f you are a numerically inferior group hell-bent on conquering a numerically superior group, then the promotion of suicidal individualism would be the tactic of choice to use against the larger group. The fact that this is EXACTLY what Peterson is doing is enough for me to conclude that he is compromised and subversive. The fact that he worships Jews and refuses to criticise them seals the issue for me.
The ONLY thing which can ensure a white majority in all European countries and the United States, the preservation of white Europeans world wide and the defense against Jewish subversion is racial/ethnic in-group preference. NEVER forget what's at stake! These years decide the fate of white Europeans for the next hundreds of years, the nex thousand years! And most likely their irreversible fate. And the anti-white Jews and leftists know this. NEVER compromise on it!
NEVER settle for gatekeepers! And in case you haven't realized: there is one group that recently started to loving Peterson beside boomer civic nationalists: /leftypol/
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_of_the_Romanov_family >The Russian Imperial Romanov family (Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Tsarina Alexandra and their five children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei) and all those who chose to accompany them into imprisonment – notably Eugene Botkin, Anna Demidova, Alexei Trupp and Ivan Kharitonov – were shot, bayoneted and clubbed to death
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakov_Yurovsky >(real name and patronymic Yankel Khaimovich) was a Russian Old Bolshevik best known as the chief executioner of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, his family, and four retainers on the night of 16 July 1918. >The Yurovsky family is of Jewish origin
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakov_Sverdlov >A number of sources claim that Sverdlov played a major role in the execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his family on 17 July 1918. >Sverdlov was born in Nizhny Novgorod as Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov to Jewish parents Mikhail Izrailevich Sverdlov and Elizaveta Solomonova.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipp_Goloshchyokin >He is known for taking part in the murder of the Romanov family and for the devastating role in Sovietization of Kazakhstan (Small October) which resulted in a deadly famine in Kazakhstan of 1932–33, which took between 1 and 2 million lives and is known in Kazakhstan as "the Goloshchekin genocide" >He is also often referred to as Shaya Goloshchekin (Шaя) by the diminutive from the name Isay in Yidish. "Filipp" is his party cryptonym. >From the family of a Jewish contractor.
Bentley Cook
>first Politburo, founded in 1917 to manage the Bolshevik Revolution: Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Stalin, Sokolnikov and Bubnov.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blank_family >mostly notable as the immediate ancestry of the maternal grandfather of Vladimir Lenin according to various published researchers who suggest that Lenin's maternal grandfather was a Jewish convert to Christianity (Alexander Blank).
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Trotsky >he served first as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs and later as the founder and commander of the Red Army, with the title of People's Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs. He became a major figure in the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War (1918–1923). >Leon Trotsky was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein on 7 November 1879, the fifth child of a Ukrainian Jewish family, of wealthy farmers in Yanovka or Yanivka, in the Kherson governorate of the Russian Empire (now Bereslavka, in Ukraine) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_in_the_Russian_Revolution_and_in_the_Russian_Civil_War
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigory_Zinoviev >(born Hirsch Apfelbaum) Gregory Zinoviev was born in Yelizavetgrad, Russian Empire (now Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine), to Jewish dairy farmers
I've always just assumed he was pragmatic enough to know that naming the jew was pretty much the end of anything you're working in.
But I hadn't seen what you posted here.
Brandon Johnson
Peterson is an ally in the fact he is taking on the Marxists directly in their incubation lair
I really DNGAF if he tows the line on fringe matters, he can do a lot of damage to our enemies just doing what he is doing right now
this recent attack has turned into a campaign by SJWs who hate Peterson, they are trying to fragment the right
Alexander Brown
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olof_Aschberg >was a Swedish banker and businessman. Aschberg was a leftist sympathizer and helped finance the Bolsheviks in Russia. In gratitude, the Bolshevik government allowed Aschberg to do business with Soviet Union during the 1920s. In 1922, Aschberg founded Roskombank, the first Soviet international bank. >Due to his Jewish background he was endangered when France was invaded by Nazi Germany
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lazar_Kaganovich >was a Soviet politician and administrator and one of the main associates of Joseph Stalin. He is known for helping Stalin seize power, for his role in the Soviet famine of 1932-33 in Ukraine, and for his harsh treatment and execution of those deemed threats to Stalin's regime. >Kaganovich was born in 1893 to Jewish parents in the village of Kabany, Radomyshl uyezd, Kiev Governorate, Russian Empire (now named Dibrova, Poliske Raion, Kiev Oblast, Ukraine).
