Get out.
Get out
I started working for uber. Pretty comfy desu
Do you get mad when real working people don't tip you?
Left HS in 2003. Haven't ever had a job. Don't drive. Don't use public transport. Don't leave the house.
Started seeing at clinical psychologist 6 months ago but I feel like it's only made me worse because I'm discussing my realities with another human in person so it's become very real to me now. That and she diagnosed me with a mental condition after sending me to some specialist for testing.
Now I've been referred to a psychiatrist because the doctors feel the psychologist wont work for me and that I need to now try medication to see if that helps. I don't even understand how the medication is supposed to help me, my mind is too far gone to function in society from being shut-in/isolated for so long, I actually love being isolated/shut-in now, I hate the outside, I hate every-time I have to get driven to the doctors office by my dad.
I don't understand why they think I can be "fixed". Unless the drugs would make me suddenly want to go outside and be around normies then it's never going to work.
Is there really brain-medications out there that would suddenly erase all my experiences and isolation and turn me into a normie? Sounds like that wouldn't exist.
Don't worry, I live off my parents, not your taxes.
Just kill yourself already.
Psychiatrists are the biggest kikes in the world, you're basically giving them more money.
I wonder what status do old taxi drivers have lol.
It's cold.
It's all state funded, I don't have money to pay for any of that shit. I'm in the process of applying for disability and I can't get it without seeing doctors.
I already got rejected once for not being considered "treated & stabilized" because I haven't had treatment from a psychiatrist yet.
I don't understand why they rejected me though, they gave me a work capacity of 0-7 hours, you only need
After being a wagecuck for three years I envy the illustrious NEET.
I made enough money that I don't have to work for the foreseeable future, and now after NEETing for years I'm basically cut out of normal working society and totally socially isolated. How do I motivate myself to match the efforts of people who really need the money? Fuck this gay earth tbqh I need some kind of revolutionary new strategy to get my life back under control and on track
Tough call honestly. Take it from a NEET/former wagecuck.
literally me
If you're willing to pay taxes so you can "have stuff", I'll gladly sit around enjoying spending that money on weed and...weed.
Not my fault you love stupid shit. To beat me, just join me.
I have three jobs, that means two neets get a pass. Their autism and sheer amount of free time have been a great help in the past.
The only drug that would do what you are alluding to here is one of the various amphetamines. It essentially makes people like us enjoy all of the inane, trivial shit that the common pleb relishes, but at a hitherto unknown cost.
I don't think there is anything wrong with your situation, bro. There is much wisdom in the enjoyment of solitude, and the forsaking of the world.
NEET life in modern (german) society is best life. Stay jealous wagecuck, keep paying those taxes, somebody has to make sure the niggers don't starve
Start learning some skill you do at home.
I think there becomes a point where if you're NEET for a certain amount of time, especially during developmental years, that you're basically screwed for life and will never any kind of life that is normal.
Undiagnosed mental illness that may have been cured/fixed/helped when I was a teenager went unchecked for all these years is what made me NEET in the first place and kept me NEET all this time. Now that I'm 30 and only recently started getting help from professionals it already feels way too late for anything to change for me for the better.
I just can't imagine life ever being normal for me, not even 5% normal. My best options are disability and waiting for inheritance to buy my own place and live out the remaining years of my life shut-in as I'm use to being, or the government should just put a bullet in my head now to save the money.
German taxes are suicide tier, why do your people keep taking it in the ass and not say anything about it?
>going outside
I'll pass.
Anyone else have that one relative, you know who I'm talking about.
That retarded, antisocial "kid" (a full-grown adult) who plays video games all day and treats his parents like shit. They work like 9-5 to pay for his video games, or his new mustang, and then they can never retire or die from exhaustion.
How selfish are these cunts.
>life that is normal
That's the keyword though. How much do you care about fitting in when you're happier living life the way you want?
Why is normalcy the ideal for you? What does that constitute exactly? Have you ever considered that you don't have a mental illness, but perhaps your intelligence has set your apart from your peers in a negative way (as it is often wont to do)?
