They AREN'T willing to cheat because their morals tend to go beyond treating only those within the ingroup with respect. Republicans, meanwhile, see Dems as the enemy their at war against and for whom against any action is justifiable if it ends in their defeat. That is why we have a human meme as a president right now.
Yeah, well if he doesn't do anything substantial of ANYTHING by 2020 he is out, so he better start doing something.
Right now he is only good for keeping hillary out and as a fuck you to everyone, but if hes not doing anything useful as he kisses jewish walls then he can fuck off. Ill take the shills selling us out over a goy bitch boy, hes out in 7 years anyway so why wait for the world to burn
European ancestry. Here's your rent payment (you).
You're welcome bot.
You dun caught me beep boop. What gives them more of a right of conquest? And Mexicans are European with that logic they should be welcomed as brothers with open arms.
He could be doing so much more. I didn't think he was being "divisive" at first despite what people say, but after I thought about it I agree with them in a way. He makes himself look like an idiot on Twitter. It's hilarious to us, but instead of actually addressing people's concerns about the future of the nation, he just shitposts and Twitter and legitimizes his own presidency. He needs to ascend from being an ascended meme.
holy fucking typos batman
Pushing for voter identification and then saying we can't have that because minorities are unfairly affected is more racist than anything that has ever been said here. Are you saying they are too dumb can't even to get said ID that is supposed to be required to use many governmental services?
What gives them? "Native Americans" stole their land from other tribes they were warring against for years. Europeans show up all of a sudden and - "WHY I NEVER! HOW COULD THEY?!"
Fucking please.
I totally agree with you brother.
Have a good night.
You sneaky kike word-manipulators make me sick. Everyone knows American means some kind of white, European ancestry having people. You think that by challenging the accepted definition you can sway people to your twisted liberal frame of mind and it's not working anymore, but instead of changing tack and trying something new you just double down with your "What does American even mean" garbage.
TLDR; fuck off kike
I'm not talking about Injuns, Deflectron. They had their right for the land too.
What makes them any less American than a Somali immigrant?
What makes a Mexican Immigrant not an American?
What makes a European more of an American than Ping Chong the laundry mat owner?
>why is someone not from a place not considered from that place?
Europeans AREN'T Americans you slimy kike, Americans are white with European ancestry, as I clearly said in my post, stop purposefully omitting my words you God damn jew rat
What makes Europeans going to America an american but a Pakistani not?
Is this that hard of question to answer without hiding behind memes and irony?
What makes them any less American than a Somali immigrant?
Gee, I don't know. Could it be because both of these imaginary individuals consider themselves separate from wherever they are? "Injun" and Somali as you put it? British is British, French is French, German is German. Even if I were to move to either of those that doesn't make me suddenly one of them. I can have my ancestry in those but I still will never be truly of them. Fine, makes sense but that's not what is happening. We've moved that if we take an African from Nigeria and put him in those countries he or she is suddenly one of those people and of them. They aren't, full stop. Acting like they are is madness.
>Europeans AREN'T Americans
>Everyone knows American means some kind of white, European ancestry having people.
I am getting conflicting statements here.
I am talking about the United States of America. In the land of North America in the Americas continent. Being white doesn't make you somehow American while someone else in this land isn't.
So what makes the USA de facto European? Are you saying this is still a British nation?
Our white, European ancestors claimed a mostly uninhabitated and wild land through blood and conquest, like all lands have been claimed. Being their descendants conveys the right to call ourselves the rightful custodians of this land. Some nigger on a boat that washes up on shore or some spic that walked across "an imaginary line" is an invader. As the rightful custodians of this land it is our duty to defend it from invaders.
I bet you support Israel huh?
>Republicans literally remove funding from poorer, liberal districts during elections so they have less voter booths and close at earlier times than Republican ones.
and democrats tried to use their pr media puppets and fake political education/late night shows to get rid of voter id something everyone else in the entire west facepalmed and when they heard it. Not enough your group literal john oliver dick suckers even bought fully into it with no shred of consideration. A literal plan to make illegale voting undetectable and the facto legal and you swallowed it easily cause a person on tv said you should.
Answer what I said or don't. Moving the goal posts isn't going to play any longer.
There the kike goes again, twisting words. Your arguments are weak and you're embarrassing your race of rat-like "humans" with this weak display.
