The kikes are laughing at us

There couldn't be a much more cunning and poetic scheme than making the very people who persecuted your ancestors for kikery, into minorities in their own lands, turning whites into the ancient Jews of yesteryear. And using the control of the media, government institutions and academia to meme whites into genociding themselves, leaving enough doubt to not make it seem obvious to the average Normie's of their role in their demise. Honestly I couldn't believe it if I didn't realise how perfect of a revenge this is for a vengeful race. I just can't wait for Jews to pull the curtains, and tell us how they did it, how they tricked the mighty white race into destroying themselves.

Bravo Jews, Bravo.

Other urls found in this thread:

The last few remaining whites who resisted race mixing and the childless meme and who survived the inevitable race war, are going to be the new Jews, landless, stateless and going from one enriched shithole to another, barely surviving, looking for shekel or two, whilst being hated by the very mudbloods your ancestors welcomed to their lands. The Jews will be in Israel, laughing at us in their fortified technologically advanced country, whilst the west cannibalises itself.

This was their plan all along


correlation =/= causation

Kikes were expelled across cultures because they were different and retained their own culture. Not because they did bad shit (except for that one case where they were making illegal coins or some shit).

Even then, if you believe Jews are innocent(which is plausible), it seems like right now, they have every reason to exact revenge us. We are vulnerable and weak. We shouldn't be paying for the crimes of our ancestors. Jews have held that anger, generation after generation, and they're getting their revenge

I don't believe (((they))) are innocent when it comes to those Weinsteins and shit in power, but let me just rebuttal your
>they have every reason to exact revenge on us
Exact revenge on the Americans who saved them from the holocaust? From the Australians and Brits who allowed them to live among them and (mostly) blend in?
Hell, modern Jews don't even hate Greeks or Egyptians, countries who have a much more infamous history within Jewish traditions.

Honestly, I believe Jews until recently were innocent. Let's be honest here, we killed them and drove them away from our lands when our peasant overlords couldn't pay debts, or if there's was s problem in a kingdom and the lordship used the Jews as a scapegoat. Or if they got too wealthy and powerful through their own wit and smarts, and the locals got jealous . Until the late 19th century, the vast majority of Jews were innocent. But the last 150 years, the Jewish intelligentsia have been trying their best to subvert European society. And Anglos/Americans may have never persecuted Jews, but I believe Jews are brainwashed by their elders to think all whites secretly want to kill them, which is why they're always on the defense. I believe they have psychological damage from centuries of persecution, passed down from one generation to another, and their neurosis about another Shoah is making them flood our lands with non whites as a defense mechanism against another possible Shoah. It's like an abuse victim who abuses others, so they won't feel vulnerable anymore. They might even be doing this unconsciously. But there is no doubt, an endemic hatred and distrust against whites within the Jewish community

They must have a base in Australia, can't believe its all proxy kikes here.

When muslims flood our countries, the first victims are Jews. But still they're the biggest advocates for diversity, unless it's in Israel.

They're only here to seal our fate, then they'll flee to Israel when the damage is done. It's the only reason they'd put themselves on the line, they have no real ties here.

We've all been Jewed at some point. It's happened for literally millenia.

>Honestly, I believe
Belief has nothing to do with it faggot. Read some history. Jews have strong in group preference and disdain for the out group. The religion is a literal tribe supremacist cult and they have been hated universally by every people they have ever lived with because of that.

Once again, your entire thesis falls apart by the absolute fact that the only Jews who are in power are secular Jews.

>they're the biggest advocates for diversity, unless it's in Israel
Only for countries that are not specifically meant to be religious countries.
Israel is meant to be a country for Jews. The U.S. isn't.

>citations needed

>secular Jews
You never met or worked with many have you?

But it's because of that history of persecution they have such an in group preference. Remember, when Rome sacked Jerusalem, they killed a predicted half a million Jews. They have a history of being persecuted by unfriendly outsiders. Perhaps Jews have made it a self fulfilling prophecy that they'd be kicked out of lands by the way they behave and concentrate power. But no doubt, it was non Jews who threw the stone first.

Jews never assimilate.

Imagine being that much of a faggot, you actually believe they'll reach their end goal.

The EJC lists as its primary objectives on its website the following:

To combat the resurgence of anti-Semitism through education, justice and security, in co-operation with governments and European institutions.
To promote a balanced European policy towards Israel and the Middle East, and to assist in the construction of a healthy dialogue between Europeans and Israelis.
To foster inter-religious dialogue and understanding.
To ensure memory and education of the Holocaust.
To contribute to a democratic European society based on peace, understanding and tolerance.
To assist in the revitalisation of the once rich Jewish life in Central and Eastern Europe.
To counteract assimilation of the European Jewish population

Culture wise? You are 100% correct.
But just like the Chinese, they commit very few crimes and are hardworking.

