Why does Peterson position himself as an opponent of post-modernism when he pushes radical individualism and thinks...

Why does Peterson position himself as an opponent of post-modernism when he pushes radical individualism and thinks people shouldn't take pride in their heritage? Are these not foundational ideas from which all other post-modernist ideas stem?

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Its different because he needs you to buy stuff from him

Nationalism and Racial Awareness did nothing wrong.

dude clean ur room lmao

that's Doctor Peterson to you, you genocidal racist nazi collectivist.

That’s not what post modernism is.

He's just an individualist.
He thinks you should concentrate on yourself and not on 'you group'.
But you can contribute to your group after you have mastered yourself.

Nobody is actually falling for these threads. OP is so stupid and lacking in comprehension of the subjet material which is he is trying to discredit that he fails at it. Pathetic

He took on the role of a smug liberal pretty fast.

You can tell how assblasted someone is when they fall back on their title.

Well that's sad. Especially when it's obvious he's aware about race.

Falling for what? I've been a Peterson supporter since day one.

Zzz Jordan Snoreson.

If someone you would like to have on your side is buckling under liberal pressure, remove them from the stressful situation, or relieve the pressure.
If you can't do any of that, do not play.
They will only distance themselves from you, to protect themselves.
Remember Ben Garrison!

Peterson utterly BTFO by based white nationalist E-Thot

Everybody get away from my Lauren.

How can one girl be so based

>ooo wow, i've got a phd call me Dr. you pleb

What a fucking loser.

He doesn't believe that, he only believes it for whites. He thinks it's okay for blacks and Jews to do it.

You shills are sure shilling hard on JP lately. 20/30 threads a day. Do you really think we are that stupid?
I see why you are shit scared of this guy though, he has single-handedly awakened North America to the dangers of communism and post modernism, had millions of people read Gulag Archipelago and books by Orwell, Dostoevesky, Friedrich Nietzsche, Carl Jung, Christopher Browning etc. He has created programs for improving yourself, lectures on religion, traditions, values and many, many other things. He is also creating a website to make people aware of the meme degrees to stop people taking women studies, social sciences etc. You are shit scarred of this guy and he is growing exponentially and there is nothing you can do about it.

>you WILL be the first to hang

Are you guys fucking idiots? You didn't actually expect him to name the Jew did you? The guy literally shills for Alekzander Solzhietwhatevery constantly, and anyone who looks into him will inevitably run into 200 Years Together and it's censorship, and the PDF translation.

At the end of the day, he's a guy with a family who wants to keep food on the table, keep his teaching job to keep subtly redpilling people, etc etc. Why would he intentionally gET himself fired for essentially no reason? He pretty much has to be anti-nazi, anti-hitler, at least publicly if he wants to keep earning money. This is what it looks like. Even if he agrees with us, he has to fight us.

What a fucking faggot, I knew there something about this cunt I didn't like when Sup Forums was blowing ropes over him
I don't like e-celebs, but this is alright

He has always been a liberal. I was telling you idiots this months ago when reddit first started shilling this leaf faggot here.

To be fair, Peterson grew up surrounded by the propaganda regarding the ebil nazis.
We can hardly blame him for internalizing that propaganda so heavily that he refuses to even acknowledge the possibility that the nazis weren't monsters, thus he hates everything that can be tied to nazism, including white nationalism.
He is a product of his generation, and we can hardly blame him for it. He did not have the opportunity to break out of the propaganda when he was young like we did. Internet freed us before the propaganda could fully chain our aging minds. People are far less likely to consider new ideas when they are old after all, that's why it is critical for (((them))) to blast the propaganda at us especially when we are young, so it is the only info we get so even when we at an older age, might encounter info that contradicts that propaganda, we'd just automatically dismiss it all.

0.02 cents has been deposited

Jordan Peterson is a modernist lol, it's ironic because he bashes post-modernist when in reality he's just their older brother.

>inb4 autistic screeching
Look up modernism and what it's all about. You'll realize Jordan Peterson spews this garbage all day long.

Guys a literal moron

Ugh. I guess the Patreon shekels were too much for him and he got a big head.

It's a pity, because I think he went into this thing with the best of intentions but now it's made him a millionaire and a celebrity and he's forgotten himself

What did most Millennials parents tell them about Nazism and Communism?