Here you go again. You can't actually explain your position besides fuck whites can you?
No, you filthy kike, death to all Jews.
It's poor minorities, not simply minorities in general who are affected by the BS voter ID laws. They are largely working class and getting an ID is more difficult because they have less time to do so.
Actual studies done on the matter have shown that voter ID laws decrease voter participation. Not because of the near non-existent number of voter fraudsters, but because any barrier you put up is going to decrease the chances someone votes.
Until Republicans can actually demonstrate we have a voter fraud issue that needs to be rectified by voter ID, they have no justification for their push of voter ID, period. Their push for it so hard is insurmountably unproportional to the size of the issue, which can only mean they're acting out of politics rather than sincerity
Well you're replying to someone who is of the actual working class and not the charity class and I've managed. Keep making your excuses though, you're just insulting the intelligence of your voters as I said before.
Why should poor minorities have a say in how our nation is run?
>They AREN'T willing to cheat
Were you in the a coma during the last presidential election? Or did CNN also supply you with what to say?
You can't make a position that isn't fuck non-europeans is all I'm saying.
Why is it anyone questioning anything is immediately a Kike? Their greatest subversion yet was getting everyone so paranoid that they don't even need shills anymore just a few bot to keep you circle jerking or doubting everything.
The goal post is that being an "American" is being a supporter of this nation. It's not ethnic.
>Retards actually think you can survive day to day without any identification form
You need to be removed from the gene pool.
The entire rest of the West also has socialized healthcare. Why aren't we doing that?
Voter fraud is non-existent, and it's nearly impossible to organize its occurrence on anything more than an individual scale.
Funny how Republicans are skeptical of the fact of Russian interference into the election, which includes targeted propaganda and attempted hacking, but are absolutely certain, with 0 evidence, that a group of undocumented brown people are the reason blue states are blue.
GTFO shill.
There were more than 100% possible adult votier turn outs in numerous states.
That is proof positive of fraud.
>Being so poor you can't spend 10 minutes getting an ID
IF they're SO poor they don't already have a drivers license, then they can spend 10 minutes getting an ID, the fucking bus waits alone are longer than that.
That is good for you. You are not everyone else. You are not data. You are an anecdote.
healthcare isnt the same as changing the entire voting system to make it certain that democrats will rule for the next 100 years thanks to illegale votes entirely...
nobody gives a fuck about the republican or democrat parties. just two sides of the same coin. trump was elected largely on the basis of the establishment hating him, he was elected to drain the swamp, and that means he was elected to drain the democrats and the republicans and as much scum as he can can drain from wherever he can drain it. so don't expect him to play nice, thats not what he was elected to do.
if trump pulls off this tax thing i'll be impressed. i think he's done a lot so far, i'm actually somewhat optimistic. trump is a stretegic fellow though, don't just assume you know what he's doing. 4d chess is a meme but i mean... it's not though
"Our nation" is for everyone who is a citizen. The idea of Democracy is supposed to be that every individual is on a level playing field (not that this is truly the case in America) because otherwise the more dominant group will just use their power to increase their power and subjugate everyone else. Democracy has no worth at all if there is an intrinsic inbalance in worth.
The better question is why are the lower and middle class being squeezed so hard that they can't afford decent healthcare, and why are they pushing for a bloated and bureaucratic system to "fix" the issue?
Voter fraud is an issue as well, and should be looked into. All they really have to do is target California to get the lot of it however.
To clarify my position: anyone who goes through the actual process of becoming a citizen can go ahead and call themselves an American. But some fucking invader that actively subverts our system is in no way an American. And when someone says "American" they are, INVARIABLY, referring to white people with European ancestry.
He’s playing Schumer dipshit
>RAISE taxes
Like you Trump?
You know that lower 50% of the country doesn't pay ANY FEDERAL INCOME TAX. You can't save them more when they already don't pay anything.
>There were more than 100% possible adult votier turn outs in numerous states.
That is nowhere near true. Stop getting your news from Breitbart. It's making you dumb.
>spend 10 mintues getting an ID
It doesn't matter what they could do. The statistics show that, IN GENERAL, voter turnout decreases because of voter ID laws. Ever taken an economics course? If you increase the prince of salt by 10 cents that that will, as a matter of microeconomic law, reduce the amount of people who buy salt. It doesn't matter that they probably can find a dime in their couch. When the cost of goods and services increases there will be, as a matter of microeconomic law, less buyers .
