Which Keion is the queen of Sup Forums?

Which Keion is the queen of Sup Forums?

Ritsu, who is the wife of Mio now

I am the king of Sup Forums. My wife Mugi is queen.

Mugi is the queen of Sup Forums, but Ritsu is the queen of my heart.

>a black guy is king of Sup Forums

Have you already forgotten our fallen hero Mad Thad?

Mugi had the most shitposts of all the Keions, must be her.

I guess you're right, but mugi still a hoe

Yui. She's literally the face of anime. She's also very cute and lovely and has nice legs too! I love Yui-chan!

you just activated my moe card

Mio is worshiped by all.

Mugi is the queen of my penis.

Ritsu is my queen I want to feel her thighs!


Yui is the one waifu


You see, Mugi is alright to an extent but still just a cookie cutter of ojou-samas. Ritsu is great with all that genki. Yui is a savant autist that fucked up the club from their main goal of Budokon and no doubt has loud Yuifags to follow her which makes sense.

Really the best is the senpai/kouhai duo. I don't have shit taste and only fine people think the same as me.

What's the context here? Did Mio just lose her shit one day? Why beat poor Azusa with Ritsu's drum stick?

Ui please, its time to stop

Mugi is fairly archetypal but, especially in Season 2, has small quirks and characteristics that make me adore her. She has a complex relationship with her wealthy background; at once willing to apply leverage (when she got Yui's guitar) but wanting to enjoy and immerse herself in "normal" experiences, displaying with it a pure moe sort of passion and wonder. She's more attuned to the needs of others than any other Keion but also has an impulsive side that led to the single funniest moment of the series (the strawberry theft). She also played a major role in shaping the character of the club by providing all tea and desserts. Compare her to a far more generic ojou-sama character like Miyuki from Lucky Star.

tl;dr take that back motherfucker

I think Azusa is the Sup Forums queen but Ritsu is my favorite.

The answer to your question lies between the T and O keys on your keyboard, OP.

Nee-chan's boyfriend wants us to both sit on his face!

Why? Azusa is probably the least popular of the five main girls here.

Yeah, because she's a fucking bitch

Clearly we need to pit them in a battle royale.
I'd watch a kyoani version of that.

Azunyan is a treasure and I love her and I want to hold her and protect her and smell her

Don't listen to him, Ui. Keep going.

What's the appeal of Azusa?

Ui is the kind of girl that would drug and rape Yui's bf so that he would impregnate her if she found out Yui was pregnant so she could have a baby around the same time as Yui.

The winner of that would be pretty fucking obvious.

Mio is pretty strong too. Also there's the rest of the class. That gyaru looks like she could mess some shit up.

>ywn slay western infidels with yui

why even live?

What kind of fetishes do the keions have?

>Who is the queen of Sup Forums?
The one who pleases the KANGZ

She is perfection incarnate

Ritsu is buchou, but really they're more of a collective body of greatness.



Them bare Mugi legs.

Season 3 when

I have a feeling Mugi is the only one who would not hold back.

Do you think he would have gotten a lighter sentence if he was white?

You want some Mugi legs?

Yes please.


After seeing her kouhai, azunyan, rip to shreds by mugi, yui's retard strength is released fully. Completely destroying mugi to the point where she is unrecognizable.

The shock of seeing her oneechan going into a blood frenzy, ui is completely dumbfounded and deep in shock. What will happen, next time on k-on royale.

What did mugi mean by this anyway?

whoops forgot my image.

uh, not really hot. Imagine being the man in that situation. You're married to Yui and very happy and one night you ask if she wants to have a baby. She says yes and you go at it that night. The next month or so she learns she's pregnant and she goes home to visit her parents. About a day after she leaves, you're lying in bed when you hear a knock at the door. You open it up and see Ui standing there, teary eyed. She still lives at home after all these years. When Yui met you in uni Ui got very depressed, though wouldn't say what it happened. She stopped going to school and eventually became a bit of a hiki. She would only talk to Yui on the phone, and she called almost every day.

Anyway Ui shows up at your door, and she's shivering slightly (it's november, she's dressed in shorts and a light sweater). You bring her inside and sit her down on the couch, but she's refusing to talk to you it seems. You worry about her and do feel bad, but you wish Yui was here to take care of her since she creeps you out. She's not very concerned with her appearance at all it seems. Her clothes are stained and oversized, as if she has lost a lot of weight recently. She smells a bit, like she last showered a week ago. Her hair is a bit oily and very flat. You set out some tea and head to the other room to call Yui, who doesn't answer. You head back and see Ui has perked up a bit and it staring at her phone looking through texts or pictures or something.

You sit down across from her and just kind of look at your tea. You take a few sips, and then Ui begins to talk. She asks if you love her sister, and what you plan to name the baby, if it's a boy or a girl. She won't look at you but she begins talking faster and faster. Soon your head starts to spin and you say you're going to go to the bathroom. You stand up and that's about all you remember.

