>be me, 18, getting my first job while skipping college >all the 20/30-somethings I work with are spoiled af >they all think they're gonna get promoted within a year >they still rely on their parents to make financial decisions for them, plus constantly get showered with good boy points while still making a salary
I used to have sympathy for this generation. They were supposedly the hard working youth going up against the post-recession economy. In reality they're spoiled manchildren who've had it easy all their lives thanks to their parents.
Do you blame someone for not wanting to fit into corporate culture 40 or more hours a week and be fake every single hour?
Christopher Butler
I'm a Millennial and hate my generation. I will say the silver lining is that being surrounded by lazy entitled brats will make you look like a good employee by default.
Camden Howard
Having the privilege of doing that is what makes this country great. If you don't like it go get a job at McDonald's, and cut the socialism bullshit.
Bentley James
Ah a blame millennials bread where they are what's entirely wrong with society while having almost no impact on policies set forth by boomers who won't fucking retire. We've never heard this before. >inb4 spoiled millennial manchild Born in '85 and have worked since I was 7 and moved out at 17.
Wyatt Collins
Better to be a neet or someone's trap than a dumb laborer
All or nothing
Gavin Gomez
Honestly this. I didn't get any real competition until someone else my age was hired. I will say that millennials are more fun to have around. Lol
Brandon Ward
Do you know why they expect a promotion? Because that's what their parent boomers got. Boomers are the real problem here. A dog usually isnt born bad. Its how its raised.
Juan Butler
There are exceptions to the rule. I'm not judging people for being born as millennials, I'm judging millennials who reek of millennial habits.
Camden Myers
Youre just angry at lazy people. It doesn't matter whether they are millennial or not. I work with a bunch of lazy gen Xers while millennials have to carry their weight. Its just lazy people.