What's with Barron's derpy signature? Is he retarded?
What's with Barron's derpy signature? Is he retarded?
He’s 11
>Not cursive
what the fuck, America?
>Using derpy in 2017
Get the fuck out
cursive is for spineless wimpy virgin cucks, I literally write my name in huge block letters using a red Sharpie whenever I sign anything.
When old, decrepit, fucked up men make babies, they usually are,
Kid looks like a fucking freak.
Holy shit his signature is shit even for an 11 year old
He's 11. I think you're legit retarded for asking this though.
>I don't like Trumps policies because I'm an open minded, tolerant, caring person. I wear the term social justice warrior with pride.
>That's why it's OK for me to attack someones 11 year old child in their place.
Nice try shlomo. Be sure to properly spice your bread. Anyone see Trump give the Code Talkers some love and
nice to see merry christmas
what about using this word? translate.google didn know, i had to search on "urban"sites
> for an 11 year old
i think THATs the point. he dont give a fuck about how to write, instead of "hey, you want me to write, i wrote, idgaf"
i was the same,for me it started to be important what my writing looks, when i was 20 or so...
>be a son of billionaire (you really think, he didn learn how to write cursive?,lel)
>be son of president now
>fuck all these niggers, i just want to be left alone of all these digicams
I thought it was well established Barron had some kind of mental problem
>tfw when Trump is Philip I and Barron is Alexander
#MerryChristmas should def trend
Pretty much all kids do weird, pointless shit like this. It's just that Barron has a camera on him 24/7 and everytime he does something weird it's plastered all over social media for weeks.
When he hits puberty I really hope he just stays away from social media. I have a feeling all those edgy, bitter leftists will spam him with stupid videos of stuff he did when he was 11 and it'll be embarrassing.
>I have a feeling all those edgy, bitter leftists will spam him with stupid videos of stuff he did when he was 11 and it'll be embarrassing.
You should do Projecting for the Olympics. Thats some world class projecting yourr doing.
This. I want to see OP's signature from when he was 11. Fucking morons ITT.
thats it
its all about the narrative!
ppl forget that this narrative changes within the time, and not several time, it ALWAYS moves, like water, like time....
but niggers think, if they get one good realisation, they can stop thinking
>teach a hddnw to think by himself
She'd be attractive if she didn't intentionally ugly herself up.
thats the joke
its a band (NL)
they are pretty based
I understand their shtick, but I don't like it.
me either
>but the statement is done
Other people do evidently
It's clear pleasure in things is subjective :^)
Cool, Hans.
I don't dispute that. I'm just speaking for myself.
Were you guys retards too? I already had a decent signature at that age
Let's see your signature faggot? Probably atrocious you limpwristed soyboy. You fucks are disgusting I hope you get raped to death by a pack of niggers
an inability to right joined up is a symptom of aspergers
t. sperglord
This. Leave the kid alone.
Maybe in Murica 11 year olds sign legal important documents all the time. I'm pretty sure in germany your signature is invalid until you're 16 though.
He uses Comic Sans exclusively