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genrikh_Yagoda >Yagoda supervised the construction of the White Sea–Baltic Canal with Naftaly Frenkel, using slave labor from the GULAG system, during which many laborers died. >Yagoda supervised the deportations, confiscations, mass arrests and executions that accompanied the forced collectivisation, and was one of people responsible for Holodomor which resulted in deaths of 2.4 to 7.5 million people. >Yagoda was born in Rybinsk into a Jewish family.
>inb4 Finnknight shows up Really funny how you larp as an oldfag, finncuck.
Adrian Richardson
Kevin MacDonald does exactly that. And Peterson Shekelberg McBoomer undermines decades of his work and the entire right with his actions, while selling out the future of the white race world wide, getting well paid by the tribe. He is their perfect gatekeeper. And the fact that you think we're shills for calling him out for that confirmes exactly what you are.
Nicholas Kelly
>Iraq and Iran are Aryans now Dis nigga....
Leo Turner
To be fair, you have to have averyhigh IQ to understand Jordan Peterson. The dialectic is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn most of the points will go over a typical listeners head. There's also Petersons individualist outlook, which is deftly woven into his oration - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromJungian Psychoanalysis, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to trulyappreciatethe depths of these talks, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Jordan Peterson truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Petersons existential catchphrase “Clean your room“ which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epicFathers and Sons.I'm smirking right now justimaginingone of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Petersons genius unfolds itself on their youtube screens. What fools... how Ipitythem. And yes by the way, I DO have a Maps of Meaning tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Jose Murphy
Most are aryan. In the US they're legally white.
Benjamin Murphy
stop falling for this jordan peterson is center and that is good because we are closer to the center than the left is. Engaging in in fight while you have actual enemies you could fight is sooo stupid imo Dont listen to the shills its sooo obvous what they try to do.
Ian Torres
IT's way to late, there's just not enough white people to sustain the civilized world beyond 50 years, we are going to see a total collapse of civilization in our life times. We should of started worrying about this 80 years ago,too little too late now
Aaron Carter
You shills are sure shilling hard on JP lately. 10th thread this morning ALONE. Do you really think we are that stupid? I see why you are shit scared of this guy though, he has single-handedly awakened North America to the dangers of communism and post modernism, had millions of people read Gulag Archipelago and books by Orwell, Dostoevesky, Friedrich Nietzsche, Carl Jung, Christopher Browning etc. He has created programs for improving yourself, lectures on religion, traditions, values and many, many other things. He is also creating a website to make people aware of the meme degrees to stop people taking women studies, social sciences etc. You are shit scarred of this guy and he is growing exponentially and there is nothing you can do about it.
Blake Jenkins
Manchmal glaube ich ja wirklich das Echokammer meme, wenn ich solche Posts lese, Sören Cückenschmitt. Sup Forums ist seit Trump's Wahl so schlimm geworden, dass Leute wie Du allen Ernstes Leute als shills und unironisch Antisemiten und Rassisten bezeichnen. Und falls Du es nicht gemerkt hast: Peterson IST Dein Feind und bekämpft DICH. Ob du es willst oder nicht.
Julian Reyes
Case in point
Jose Clark
Amen, Germanbro. Never forget who we are.
Daniel Long
He's a naive leaf boomer who lived a very sheltered life and never had to grow up with the harsh realities of living around minorities. He has his head shoved way up his ass.
