Soyboy thread

send your best soyboys


it's pretty gay you want to look at these skinny ugly fucks



whatever you say mister alpha

im starting to think the whole SOY BOY meme is a gay fetish thing

cheesus crust those arms and hands

its like a cartoon character


Soy boy anarchist


you're stretching it a bit now

Without the beard he would have looked like a 13 year old boy

>File: pjw.jpg (44 KB, 580x580)
heres some soyboys OP

muh dik

Oh look, another non-white posting this meme.

post soyboys or get out, leaf

Why do these (((alt-righters))) try to act like they're above soy, while, in the mean time 90%+ foods contain way to high concentrations of soy that slowly but surely destroys your thyroid gland?

Mommy issue cult leader.

>mfw i can't have a meme thread without some smartass ruining it.

What's stopping you? I'm throwing out some facts for the normies that may attack your for attacking their spiritual leaders.

he has breasts

looks like that vidya charachter that follows people in the woods



Strangely enough he reminds me of the Dark Ones from Metro 2033

Are his arms photoshopped? Wtf.


what's heavier?
120lbs of steel, or 120lbs of soy?

Who the fuck is this faggot living meme


Soy boy.
Can grow facial hair.
You're doing this wrong he's just a dumbo earred manlet autist. Soyboy is a very distinctive look like pic related. He's patient 0.

Estrogen filled soy can't melt steel memes.

>burgers has never seen skinny people before

do you know how to use meme arrows

I hate this faggot