You still have plenty of time to get things squared away, man. 30 is finally coming into full maturity for a man. It takes a long time to get shit sorted out; and the more complex a mind one has, the longer this process takes.
germans are cattle, most don't care about how their government treats them. Reason for that is our education system,you get taught authority is always right and if authority 'asks' you for money you give it to them without question, only a madmen would question them.
Also you are not allowed to homeschool your kids, I wonder why
The career cultists have nothing beyond their jobs. It's their whole identity and reality. They fear anyone that is different from them.
Nice false equivalency. I don't think most NEETs are demanding cars and new things all the time. I often see a lot of individualism and ascetic traits in those that live the lifestyle.
That used to be me.
I finally stopped being a pussy and got a job to help my parents. I was a fat little shit who I'd probably beat up if I went back in time.
In pretty much in that boat. It's just not worth being part of society. Society will fuck you over no matter how hard you work. No reason to live, no reason to die.
Stay off the SSRIs though, they're awful.
Yeah my cousin.
He's a little faggot who plays LoL all day, he also comes on Sup Forums so I don't hate him completely.
He's a spoiled little shit though.
>made almost $500 after tax in a part time retail grunt's job last week
>NEETs will never understand the thrill you get from church girls looking at your new suit.
How does an uber driver not count as a working person? The only difference between them and a pizza delivery driver is that there can't be any misgivings about whether or not you should actually tip the person.
They're also doing the public a service. Never enough cabs to take the drunks home while coddling them on a Friday night.
Teenagers aren't NEETs, strictly speaking. I love how all these 1-posters come to chime in on making the this particular lifestyle falsely equated with teenage arrogance.
>Is there really brain-medications out there that would suddenly erase all my experiences and isolation and turn me into a normie?
Try alcohol brah.
But dont get addicted. Nothing is worse than beying a shut in NEET with alcoholism.
Mental health fag here, do you mind saying what you have been diagnosed with?
My older brother, he's 27
>flaming liberal
>still lives with my parents
>parents are too nice to kick him out
>doesn't even have a degree or work history
If I were his parents, I'd disown him. He's also my second brother so I don't give a shit about him, me and my youngest brother who just got into college will make the most of our family name.
What does video games and being a spoiled lazy cunt have to do with being a teenager?
>being this jealous
mfw all these shills come and focus in on the one mid-thread bait post and take a stance of righteous indignation against people they don't care about, know about, or understand in the slightest.
Well in several of the posts there was obvious reference to "kids" and younger people... or did that little bit of nuance go over your shit for brains head?
I bullied my younger cousin and made him into a submissive bitch. The strong prey upon the weak. He's not like what you described, but he is practically worthless.
You're a dumb fucking animal. I can't wait for you to get the wake-up call you so badly need.
I didn't choose to raised by a singlemom normalfag.
i dont get how you can be a neet mcdonalds will literally hire anyone
if youre a neet your parents are rich so you'll probably say you have mental health issues or some other gay rich person excuse
Nice digits parasite.
Why should I listen to someone like you?
You're basically a pile of shit, you have no credibility in any of your statements, you're a NEET; uneducated and too stupid to find a place in society.
Keep posting in this thread, I'm just going to ignore you.
t. liberal nigger
>ITT ragie wagies
Sometimes I like to get up early and go fo a jog to watch all the wage cucks yelling at each other in traffic on their way to slave away for Jews. Then I either go back to sleep for a few hours or make myself a nice big breakfast and have coffee and read while they get yelled at by mr. Noseburg.
Lol okay, pal. I work full-time, but I have gone through periods of isolation and unemployment for a number of reasons, so I can relate.
Congratulations loser. You broke one of the few People that have a genuine interest in Your existance. At worst case he will be useless to you when you need him, and at worst he will wisen up and enact revenge
McDonalds is cruel and unusual punishment. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
We definitely have a shortage of retail workers though, retail workers who actually WORK in particular.