Probably the same shit they themselves were taught.
The difference with us, those who had the ability to access internet trough which we could encounter other information, that radically contradicts the "official" narrative.

You are chatting 100% bullshit. There is not 1 university dean alive in the Western world that at present can say anything different. He would lose his job, Youtube, Twitter, Patreon etc etc etc

I don't know why I am telling you this though as you already know and are just trying to sway opinion like a good goy shill.

He completely bent over to their will, and has just been infiltrating the alt-right interest groups for shekels. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

I say this as someone who enjoyed Maps of Meaning, he should stick to interpreting Jung, Campbell and investigating the psyche. He has NO PLACE in politics, any longer.

What happened to Peterson? He never used to respond like this. No argument just smug looking down. Where are the arguments? What happened?

He needs the Nazis to be monsters for his lectures.

OP is correct though. Post-modernism is a progression of the post-enlightenment philosophy Peterson espouses.

>Nobody is actually falling for these threads.

Yes they are. Peterson is a cuck that support the genocide of white people, and Sup Forumsacks need to learn it

that was some fine e-banter.

this. He does well in distancing himself from those views which gives him margin to awaken people through other subjects.

>At the end of the day, he's a guy with a family who wants to keep food on the table, keep his teaching job to keep subtly redpilling people, etc etc. Why would he intentionally gET himself fired for essentially no reason?
-$70k shekels+ on kikeron
-grown kids
-claims he will on a hunger strike and starve himself to death if the jews put him in jail over "transgender pronouns," but won't name the Jew. Which Dr. Macdonald did for many years under constantly barrage.

It seems like a shill raid, I just don't care. They want to get rid ofcucks like peterson, fine. I've been arming, training, and praying for civil war for almost a decade.

It's rather fucking strange that JP and LS are the most shilled people on here. What do they have in common? CANADA.

>I fucking hate leafs and you will fall before Sweden

His twitter is always more casual

This might fuck him. A significant amount of his followers are white nationalists, and he's getting far more criticism over this than any of his offending comments directed at liberals.

He's also selling an incredibly poor inteepretation of Nietszche.

But with the internet you can confirm your beliefs or disprove it. For example a lot of Millennials say the internet made them less spiritual. But for me it made me more spiritual because I kept reading the sources I found more and more and got obsessed with them.

Two Walls.

>He would lose his job,
Unless canada is far different from ZOG, to fire a tenured professor almost impossible unless they literally commit mass murder. The jews tried to get CA to dump Macdonald for years.

He is handling the situation rather terribly.
I'd liked it, if we had ignored, that he ever took position on the question of race.
The quickest way to defuse it, was to take his "only losers join groups" meme, and contrast it with his initiation in some First Nations tribe, that he is quite proud of.
But that moment has passed, and the aut-right indiscriminately attacked him along the ENTIRE front line, forcing him to fully polarize, repelling himself from us.
This is the same thing that happened with Kraut.
Contrast with Ben Garrison.
The fear of a thing is worse than the thing itself, so people are scared to get unpersoned.
If they have a choice to cuck, they will cuck.
Every. Single. Time.

Take this choice away from them!

Furthermore, Peterson has a book deal for January.
His backup career as speaker/author is dependant on this deal going through.
And of course his patreon.
He is very vulnerable right now, while having no group attachment to us yet.
Hence his reaction.

The outrage against Peterson is confusing to me.
It would make sense to hound actual traitors like this, but not fence sitters, partisans, normies, and other irregulars or non-combattants.
Strategically, it is a bad move.

Fame and fortune changes a man, he used to be an unknown university professor doing his best to spread his understanding of the truth, and now he's a celebrity making big bucks who has a lot more to lose if he engages with wrongthinkers

Do you seriously think we are that stupid. We can spot you a mile away.
I have replied to every single one of you in this thread and you all ignore me because of your copy pasta inputs into JP threads.

This is what bothers me so much. It's a play straight from the liberal playbook, and it's used when a rational argument cannot be made. Not characteristic of him at all. It's like he's suddenly lost his intellectual courage and is just bowing to the lefty mobs because some SJW professor compared him to Hitler.