Kayden Hernandez
>Inb4 paid shill come and defend him like they usually do
Brayden Robinson
Heres an interesting idea for you guys, i hope you enjoy
White nationalists have hated Jews for a decent time now, claiming the Jews are the source of all their problems, and the only thing keeping them down. They hate how Jews are over represented at the top end of society, how the Jews seemingly look out for eachother but have disdain for whites, and the thought of Isreal as a state, to name a few things
The Over representation can be explained by a higher IQ on average in the group, Jews have a higher IQ as a group than whites, So Jews at the extreme end of the group are more represented at the top of society They pay no mind to the fact that whites have one of the highest IQs in society, and are also over represented in a lot of business and industries, this over representation is just the way the world should be, no problem here. Both groups are over represented because both groups have a higher IQ than other race groups (on average)
Jews seem to look out for each other and have some disdain for the goy, especially the whites, at least in the white nationalists eyes. It seems a Jew would favour a Jew over a goy for a job position. Yet put a white nationalist in the position of a hiring manager, you would likely find that he looks out for and supports his fellow whites, and look at pol any day, you will find constant disdain for non whites by white nationalists all the time.
Both groups tend to have in group bias and have some disdain for outsiders then.
Ian Nguyen
The biggest offender though is the state of Isreal, a large overbearing authoritarian ethnostate of Jews, seemingly involved in some great worldwide conspiracy or manipulation, to gain extreme power in the world Israel of course is nothing like the white nationalists dream nation, a large, overbearing authoritarian white ethnostate, that presumably fucks with and manipulates the non white groups around them for their own ends, and so they can get ahead. White nationalists claim to hate everything Jewish, but this isn’t true, they are merely envious of what they think the Jews have, and are mainly being fuelled by resentment and bitterness at this perceived slight in their society. Sort yourselves out pol, and maybe you could admire the Jew, rather than be bitterly envious of the Jew and anything close to Judaism
Mason Reyes
not sure if troll or retarded. Look up "aryan". It sounds similar to "Iran" for a reason.
Camden Hughes
He's literally said on Joe Rogan's podcast that people have a genetic pull towards helping their own race. If he's back pedaling they must've threatened his family.
Ayden Adams
hasn't le make your bed man explicitly stated his goal is to "deradicalize" young men in the past?
Jaxson Richardson
Even if he isn't a shill (Which, like you I'm almost certain he is compromised in some way) he is about as lukewarm and boring as it gets, incredibly overrated and boring. Very blue pilled on the issue of race.
Cooper White
I don't think they are paid. At least not most of them. It's the obsession over celebrities and with Peterson it's especially bad, because he has become the substitude father for a generation raised by single mothers. So you can have pity for that.
But when I saw Mr. Boomer play literal JIDF again and again and again and undermining the hard work of people over decades, who, unlike him, sacrificed everything: like indeed Kevin MacDonald, I fucking had enough of him.
It's also the false believe that somehow the skeptics, who aren't skeptic at all, are somehow our ally, if they are the primary enemy of ethno-nationalists and are actually dangerous, because are intelligent enough to formulate arguments. Unlike the screeching blue haired dike SJW.
Asher Campbell
>that's real What the fuck is his problem?
Nathan Phillips
Iran fell to sandniggers long ago, there are nothing but traces of its original racial heritage left. High caster of India used to be Aryan too, and look at them now.
Jordan Fisher
Some people here suffer from the same mental disease as the far-left and, therefore, make everything a purity test. Autistic people don't deal well with gradients.
Jose Foster
The problem with Peterson is not that he is bluepilled on race. The problem is that he does everything he can to undermine white ethnocentrism while at the same time worshippind Jews and playing JIDF for them. With Ezra Levante, with H3, in his lectures, on his twitter. All. The. Fucking. Time. And in doing so he spits in the face of people who sacrificed career, name, safety and life for talking about the hardest issue of them all. Like Kevin McDonald and the people working for the Occidental Observer. And all this while Peterson gets rich off it, roch off selling out the future of white Europeans worldwide by undermining the only thing that could save them.
And the fact that nupol calls you a shill for calling him out in it, just goes to show how bad it's become.
Charles Jackson
The media started pressuring down on him, so he's trying to divorce himself with the Sup Forums crowd. That Wells guy really got to him, never seen Ol' JP react like that. Even hid his Patreon money.