Literally sub-human nigger behaviour. KYS.
video games are subversion tools to pacify the population, I don't get why so many Sup Forums posters defend the vidya jew
doesnt matter if youre a NEET you need to occupy yourself and mcdonalds is easy. once you learn how to not be a faggot working at mcdonalds you can go get a real job and stop being a fucking pussy who relies on their rich parents
it's funny how the people you describe are always feigning mental illness and are from middle-class families
Like other people, my cousin is like this, but it's mainly due to bad parenting. You need to be stricter on your kids if you get kids or plan to.
Yeah SSRIs are seriously bad for you, the withdrawals are worse than depression symptoms.
lol what a waste of a human
the wagies are ESPECIALLY ragie today. don't make me call your manager.
Get a job u neet
I wish you were my kid. Would've beaten your ass until not even a squatty potty would let you go to the bathroom.
What would even make you do that to another person, let alone your own blood? I hope the little basket case snaps and kills you in your sleep.
I know it. Was on em for a year. Never had a panic attack till I was on em. The withdrawal was awful.
Acceping a truth is much harder when you are emotionally bound to the subject.
Schizoid personality disorder and severe depression, even though I don't feel depressed, but then again maybe I'm just use to it.
It took a few months to get a diagnosis because they wanted to dismiss all other possibilities like autism or drug/alcohol induced problems. Also had blood work done to check for other health issues, all that came back fine. Never had a drug in my life, never drank alcohol before.
Oh fuck off. "Everything is Jew!" Just eat and sleep eh? or is food and rest of the Jew too?
I'm a NEET and live a simple life where I read books, work out, and meditate. I think the world is too far gone and bringing based white children into this disgusting world is actually immoral.
Like how did you end up like this, if you dont mind me asking?
>Paranoid schizoid
We all are user. We all are.
Look my dude, entertainment is a double edge sword that has the potential to educate or sheepify the individual. Vidya is entertainment and the same applies to it. Vidya has zim zammed my flim flams which allowed me to branch off to better things like books.
>Hasn't taken the /nofood/ pill
>Eating food.
Too far gone. Let him go.
Lol, /nofood/Pill me on food senpai.
I don't know. I've never been normal. It's not like one day I just went from normie to shut-in. I never wanted to be around other kids when I was a kid. I always wanted to be at home away from people my entire life. According to my mum, when she took me and my sister to day-care I autistically screeched and cried when she left, and then I just sat away from all the other kids and never interacted with them. My sister was the opposite and liked being around other kids.
I always just did my "own thing" in kindergarten and the same in primary school, and then the same in high-school, but in high-school it became a lot harder to be "that guy" that never talks to anyone and is always alone, so then people started randomly attacking me physically and verbally for being a loner. I wasn't ever good at school either, I was in the retarded cunt classes for maths, etc.
There became a point in time during high-school (10th year) where I decided there was no point in going to school anymore because I wasn't able to learn anything, failed everything, and on top of it I was being harassed constantly physically and verbally. It only made sense that I just stop going to school and stay home all the time. I don't actually care about being made fun of or anything, I don't care what other people say, but getting pushed, punched and kicked randomly by groups of people wasn't something I enjoyed dealing with on a constant weekly basis.
10th year was the year when you could legally leave school without the police coming to your house and fucking you, so I decided to leave then. Parents were all against it of course but they couldn't do anything. That was in 2003, been home ever since.
The clinical psychologist I stopped seeing recently openly said "you don't give me much to work with, this is very hard", and then told me to go see a psychiatrist instead. So my doctor took her advice and refereed me to one.
>Anyone blaming the children
Its a parents job to give children the tools and skills they need to make it in the world
Children are only a reflection of that
how old were you when you grew out of the neet meme Sup Forums?
Damn, quite similar to me. Never picked on or anything though, just ignored. Wasn't really bad at school, passed tests but never did homework, therefor failed all classes. Swept under the rug with the dipshits. Dropped out second week of 11th grade, was legal then. Got my GED. Worked tons of shit jobs for the next decade, either quit or fired. (mostly female bosses . . .)