This is the same case with voting. If you make it more difficult to vote, less people will vote, period. It doesn't need to be a large amount of people. A 5% decrease in voter turnout in the right places can mean the difference between winning an election and losing.
Also, considering Republican electoral behavior for the last decade, if you think they wouldn't do everything they can to make it even more difficult on poor people to get a voter ID if such a system was in place, you are naive.
>You know that lower 50% of the country doesn't pay ANY FEDERAL INCOME TAX.
What are local fees and toll roads?
>Another shit graph
>Same people that told us SHillary would win
>Same people that told us Obongocare would fix healthcare and make it affordable
Fuck off everyone is sick of the lies.
The only thing all these horseshit statistic predictor orgs have been good for is employing the hordes of fear merchants out of work after Y2K.
>President was not only a Clinton appointee but fucking Carter lol
still infinitely better than hillary
You do know we are just using Trump to push our ideas into the mainstream, right?
This is the state of America's political discourse.
an easily abused and corrupt system where votes are constantly manipulated and fraudulant but hey at least there's more people voting. that's your argument? more votes is always better? how about less votes, accurate votes, votes that actually represent the people that cared enough to vote. and no dead people or people voting multiple times or any of that bullshit that happens A LOT like systematically as an election strategy level voting fraud. it's not legit. trump won anyways, because viote fraud can only be pushed so far before it becomes way too obvious even for the dumbfuck apathetic general public
>That is nowhere near true. Stop getting your news from Breitbart. It's making you dumb.
Actually, it is true. Even my local news reported on it. I do not watch Brietbart.
Also, if you are so poor that you cannot get an ID, you lrobably shouldn't be voting. You do not have the intelligence to get your own life in order, and should have no say in other's. They would just vote for whoever dangled the most "free shit" in front of them anyways.
>you lrobably shouldn't be voting.
Wow so we should go back to POLL TAXES?
Remember those in the South when like 80% of the population couldn't vote and they were authoritarian one party states?
You know poll taxes are illegal under the US constitution?
I mostly just lurk here, but I had to reply to this because the contempt I feel for your stupidity for having written this post is too much to keep to myself. State fees and toll roads don't amount to jack shit in the aggregate, you FUCKING IDIOT.
>It doesn't matter what they could do. The statistics show that, IN GENERAL, voter turnout decreases because of voter ID laws.
It doesn't fucking matter, you need an ID in this country to walk down the street just about due to the level of crime and terrorism. Boo fucking hoo.
>ID to drive
>ID to buy alchohol
>ID to own a gun
>Whatever the fuck else
Oh no though we can't have our illegals and dead not voting because the poor people.
Link the vote to any one of the numerous essential licenses you must have to prove you're a citizen of this country.
The ACTUAL TRANSITION OF POWER in this country is important enough that:
1) It should be protected from foreign influence.
2) It should be protected from illegal manipulation.
3) If there is a minimum buy in from people that actually care about the country enough to put in the bare minimum of acquiring a card so be it. You already have to register to vote everywhere which is about as difficult as getting a damn ID.
You're just a fucking shill for the democrats that want their 1000 year left. Please, please, please fuck off with your shallow pie plate of logic not even deep enough to hold all the spitting on you I'm going to continue to do.
>State fees and toll roads don't amount to jack shit in the aggregate, you FUCKING IDIOT.
It does if your are poor.
Missouri cops were giving out fines to people all the time to pay for the fucking cities because of the cuts to taxes over the years
Those tax cuts literally trickle down to hurt the poor.
That was not my argument. That was a strawman argument. If you read my other posts, you'd see I specifically say that the issues you are talking about are simply unbelievably rare. It has never been shown to be significant by any credible study done on the matter. You are trying to fix a problem that's not actually a problem, while decreasing the amount of citizens who legally vote and creating conditions for the much more likely and more significant problem: electoral fraud.
No, that's the state of liberals.
>Trump basically betrayed Republicans
It was the other way around, friendo.
Not a poll tax.
In fact, it's about as much a poll tax as not having the polls drive to your home and take your vote there, so as to include agoraphobes and severely crippled. No wait, that would be a poll tax against the homeless! Better figure out a way around that too!