Elaborate please.

The UK is an Anglican state, under the Church of England. It's leader is our Monarch, and by the way, Aussie, also yours.

That didn't stop the Jews campaigning for vibrant diversity here, and it didn't stop us getting it.

Muh "thesis" didn't differentiate between secular and religious Jews. They both carry the memory of their ancestors persecution, and cultural impact of their history and their hostile interactions with non jews. Being Jewish is more of an ethnicity than a religion.

If you guys want to revert back to an Anglican state, more power to you and more power against the Jews who decide to go against the religious beliefs of their host country.

Same with Australia. Recently Australia voted in favour of gay marriage. I think my country is the furthest away from being anything remotely close to a traditional Jesus-related religion.

That's incorrect though since secular Jews give zero fucks about traditions and their own religion, which is the entire basis of any "memory" or hatred they may carry.
>Being Jewish is more of an...
I was worried you'd go down this path but that is entirely 100% incorrect. An Asian nigger who converts to Judaism and follows the Jewish religion is 100% more Jewish than some Hollywood kiddy fiddler. This thought process is common both in official Jewish texts and among the broader religious Jewish community (aka. it's representatives).

>To counteract assimilation of the European Jewish population

Every uncucked white in history has seen the kikes for what they are, a parasitic flock of vultures who profit off of misery, vice, and usury.

Then why are secular Jews as likely to bring up the Holocaust and the 600 times they got booted from any given region as their religiously inclined brethren? Why do secular Jews still marry other Jews, and identify as Jewish if they don't care about their culture? Why do they still practice nepotism? Hollywood is just choke full of secular Jews and yet muh holocaust is as present there as in any religious Jewish community. You don't know what you're talking about mate.

Maybe our ancestors made them monsters?

All those things you said are true, however:

We ARE still an Anglican state. But political correctness as it is, you wouldn't know that looking out at it. There's a convenient (((reason))) why.

>Secular Jews give zero fucks about their traditions and religion

If you think whites on this forum give a fuck about their ancestors beliefs, for the most part your wrong. Clearly, this doesn't mean they don't care about their people. If your people experienced thousands of years of genocide and displacement, perhaps you'd be just as eager to act out revenge fantasies against the descendents of those people as they are.

But the whole "thousands of years of built up revenge" theory falls apart when you realise modern Jews don't hate Egypt and Greece.

I think the six gorrilion gave them bigger fish to fry. Maybe if that hadn't happened, they'd still harp on about it like Muslims do with the crusades from time to time.

Honestly, even a lot of Jews can't refuse this fact.

Plus, you have to consider that the west collectively still poses an active threat. It's far more powerful than Egypt or Greece. They don't want to just get revenge. They want a secure future like all other people.

You may be right.

But at the end of the day, any Jew who doesn't practise their religion (or at least TRIES) should not be considered a Jew.

Well they have genetic markers that are unique to Jews. Being Jewish is as much about being apart of a distinct subrace, and ethnicity as it is about being apart of a religion. By your definition, Israeli's are y Jews since they have the highest atheist population of any country besides northern Europe.

That's not how they view it. Israel literally gives out free holidays to ethnic Jews, paid for by their connections to every major successful business in the West.

As long as they:
A - Visit the Holocaust Museum
B - Meet hot Jewish Women

The point being to stir up nationalism and procreate. So clearly, by the standards of Jewish authorities, it is as much an ethnicity as it is a religion.

I think we'll have to agree to disagree here because we've reached an impasse.

I firmly believe that a Jew who doesn't practise the religion or tries is not a real Jew.
But then again I also believe that modern Israel lost its way since its inception after WWII anyway. The country of Israel should be religious, and the fact that it's not defeats its purpose. I mean they have a freaking mardi gras in it.

So... yeah.

Sure buddy

Why don't you believe me.

Because blood is thicker than holy water. We've explained that to you six ways from sunday.

And I disagree. Only difference is the Jewish texts back me up.

Yeah and I have the state of Israel, along with the word of a secular Jew trying to enrich sweden, and the reasoning of a secular Jew as to why.

If think you understand being Jewish better than the Jews, then go ahead. I'm done here.

And I already told you, those idiots don't count as Jews. They don't believe in the religion, they don't follow the rules, and they're OFFICIALLY cast aside by their own Orthodox """"brethren"""".

How many times do we have to repeat same mistake? You better learn about evolution of different species and why religions were invented in the first place. Think at least about what was first behavioral patterns or a religion formed based on that.

>why seculars bring up the holocaust

In my eyes, it's not because of my "jewish bretheren" that got killed, it's because if i was present at that time i would've gotten fucked up for who were my parents or whatever dumb law they wrote back then, regardless of me saying i'm not jewish. You see what i'm saying?
Normally i wouldn't gloat at what's happening in europe right now and actually feel bad about it, but after spending a few months in pol and seeing what people are saying about me without even knowing me, i couldn't give less fucks, and the idea of revenge you broght up is becoming more and more appealing.