Been living on the internet since.
To be honest the way I see it, most people function in a working society, other people simply don't.
There's nothing wrong with not fitting in, everybody's different. Some people have red hair, others are left handed, some people simply don't do socializing. It's alright, man. Just do what makes you feel most comfortable and try to find some sort of happiness in that.
go die in a gutter eating dog food geezer. social security wont be a thing in 5 years thanks to the god emperor because wars cost monies and you like wars dont you OP. so do other old people. makes their dicks hard thinking about brown guys getting shot.
poor people also like the idea of brown guys getting shot . they think it will some how help them economically. they will lose welfare. also thanks to the god emperor
yea the universe tends to correct itself and not in a faggy hippie way more like divine retribution
If it weren't for the social stigma, I'd be a neet without second thoughts.
With the internet there is close to a lifetime of valuable entertainment. At the very least a decade.
If you're working full time, you're not living.
How did you get at work though?
I simply haven't even bothered trying for work because I don't drive, and can't use public transport, so I'm not physically able to go.
I get overwhelmed by lots of things going on around me, so I can't drive, traffic makes me dizzy, even as a passenger I have to look at one side of the car and just stare , I can't look around me in different directions. I can't be around large crowds of people tucked into 1 small space, so public transport is a no go.
I think my issues with driving are connected to my ability to learn new things, I get overwhelmed when I have to process to much information at once.
It would be nice to be able to drive but I know 100% I'd cause car accidents constantly and I'd rather not deal with that.
Social stigma doesn't work if you're not part of society.
There are specialized driving instructors for this.
Also you're probably not getting into accidents, the people with the biggest chance for that are the aggressive drivers that overestimate themselves.
You just don't have an opportunity, if you get it you can easily manage. It's just that with modern times less workers are needed and if you don't have connections it's impossible to find a good job
OCD is my only issue. The type where you think of every embarrassing thing you ever did and it comes back all at once and makes you want to curl up and die.
It was mostly my Dad who pushed me to work, but weed was how I was able to work. It helped that he was, and still is, a pothead. Not even kidding. It's all booze nowadays but if I had a contact, I'm sure I could give it another go.
It sounds like you have it worse though.
Cheesecake is good for that.
Go do a sport then
I am a NEET on disabillity bucks and i fucking hate my life.
Born healthy but fucked beyond repair at age three after getting a brain infection 2 weeks after getting (((the vaccine against braininfection)))
I did move out at 23 though so atleast i am not leeching of my parents anymore.
Wish i could be of meaning to society but alas, have to play with the cards i’ve been dealt with.
I dont get the NEET hate. We are the chans, you wagies are the foreigners who drop in when it suits you. We live here.
You are in our domain if you dont like it you should fuck off.
Damn, have you got anything going on tho?
Something you are good at , that you can earn even minimal money with?
As society currently is you cant really continue this lifestyle for long
Taxpayers are literally cucks. Paying for single mom mudsharks and their Tyrone spawn. KYS
>As society currently is you cant really continue this lifestyle for long
Are you kidding? This is what society is trending towards. The more people dependant on the government the better as far the powers that be are concerned. Dependants = votes. Hence the push for more immigrants.
I've lived on $0/year for my entire life so far, so when my disability gets accepted eventually that's going to be more than enough for me to live off.
>Paying for single mom mudsharks and their Tyrone spawn.
>and their Tyrone spawn.
you get that that's you in this scenario right?
Going to sleep now. Good luck to you user, I hope you feel better about your life, but if not, take some consolation in knowing you are not alone. There are millions of us for whom society does not work.
>be me 23
>left house havin 19 into foreing country
>living now in peace as wagecuck
at least i got a job and dont need to be breastfed by parents ... my younger brother did the same thing ... explain to me why theese mongs wont leave house and get a job ?
There is nothing wrong with being a parasite who only eats microwave burgers from tesco
Sorry m8 I'm too sensible to act against my own interest.
I society is going to have free riders I'm going to be one of them, not get cucked by the taxman while the refugees relax.