You sir should take a long walk off a short dock.
>There were more than 100% possible adult votier turn outs in numerous states
no, that's never happened. What you see is whelmed registrars offices that are not purging the voter rosters of people who died or moved. Resulting in registered voters in a given area going over 100% but voter turn out has never cracked that number.
The problem is anytime you get into issues of math morons overload and just start to plug there ears and rant.
Even in LA that had well over 100% reg issue was just a 60ish voter turn out in the last election. That was still down a few percent from the election before and down over 13% from the first election of Obama.
We have never had a confirmed case of voter fraud beyond a statistical insignificant number. 10 here, a few more there. That's it. Study after study from independent sources and nothing, at all. The entire system is so compartmentalized it's next to impossible to pull off fraud on wide scale. Just too many checks and balances. Never mind 120+ million votes, you can't fraud that with 10 votes here, 10 votes there. It would require 100k+ sort of swings, everywhere. It's just not possible to pull off with out electronic tampering of some nature and most polling places still have paper as a fall back.
Post neutral sources
To think that a politician publicly shaming the other by pointing out he's not showing up for work shows they are really best buddies is either really good bait, serious brain damage, or a child who doesn't understand a professional setting in which your reputation is all that matters. Politics is probably the ultimate expression of that setting as they can be voted out. To suggest that someone is doing them a favor by saying they're shiftless in front of the entire country is imbecilic beyond contempt.
This at the same time the CFPB attempted coup by the democrats was sent out of the White House to the dog house where it belonged with their other bitch ideas.
>if you are so poor that you cannot get an ID, you lrobably shouldn't be voting.
This is what you said.
I, like all Americans, shouldn't have any bullshit impediments to vote. I go in, I tell them my name, I sign my name in the books, and I go vote.
That's it. That's all. I shouldn't have to deal with all this steaming pile of horse shit.
You shouldn't need an ID to walk around either, but that's a law too faggot.
If you're already following the law by carrying an ID then you can vote
You need an ID to potentially kill things, therefore you need an ID to vote? That is very weak reasoning. You can do better than that.
Also, voting, unlike those other things you mentioned, is the most fundamental right of a citizen. Voting determines the course of local, state, and the federal government. There should be as few barriers as possible to vote, period.
Here's the thing: You haven't shown voter fraud is anything more than a statistical anomaly. You can't criticize someone for not wanting to fix a problem that doesn't exist. How can we be sure ANYONE is American? Why don't we allow the police to stop you like gestapo and ask for your papers? That is the direction you're going in, and it's dumb.
fuck your sources in the mainstream, they're in on it you simpleton. millions of fraudulant votes. i'm not arguing with you, i know it, and most of the people here know it. you're not fooling us
Do you know how to read?
The first headline says "Ratings are down."
The second headline refutes the claim ratings are "way down", and uses "completely as a qualifier, implying there is some truth in the statement,.
It's all about the 4D chess
>Go to Wells Fargo
>Sure you can open an account user, it's statistically insignificant that your account might be cleaned out.
>Go to a concert/bus/plane
>Sure it's statistically insignificant you might be blown up by terrorists don't worry and we don't need to do anything about it
Democrats have programs where they will bus in minorities and feed them meals on the way, basically buying their votes. While technically not illegal, refusing to implement such an obvious safeguard to trust in the system is absolute bullshit no matter how many statistics you quote.
It's the same argument as not needing security in banks, or a door that locks on your house.
We don't need to move all the voting booths across the border to mexico because it means more voter turnout for instance. Or install a booth in every Detroit bedroom.
The argument for preserving the sanctity of the system is completely separate from the convenience of the voters. There is very little barrier to fradulent votes in a state like california where illegals can be given driver's licenses for example.
Once trust in banks, public events, public transportation, or voting systems is lost those systems are essentially worthless.
No one trusts the voting system right now and ID would go a long way to rectify that.
And? If people are too incompetent or lazy to obtain perfectly reasonable proof that they are a citizen, that is on them.
Fuck it, if you're that concerned, the government can just cough up the dough to mail all these people their ID, and done.
>Yeah, I'm sorry, I forgot my membership card to this exclusive club, do you mind letting me in because otherwise you're a racist?
>You shouldn't need an ID to walk around either,