He chickened out, but I can't say I blame him.
Chase Taylor
>I loved Israel when I lived there >fucking Germany destroying Europe for the third time in less than 100 years >It's NOT the Jews
Gavin Reed
No, mate. He really does have paid shills that comment wherever he goes to defend him.
Guy makes 100k a month from Patreon alone from being a "public figure", you think he isn't going to have some form of """"""marketing"""""" team? And what would you imagine such marketing teams do in the 24/7 online world we live in...
He has paid shills, no joke.
Hunter Moore
Acknowledging core role of biological race in everything and having loyalty for one's race doesnt comes in gradients, it's either 0 or 1. Alsh goy in question could have ignored this subject if he goesnt want to look radical, but he actively indoctrinates people to be negative on them. In terms of outcome he's hardly different from some marxism-spreading kike.
David Parker
somebody post pic of his canamutt son?
Carter Campbell
So what if he doesn't name the jew? He's doing amazing work in other areas and he drives the tankies so fucking mad it's unbelievable. JBP needs to be supported.
Samuel Parker
I think all that money and attention has gone to his head.
Jeremiah Young
another fucking thread full of shills do i need to deal with you all again?
Benjamin Davis
He does not only not name the Jew. I would have no issue with him at all, if he didn't. As I already said: he uses his fame to undermine the decade long work of people who sacrificed everything while pretending to be this ascetic truth seeker.
It's disgusting.
Maybe you are right. This board is astroturfed to hell and back anyway.
Oliver Ortiz
you are the same fuckface form the last thread with the >former peterson supporter here schtick fucking kys
Matthew Nguyen
If there's anyone he should go up against in a debate it's Kevin Macdonald because they're both psychologists
Colton Reed
t. the eternal leaf
Juan Cox
I am not. And you are a screeching cultist. Get it in your fucking head that a lot of people who frequent Sup Forums dislike Peterson very much. And we told you from day one how he is. If you wanna bitch, call it an it's a "we told you so" thread.
Jordan Anderson
Top lol what a cuck
Charles James
Currently, he's getting loads of invites to talk. What do you think would happen once he started naming the jew and going full 14/88?
It's better for him to stick to his area and educate the masses on sorting themselves out. If they do that, they'll figure out the truth on their own.
Evan Morgan
The Jewish Question is not a "fringe matter." It is central to all of this. It is the root out of which the trunk and stems grow. Spend less time listening to Peterson and more time reading Kevin MacDonald's stuff. Peterson brought you here. Now you have to grow up.
Joshua Clark
no mate i cant believe you are trying to pretend your not the same germancuck from the last thread hilarious
Hudson Brooks
he's right though, anyone who thinks there is such a thing as a "genetic interest" is a mongoloid
Brandon Jones
I agree. And that is actually a debate I would pay for to watch. Although the outcome is quite predictable.
Don't forget to support the occidental observer, the identitarian movement and actual ethno-nationalists on the tube.
If you want something, pressure for it. Ideas matter, not personalities.
Lucas Smith
Who is paying for these shitposts?
Nathaniel Torres
He's controlled opposition 100%. He identifies problems correctly but then leads people down a path of incorrect responses and suicidal individualism.
Michael Powell
Absolute leaf posting
Gabriel Walker
The only thing hilarious is Peterson IDF calling anyone a cuck. Sad!
Hunter Ross
An earlier thread about Jordan Peterson had some interesting points about collectivism vs. individualism and it got 404ed.
Yes. Peterson will never name the Jew because Peterson is interested in making money. People who name the Jew like Macdonald are forced to leave their careers because of what they say. JBP might be pushing the envelope with his radical leftist dipshit students, but Kevin Macdonald actually got expelled from academia for writing culture of critique
Nathan Hill
wait you mean i was supposed to wipe my ass after i shit???!?! WOW thanks DOCTOR peterson !! i never would have figured that one out! totally worth seven figures a year !
William Adams
>he didnt deny it so you are indeed the same guy pretending to be a former peterson supporter? from the last shill thread against peterson?
