Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the official Frid/a/y night Osu! thread
All Sup Forums lobbies will have the password "rage" and can be found by simply typing "Sup Forums" in the multiplayer search bar. Please make sure to choose songs accordingly to the lobby's prescribed difficulty.
Osu frid/a/y
Other urls found in this thread:
>rhythm game
who are you quoting?
>only lobby is on insane difficulty
git gud
>played online
>stuck at 5.2*
>starts playing offline since a month
>all of a sudden able to play maps I never thought I would be able to
Never had this much fun when I was playing online.
I wish I was good enough to join. I only have 2 hours play time but it's super fun. It makes me feel like pic related.
just join
Joining for the fresh maps
Fuck spaced singles
I only play Osu!mania
just git gud
Come play osu! with us!
Your Christmas present is RSI.
Love, peppy.
How good am I supposed to be after ~1600 play count?
I'm currently walled at ~90% acc on 3.25-3.5 star maps.
You're doing fine there user, just take your time and slowly get into ar 9, there's where the fun begins.
Thanks user. It's reassuring to know I'm going at a good pace. I've been wanting to git gud enough to join in on these lobbies for awhile now.
you don't need to be 'good' to join the lobbies
it's mostly about finding new maps and having fun
and if the maps are too hard to the point where you can't enjoy them, just turn on RX or something
even playing RX mode can improve your hand-eye coordination
come join guys!
I agree mps are for fun but RX doesn't really improve anything. Except maybe for listening to the beat but auto or editor does that better anyways. I would really suggest you to git gud first. It's really more fun when you can actually play them. But if you don't really care, then just have fun! Nothing beats the fun in mp games.
RX lets you rest your clicking hand and focus on your mouse/pen movement
I like it
cancer maps
Say it to my face and not online then see what happens fucker
>mfw nobody plays taiko
Can anyone give me advice on streaming? I've tried the long stream practice maps but my fingers tense up halfway through. Am I supposed to play more of it or something?
Just play like you usually do without avoiding streamy maps.
I dunno, streaming is the easiest part for me, unless hit circles are far from each other.
Jumping on the other hand...
>medal unlocked: totality
I do play kinda bursty kind of stream maps nowadays and do generally well, but when streams like santa san comes up, I just get tons of 100s and 50s during the streams. And how I wish my fingers were like yours user. Streaming is much harder to learn than jumping imo.
no! i missed it
I came back to osu after taiko and noticed how easier streaming become.
However, I can't do anything beside streaming now. I used to be spinnerfag, constantly spinning at 400+ but I lost it too. Fucking taiko.
Maybe it's to separate people who plays with tablets to people who doesn't.
You can always make a new room.
Nice. Perhaps I should try taiko again. Any tips? I get really confused at taiko's rhythm with the blue and red notes the last time I tried it.
But some of us who play in the lobby don't play with tablets, user.
Who is angelsim or wilchq or doomsday or mouseeasy. Cookiezi nearly fcd image material in 1 try on mouse. Stop procrastinating.
>Any tips?
Don't know about how other people are playing, so I am not sure if that's good advice, but:
First - button layout. I have reds on my left hand and blues on my right. Something like "SD" - red and "KL" - blue. You can swap them and use other buttons, like "zx" and ",."
Second - you need to train to use two fingers on both hands instead of one. I remember some difficulties with that when I tried to play taiko for the first time, but it's necessary.
Third - remember patterns. There are not so much of them (with only two buttons, it's not a surprise) and the main difficulty is how fast can you register a patterns that are flying at you. If pattern is too big and complex you can always visually separate it on a smaller ones.
For example: Something like RBBRBBBRRBBBRBR is a 4 simpler patterns: RBBR, BBB, RRBBB and RBR.
Again, it's my methods, so I am not sure how good they are.
Would be great if somebody could give me some advice too.
i thought i was the only one who sucked at taiko
Alright, thanks user! I'll try it out soon.
>For example: Something like RBBRBBBRRBBBRBR is a 4 simpler patterns: RBBR, BBB, RRBBB and RBR.
It's stuff like this that boggles me, I mean, it makes in standard when the hitsounds correspond to the instrument followed but taiko seems like a big mess on what they follow to me.
Don't worry user, I suck at everything I play.
Also, if you want to play taiko only to learn streaming, don't. It would be better to continue to play osu.
tbqh, I don't mind playing something else. osu standard is literally the only game I play and the streaming problem is pretty much my wall for quite some time (it gets pretty frustrating). Taiko seems fun anyways.
>But some of us who play in the lobby don't play with tablets, user.
Then you are in the group of the few people who can play insane without one.
I'm fairly certain there's quite a few people that can play 5*+ with a mouse. I sure can and i've been using a shitty no-name serioux mouse since i started playing. I'm barely 70k, so there must be many others ahead of me that can play harder maps with mouse.
>group of few people
You'd be surprised at the amount of people in the lobby that plays with mouse. We even have one (or a few, not too sure about that) mouse only players there.
On another note, anyone interested in playing a new room?
Come join us!
Lobby is still up.
>mfw rank 4000 and only gooks to play with
I hate this game so much.
4 years and still no aim. Everything else went to shit as well after taking some months off.
Insanes are too easy..