The rules came first, then the people. Not the other way round.


You both are fucking faggots. Circumcised cock suckers. Subhuman garbage bogans

Thanks for setting the record straight

yep pretty much this. if you bothered to read the bible you'd have seen it coming. they've been telegraphing this for years. it's been in the movies an tv shows non stop.
honestly, it wasn't even that difficult, that's the fucking sad thing about it.

Its understandable that Jews want revenge. But nothing good will come from this.

After Jews were expeled from Bulgaria in 1352, Turks invaded our lands in 1355.... And then our Tsar married ''a beautiful'' Jewish woman, send his first Christian wife to a monastery and disinherited his heir to the throne for the half-Jewish newborn son. And..... Bulgaria few to the Turks...

This theory came to my mind as well one or two times, but if it's true than I wonder why they do it to all white countries, especially in the West, and not only to Germany?
Is it like in Jack Reacher, kill a whole group to cover up that you wanted to murder one certain member of this group? Or do they turn all of us into nu-Jews, homeless, but also tribeless, identityless (if everyody has a migration background or is mixed, nobody has anything to rely on) while they have a nation. Turn the tables 180° around?

Jews don’t even have that much power anymore. Jews nowadays just get off on people thinking they have power and revolve their personalities around that idea, trying to cultivate it into reality.

Well jews believe that at one point or another, every European nation oppressed them. Even if it happened a thousand years, that's enough reason for them to hold your people responsible if the sins of your ancestors. Victimhood is an important aspect of Jewish identity

How you doing, rabbi?

Don't worry Judenbro, Pol doesn't represent the west. I've now realised the errors of my way, please forgive us. We are just angry misguided lonely men and we've decided to use Jews as a punching bag to vent our frustration towards the system. Please help us kikelord

I still hate them.

Don't worry Judenbro, Pol doesn't represent the west. I've now realised the errors of my way, please forgive us. We are just angry misguided lonely men and we've decided to use Jews as a punching bag to vent our frustration towards the system. We are losing our countries, so we use Nazi imagery to feel powerful, but really we are powerless and impotent, whilst your people are all powerful.

Maybe you shouldn't have prosecuted them then


That's a bit rich.
Weren't you guys collaborating with the Nazis and killing Jews a few decades ago?

Not really, no. We were the country with literally the lowest number of collaborators and the highest number of people who helped, despite the fact that in Poland it was punishable by death.

I think you mean persecuted.

So, what what would you define what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians?

Also, the whole old testament is literally a series of stories of Jews going around committing genocide on one group after another.

Yeah, you just aren't expelled without a cause

>without a good cause

Yes thank you.
Honestly, it's not my bussiness, I don't have a stance on that and I'm thankfull I don't have to. But just because they had a book that described how they commited genocide more than 2000 years ago doesn't mean I should go and do the same to them now.

>So, what what would you define what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians?

It's not genocide if the population increases

we know how they did it

they tricked our people into murdering each other in the 2 most destructive wars of all time in which all the best, bravest and most honest men perished on both sides leaving the limp wristed, morally bankrupt cowards and faggots repopulate and carry society forward.
everything else is just ripples from this main effect.

Well it's suffice to say that Europe 1000 years ago was a lot more xenophobic, superstitious and less welcoming to others than today(which isn't a bad thing either).
So an ethnic minority controlling one aspect of an economy(as Jews tend to do) would be looked on with suspicion by the natives, even if they didn't do anything wrong and they provided great service, kind of like how the chinks and Asians invent all kinds of myths about each other in order to defame one another. My Vietnamese neighbour claimed the Cheese neighbour next door, poisoned her, despite the fact that the Chinese neighbour was not in town that week. So a similar thing happened to Jews when they interacted with the locals. Plagues were blamed on Jews, failed crops were blamed on Jews etc. I'm sure there are bad Jews, but I'm guessing for most of those cases of jews being kicked out of their host nation was for shitty reasons or they were being scapegoated.

Herp derp, it's OK as long as we don't kill ALL of them...

Crimes against humanity yes but genocide I don't think so. The population of Palestene doubles every couple of decades

I must be thinking of another eastern European shithole

Yeah and what did Canada ever do to deserve the Soros treatment? Justin Trudeau didn't just happen by accident. The SJWs are positioned as Marxist shock troops across the land. There is no way forward but warfare WITH OUR CHILDREN. We are fucked either way.

We fought in all the Jewish Wars and gave up resources and our Bank without a fight. We don't even have a Republic just a meme toothless monarchy.

So we are a bunch of nice guys being led to genocide because we couldn't imagine anyone could be that evil.