Benjamin Diaz
>being so dumb and/or Jewish you don't understand or pretend not to understand the concept
Fuck off faggot
Gabriel Harris
This is exactly what I'm talking about with you morons. You have someone who probably agrees with many of your positions but because he isn't a copy of you, he's an awful shill.
You could easily achieve many of your goals but you are too busy spurging out, wearing polo shirts, carrying tiki torches and screaming about jews.
Please learn to market yourself ffs. Subversive stuff like the "It's okay to be white" posters and memes is how you win, not screaming at people who don't agree 100%.
Julian Rodriguez
I literally told you in my first reply that I am not. You are either completely retarded and unable to read your own language or baiting.
Are you maybe the paid shill you are pretending I am?
Jayden Moore
absolute paranoid retard detected.
doesn't british health care cover your schizophrenia meds?
Evan Baker
Nice strawman. Comes now the part where you call actual ethno-nationalists stormniggers?
Blake Sanders
>I literally told you in my first reply that I am not. i didnt believe you >You are either completely retarded and unable to read your own language or baiting. huh >Are you maybe the paid shill you are pretending I am? are you projecting again?
Cooper Mitchell
Jace Russell
That's good though. All whites in academia that are awake about JQ and racial realism should preemptively drop out and form parallel structures of our own. Don't even give them the chance to fire us. We need our own stuff. We need our own internet platforms, colleges, peer reviewed journals, etc. It is the only solution. We will never be able to legislate our way out of this.
Dominic Barnes
Yes, you are absolutely retarded. Thanks for confirming.
Cameron Robinson
Mohammad and Abu, these are not arguments. I'm not even Canadian, you sub intelligent spurgs. You can't even save your own country but you are concerned about Peterson? Check your priorities.
Crying about people who disagree with you on only some subjects will get you nowhere. Learn how to actually sell your cause, you autistic German faggots.
Parker Flores
>hes further projecting so you are a shill and a retard whats next you going to project your judaism onto me?
Caleb Richardson
Nah mate. That's just how it works. They have entire methods for shilling
You're a faggot
Thomas Jones
The problem with that is lack of funding and obscurity. Peterson probably didn't even know who Macdonald was when he replied to him on Twitter. And any public figure that names the jew loses the limelight. It's why twitter is taking away the blue check mark from people who bring up the Jews. You're right that we need our own structure but it will be incredibly difficult to procure
Christopher Wilson
>self proclaimed verbal iq of 150 >that's not how it words
Anthony Ramirez
kid, if you think a full-time tenured academic who makes maybe 300k a year, generously speaking, is investing a second of his time or money into marketing himself on Sup Forums, then you have lost all touch with reality
you are one shrill faggot, you know that? was there a point to you quoting that?
Christian Watson
Holy shit PLEASE tell me that's am exact quote.
Levi Baker
Peterson reeks of controlled opposition gatekeeper. His latest video where he addresses the JQ confirms it. He's intelligent enough to know his response was full of shit
>Le Jews IQ is le higher, it is 115 even though this number is nonsense based on a study with a tiny sample size and has been disputed ever since
Even if we were to assume this number is correct, we can control for that higher average IQ, it still cannot account for the disproportionate representation of Jews in telecoms, media, Hollywood, ivy league school administrative positions and professorship. I know he's smart enough to figure this out, yet he doesn't address it. There's nothing hateful or bigoted about addressing this issue. Instead he intentionally misleads people.
Ayden Gutierrez
The old term is way different than it's used now but yes, they were technically Aryans. Apparently Jordan is too much of a retard to find this out himself.
Jackson Cox
The irony is that you're fucking moronic if you think he isnt
He has marketing teams,where do you think the "hottest" place to market is at the moment?
Fucking kill yourself dumb cunt
Grayson Torres
you are really a sad man its fucking hilarious everyone here is likely a poor NEET whose paranoia stops them from wasting the money they have why would he want to market here?
Connor Clark
Chase Bailey
Reminder ALL anti-JP threads are started by marxist university shillbots to attack his stance on gender pronouns.