I don't question his intelligence, his knowledge, or his original intent. But I think he might be a lost cause.

I think it's even funnier to see all these men swarm around and fondle the balls of the guy, as if he's a bulwark against SJW/lefty academic nonsense.

Have none of you listened to Peterson? Have you read what he actually does all day? He's a jungian. That used to be the home of all academic burnouts looking for spirituality and mumbojumbo magic thinking. Synchronicity, avatars, repeating social constructs and stories.

He's so fucking caught up in that nonsense he spews garbage constantly, unscientific bullshittery completely on par with the marxist academics. It's just another brand of nonsense.


i like her but she comes off as a cunt

I would make the Canada one higher

ITT: Reactionary racists realize they are in the minority for the right.

Did you guys actually think America was going to go 14/88? Fucking kek. Keep getting into twitter wars with frothing SJWs while center-right and people like Shapiro lead the way for the new right.

He never redponded looking down like this. I am not even a white nationalist but its disappointing to see peterson act this way. Oh well.

>no group attachment to us yet.
who is "us" and what public figures are attached to the White movement in any way since Pierce and Zündel now dead?

>equality of man
because those things are part and parcel of the enlightenment and modernism. the dude is a ideologue of the failed liberal/enlightenment project of the founding fathers and their ilk. i like his self help stuff but his socio-political ideology is a fucking ghost dance. he was never your alt-right dad, he just wanted you to not be a bitch boy, bucko.

They almost fired him for refusing to use gender pronouns you dumb fuck. You think he would keep his job if he praised Hitler and talked about the JQ.

>Fuck off shill.

We're not "falling for" anything, we just agree. I've been challenging him from the start.

That said, I understand his appeal. I would have been drawn in as a young college student myself since I was much more on the same page back then.

>They will only distance themselves from you, to protect themselves.

Peterson IS a cuck, and cucks think it is the end of the world if anybody think they are racist.

Jews are just more intelligent.... is about as cuckish as it's possible to be, without prepping the bull for real.

No one will reply to this

The fuck are you talking about?

>Why does Peterson position himself as an opponent of post-modernism when he pushes radical individualism and thinks people shouldn't take pride in their heritage?

Because he's not very bright. How can one be considered bright but not understand that man is inherently a social animal that only exists in the context of collectives, whose individuality is almost entirely defined by what collectives he was born or earned association into?
I'd be interested to know what "individual accomplishments" Jordan Peterson believes are worthy of taking pride in; I wager they'd mostly be base, materialistic accomplishments.

>They almost fired him
They sent him a warning letter dumb fuck. It's IMPOSSIBLE to fire a tenured professor for intellectual beliefs without a huge court fight they'd surely lose.

There IS a leftist raid going on here, they're shooting themselves in the foot because they get rid of him, they make room for people with my mindset who want to shoot first and ask questions later.

Pretty sure the only shill in this thread is you, bucko

to be fair canada is way worse with shit like this and a lot of them are actually proud of it. they always proudly say they aren't "like americans." of course the irony of them doing things like simultaneously loving diversity in theory while having none in practice is completely lost on them

t. extended family to some leafs

then he should shut the fuck up and not directly attack the idea of preserving your race and culture
he doesn't have to come out in support of it but he goes out of his way to attack it


>Are these not foundational ideas from which all other post-modernist ideas stem?

No, post-modernist is the idea that multiple interpretations of the world are equally valid and object truth is not as important.

you're a kike shill, that's a known quantity. A swasi is not something to be thrown around on a nip cartoon forum. Same way you kikes always give yourselves way by drawing swasis (incorrectly) on walls, trash cans, whatever..

>That's Dr. Peterson to you
Ah, yes, he bought some credentials from a degree factory, certainly a pride-worthy accomplishment.

> I've been arming, training, and praying for civil war for almost a decade.

It's not going to happen, but I'm sure you know it. You are on a straight path towards gradual decay and you can see how the future is going to look like in places like Detroit.

>This might fuck him.

Good. People surfing on our wave needs to be aware that we can destroy them if they cuck.

because he's either retarded or a jewshill

>But you can contribute to your group after you have mastered yourself.
Or, you can be a functional human being and contribute to your tribe while you work on perfecting yourself, because the work of perfecting one's self is work that is never completed.

