Croatian Nazi general drinks poison just like a real nazi. What a lovely day!
Croatian Nazi general drinks poison just like a real nazi. What a lovely day!
Success breeds jealousy
Za Dom!
Suicide is for faggots
what a pussy ass bitch
did he died?
Also, mandatory ZDS
We dont know, doors are closed for already 20 minutes, maybe they are reviving him.
Brate dogodine u Sarajevu? DOGODINE
...So what'd he do? Killed a bunch of mudslimes?
Wasn't Croatia allied with them against Serbs though? Somebody please fill me in on this.
>no cyanide pill like all Nazis
>has to be a theatrical little bitch
tfw he has a backup bottle.
Now compare this faggot Croat to based Mladic who will never end his life to escape a prison sentence.
Metal as fuck.
Until 1994 Croats were in war vs Muslims, but the irony is muslim females and children were refugees in Croatia while their husbands were fighting versus Croatis in Herzegovina.
you should have never helped them in the first place
Mladic will socc cocks till he day he die. Toothless cocksuckers are highly priced in prison
This picture is so fucking ridiculous, did you know that oustachis killed 90.000 muslims ?
>das a good boy
We needed to act good to get better PR in world public. Medic helicopter just came to Den Haag building, if he dies shit is going to hit the fan in western Herzegovina, Mostar is going 2 burn tonight. Just research how Americans and Mudslimes cheated Croats in Mostar.
Oh, it's that Croat-Albanian mutt from Russia again
suicide is for faggots
Hilarious. I assume you're a Croat and faggot since you are triggered enough to respond to me when I am agreeing with your OP.
Can't wait for the next war. Serbia got a lot of new weapons from Russia so I bet this time they will destroy the Muslims and it would be even better if Croatia Montenegro and Macedonia helped
Then why haven't you an heroed yet?
meh they made it this long all your communist idols are already in the ground and long exposed as the useless nu male faggots they were
Maznuo jedan orahovac da se smiri
It's the cowards way out.
no you
Literally would do the same if i was one of them.
>ZOGmerica attacks whites and sides with shitskins
Imagine my shock.
Mladic is better off in Hague than he would be in a serbian or bosnian retirement home.
My grandpa was there, its a fucking hotel compared to the retirement 'homes'.
nah. Croatia has lost any objective to ever wage wars the only way they get involved is if Bosnia splits into two or gets unified forcefully.
Serbia is in a fucked position where they cant advocate for the freedom of choice of the serbs in bosnia without consenting to a independent kosovo.
id argue by the time most of the war veterans die max ~20y shit will start to get real again
This is what Muslims want. One comment from their main news site, quote; “Bosniaks will surely win against Croats. Croats got rich on the back of Bosniaks, but we cleansed them. Croats in 10 years will fall to 5% an wih that they will lose constitutionality. In Federation there will be 3 times more Arabs and Bosniaks than Croats and thise Arabs will but up land from Croats.”
>mostar is going to burn
dude literally no one gives a fuck in mostar, the place is as it should be. everyone sticks to their own place and doesn't go there without a real reason.
UR doing anarchy wrong
>Mostar is going to burn tonight
>tfw this is the beginning of the end of the "Bosnian" memestate
>tfw the federation falls apart
>tfw Republika Srpska secceeds
>tfw muddies btfo for all eternity
>tfw can't sanction an EU member state
>tfw Serbs and Croats divide Bosnia and send all the balije packing to Ankara
Dogodine u Sarajevu, Milutine!
What did he say before killing himself?
>Croats in 10 years will fall to 5% an wih that they will lose constitutionality.
What great news. Croats are all faggots so the thought of reproducing is foreign to them I wouldn't be surprised if their population drops to 2 mil by 2050.
Has anyone seen the Glasnović speech in Parliament? He called out Šeks and Mesić for being informant commie trash, it happened like 30 minutes before Praljak drank the poison.
Croats from Bosnia are Serb tier anyway. Hope they go to western Europe and not Croatia. We have enough of their kind here.
I do not accept your verdict.
*drinks unknown liquid from vial
btw this is poison
*everyone in the courtroom loses their shit
calm down man you are being delusional
r.i.p sweet prince
Što ti imaš protiv Hercegovaca?
>We needed to act good to get better PR in world public
How much did it help?
You are treated like genocidal neonazis just like the serbs
You are an idiot. Those are crucial territories for Croatia, geopolitically speaking. Even if no Croats lived there, Croatia should held this area.
ništa efektivno
you do realize that Croatia and by extend the EU/US on the one side and Serbia and Russia on the other side are the guarantee that this country will remain the way it is
everyone who breaks the status quo is designated to be btfo'd by all other sides
I know who killed JFK! It was...
drink some praljak juice
>What did he say before killing himself?
Please don't kill me
deserves it, now he is in hell, much worse than prison
>canadian calling others faggots
Don't you have a dog to blow, Leaf?
digits say he is already kill
t. underage
just no
Šta to znači "Serb tier"?
Moj otac je došao iz Njemačke gdje je imao siguran posao i priključio se Hrvatskoj vojsci.
Jel to Serb tier?
Nemoj da to isred krive osobe kažeš.
lel savage
niska razina ponašanja, lopovi i ubice
absolute madman, cuckrat commits fucking sudoku on live tv, serbroach pampers general shits his diapers
what a time to be alive (thanks to america)
Imaju kockaste glave, ružni su do zla boga, i ne znaju što su samoglasnici osim o.
War criminals need to hang, no matter their nationality.
Good fucking riddance, traitor.
fucking LMAO
Sve mi je jasno.
They should hang.
But now Croatia is the only guilty country in Yugoslavia.
Traps are gay
hehehe that is fucking funny il be honest
serbitch detected
>implying the status quo will be broken by outside interference and not internal chaos
>implying RS won't jump at the chance to seperate from disgusting mudslimes
>implying the Croatia and its armed forces would sit idly by while mudslimes massacre Croat towns in BiH (as we all know they will)
>implying we and the Serbs won't raze your meme country to the ground, maybe even with Americans helping
jesi vidio presudu možda
i pokaži zastavu ne budi pička
>Not drinking Jim Jones' Kool-Aid
I'm not authorized to read OPs twitter link.
Wtf. Am I stalked by the government or how does this shit work?
You are muslim (ie non human). You are technically not "alive", just sentient.
Cowards wouldn't dare doing it.
What you listening right now faggots?
See here is eternal problem the Serbs face meaning Serbia itself will never support it
its the kosovo-RS paradox meaning that they have to be ether for or against self determination for both at the same time
Mfw survives with upset stomach and still does prison time.