Christian Brooks
Just a coincidence, goy
Ethan Torres
>NEVER settle for gatekeepers!
So much this. Alot of momentum was lost because Milo and Shapiro were pumped up and turned the ethnic question, into a civic one. But were still here and still going!
Lesson learned? - Never let a jew lead a white nationalist movement. (Duh)
Ryder Myers
Pure cohencidence
Brandon Wilson
End yourself you stupid shill faggots
The guy has TEAMS of people who defend him wherever he goes online
Henry Roberts
>Jordan Peterson is not your ally I knew that when he started talking shit about Hitler
Hitler is the ultimate litmus test
Nathaniel Gutierrez
I can't believe I ever supported this traitor.
Luke Reed
In any case they ate their own poison.
Justin Peterson
>You can't even save your own country But I do, sweetie. And neither do you have or had any argument. In case you haven't realized: the issue here is not marketing.
Joseph Barnes
why would anyone take someone from fucking englands pov on the matter seriously go and deal with your fucking muzzie problem before you come and try to d&c here also why are your responses so emotional? are you unstable or something?
Nathaniel Harris
>meme flag >removing yourself from ever having a shot at saving white people by getting unpersoned is the base requirement to have me, a genius, as follower (you)
David Anderson
>le shill xD
I always read it in his voice. So go figure. :^)
Nathan Diaz
why are you scared to respond to this? scared to be BTFO?
William Watson
Adding to this. The Jewish IQ meme as an explanation is really so terrible, you are either completely retarded or intentionally spreading misinformation.
Gee, I wonder which it is. But the tribe sure loves him as the perfect gatekeeper.
Cameron Ortiz
Bro, you're Australian... but what does being English have to do with anything?
Is it because you don't have a rebuttal so you resort to silly name calling? Try harder, faggot
Ryder Jones
Arent the shills enjoying this? They love taking down any right wing thought leaders. If you are attacking peterson on twitter you are suckers who have been played yet again.
Peterson has been pressured intensely to prove he isnt a nahtzee by the same fucking people who are now winding you up to attack him.
Stop doing the left's work for them.
Henry Brown
LMAO Good one.
Btw pronouns. Mr. Boomer thought it's a good thing to call Blair white "she". Classical liberals are so pathetic. They are leftists in everything but name.
Jack Smith
>implying he didnt resort to name calling long before me what do you expect you fucking faggot
Joseph Wright
You're fucking stupid. Most commies are white and they did more damage to our civilization than shitskins ever could even dream of.
Yes, we need in-group preference. We need anti-commie, anti-SJW in-group preference.
A commie is trying to join your company? Tell him to fuck off. Do you have commie/left-leaning friends? Tell them to fuck off, stick to right-minded people. A bitch is starting to rant about saving the planet and feminism on a date? Tell her you don't hang out with degenerate pieces of shit.
Peterson is putting leftists on blast like no one ever did before, which makes him an extremely valuable asset. If we had more Petersons and less dumbass naziboos, we could start ostracizing the left right fucking now and win. And we'd get a white ethnostate as a bonus, because without any gibs, social justice and political correctness, our culture is actually very hostile to niggers and radical islamists.
This isn't a fucking racial conflict. Racial tensions are what the SJWs want. This is an ideological war among white people and people that say otherwise are acting as useful fools for the other side.
But naziboos will never admit that, because they'd have to also admit that their ideology, with all its gibs, rampant socialism and ridiculous levels of interventionism is simply shit, and incompatible with traditional western values.
Hitler was a progressive, you dumb fuck. The only difference between him and cunts like Yvette Felarca is that his henchmen actually wore cool uniforms. Which is probably the only reason you love him so much anyway, because you're probably too dumb to understand how shitty the Third Reich really was when compared to pre-FED United States or the British Empire.
Jose Walker
Last I saw he was making 50k a month on patreon. Pretty sure he does have a media management team, anyone at that level does, you stupid gullible faggot.
Jose Russell
By your logic Trump isn't an ally either. Yet we can all see that in some respect Trump may still have some utility. Likewise with Peterson.