How do you meaningfully reply to "you're a shill"?

You realise there's very little incentive to shill against Peterson right? He's not some scary radical.


>muh everyone who doesn't worship Mr bible series and individualism personality cult man is a shill

Maybe it's because he's exposed himself as a hypocrite and a liar? Complains about leftists not debating ideas they don't like; shirks any debate with anyone to the right of him. I don't have time for someone who says his number one thing is "telling the truth" to then say things like "Israel is held to standards no other country is held to--jews have a right to collectively defend themselves, but Europeans don't"

I've given him the benefit of the doubt for a while, even though i stopped listening to him some time ago (because he just repeats the same statements ad nauseam, and has a bunch of retarded followers who look to him like some kind of Messiah--it's pathetic and embarrassing).

Oh look another JP thread. The 10th one this morning.

>I smell fear

>Anyone who levels criticism my pet celebrity must be a shill

Grow a brain.

>and object truth is not as important.
This part certainly applies. The objective truth of the matter is that in-group behaviour/collectivism is an evolved feature of the human species, and without it human civilization would not be possible. Proof? The last 500 thousand years of human history and every single civilization that has ever existed.

>people like Shapiro lead the way for the new right
Shapiro and his people have been leading you forever.

Because he's not very bright.
>Because he's not very bright.
Because he's not very bright.
>Because he's not very bright.
Because he's not very bright.
>Because he's not very bright.
Because he's not very bright.
>Because he's not very bright.
Because he's not very bright.

> Clean up room.
> Clean up house and family.
> Clean up friends and local community.
> Clean up nation and have pride.

Getting bested by a girl on the internet, that's pretty pathetic.

> bought some credentials from a degree factory

Sure, he bought a degree and achieved nothing. He's just like you, even worse. You're actually better then him. Smart boy.

Exactly. I understand why people don't want to tackle issues like that - it has very big, very real world consequences for your life. That's understandable and forgivable. Even saying that you don't support racism blah blah blah is understandable. It's when you cross the line into attacking people (and attacking them hard) who do care about their race and culture is when it becomes unforgivable

He's a shabbos goy with no self respect or gratitude for his society. He isn't too far removed from lolbergs that would tolerate any injustice against his own kind for a bit of money.

Not at all goy

>he has single-handedly awakened North America to the dangers of communism and post modernism, had millions of people read Gulag Archipelago and books by Orwell, Dostoevesky, Friedrich Nietzsche, Carl Jung, Christopher Browning etc. He has created programs for improving yourself, lectures on religion, traditions, values and many, many other things. He is also creating a website to make people aware of the meme degrees to stop people taking women studies, social sciences etc.

i've been telling you faggots since he fucking popped up that he's a disingenuous faggot, and now we've put him on a pedestal and his making 100k a month for crying about le postmodernists

>ITP: argumentum ad populum
What matters when discussing these sorts of things is who is correct, not who has a mob behind them.

>here's very little incentive to shill against Peterson
The jews and their camp followers collect shekels from old jews and need to show the sheldon adelson types they are "doing something to fight nazis." Also, the way the insane queers froth at the mouth around him on the electric jew, there is clearly a fraction of population who want him out of picture.

I just can't help but wonder if they've thought out what comes next and who would win...

Is that Max Hardcore?

I'd bet more people read Gulag Archipelago due to William L Pierce than Jordan Peterson.

Yes goy, out of all the people trying to fuck the western world up every single day, our women being raped, culture and heritage being eroded but lets all say what a bad person JP is. HAHAH, fucking idiots.

Who the fuck cares how much he makes. He does not force people to send him money. They pay him for his services.

>hello jealous commie

>yes goy, take the platform away from anyone approaching your camp, they don't deserve ANY shekels, if they're not fully inside your camp
>no goy, it is not a necessary stepping stone for more radical speakers to make money someday
>no goy, financial incentives don't shape society


Every cocksucker that attacks white identity helps rape those women.

I can guarantee you that is not true.

He is right now trying to undermine our national pride. The effect of that being "Why bother spending sweat, blood, tears, lives and trasure defending and maintaining our nation? It's nothing to do with me".

He's a snake. An articulate one, but still.