You wake up in your bedroom, you can tell by the ceiling. The sun seems to just be coming up, even though it was 9pm moments ago

why are japs so tiny

also ritsu a best

>I insist it's not hot at all you weirdo
>writes detailed fantasy about getting raped by ui

>marrying Yui over Ui


Isn't it a packaged deal?

You try to move your limbs, but you quickly realize you've been tied up painfully tightly. You hear some movement at the base of the bed, but can't find the strength to get up.

Suddenly you hear Ui's voice from across the room, but it sounds distorted. It's difficult to really move or think, like you're slightly drunk or high. It's an odd feeling, and you don't like it. As you start to get lost in a stream of consciousness you feel you can't control, Ui has climbed on top of you, completely naked from the feel of it (just like you). She begins whispering things to you, saying she was worried you died for a few hours, something about the dose not being right. Her hands run up and down your entire body, though the sensation seems delayed as you still feel her hands after she puts them over your eyes.

The next few hours are a blur. Whatever drugs she got a hold of have destroyed your sense of time. Occasionally you look at the clock and can't even interpret it, other times it seems to be hours before the last time you looked. Ui is long gone, you think, she poured some liquid down your throat and untied you, though you can't find the ability to move off the bed. You lay there naked until Yui comes home, at which point she rushes you to the hospital.

A few days pass and you get back to normal. At this point you don't even know for sure if what happened was a fever dream or real. The doctors don't find a trace of anything in your system, and the tea you insisted you put out wasn't something you or Yui ever remember buying.

But sure enough, a month later on the dot Yui rushes home to tell you that her sister is pregnant. Yui and her parents are a little concerned about the father who has seemingly every excuse not to meet them, but they support Ui in the hope that maybe motherhood will give her a new purpose in life. Due to some complications, Ui actually goes into labor and delivers less than 24 hours after Yui.

was it cp or was it hentai?


CP. Hentai is legal in the US.

i know that its legal, but people are really anal about loli hentai sometimes.

It was real children.


Indeed, Yui's value is lower than a normal human, so they had to fix it somehow.

I want to be Ui abusive husband.



I tried drawing Azusa!

Not gonna lie, I'm not even into either sister, but this would actually be really hot.

Unintentionally NTR'ing your waifu with her sister sounds great.


That's clearly Ritsu.

t. Jamal

It's called "rotation" sushi in Japanese. It's just another joke where she takes something literally.

>implying they're girls

What was her endgame?



Marrying Yui.

Becoming Yui.

Ui loves Nodoka more.

kek nice joke

t. Nadoka

This Sup Forumsnon has the right idea

Mio is still best though

>loving anybody at all more than yui

>Keion plebs

It's not even a competition.

user, I hope this is a copy pasta, because this is worthy of pity

This guy gets it


It's not pasta, I just wrote it as a warning

My body is craving for more such warnings

What would marriage with all of the Keions be like? Sawako included too.

i want to smell yui's sweaty socks
and touch her butt
i want to fuck that little retard

we can adopt azusa as our daughter

Yui obviously


>Yui is a decent housewife and often asks Ui to come over to help decorate the house and cook. Yui enjoys spending the days at home or wandering around town. She keeps up with her music and encourages you to join in. You occasionally play the bass, keyboard, and drums. Yui stays in touch with her friends and tries to have them over for a big dinner every month or so. She wants to have children, though you're a little worried she will treat them like friends instead of children. Ui has promised to be a nanny for the two of you, for a small fee.

>married life is happy, though you often feel like you need to get Mio to relax. She wants to be the perfect wife and seeks your approval for many of the things she does around the house. She constantly sends you texts and calls you at work asking if she can buy some new piece of furniture or if what she cooked for dinner or made you for lunch is okay. She tries to keep up with her music, but prefers quiet time alone to do it, so you've giver her the office where she has a desk for writing songs and a nice collection of lefty basses to suit her fancy. She also wants children, though you suspect it might be to please you as opposed to actually wanting to become a mother. She keeps in touch with the other keions, though doesn't go out of her way to invite them over, lest they make a mess at home.

>Ritsu stays very active and generally doesn't come home except for dinner, which you find yourself cooking pretty often. Not that you mind, and it's probably better to keep her out of the kitchen. She's not particularly concerned with keeping the house put together, and enjoys her surroundings comfortable as opposed to pristine and fashionable. You find every day of your married life with her to be a new adventure, and you spend a lot of the time out doing or trying new things. Ritsu doesn't have seem to have an interest in having children, though you suspect she's just not sure how to ask.

>Marriage with Mugi is a perfect example of trial and error. The wedding was entirely financed by her parents and was just about the ritzy-est thing you've ever experienced. In contrast, Mugi decided to get a part time job after marrying you and is very devoted to her career. She loves to talk to you about work and is very conscious of money issues. She likes putting budgets together and reusing and recycling as much as she can. She actually becomes very interested in DIY type projects around the house, and even takes up gardening to bring in more fruits and veggies. Her many interests all seem to revolve around money, which you are a little unsure about since you make enough for the two of you to live comfortably. You realize that to her, the feeling of working and earning a living is very important, so you support her as much as she supports you. Mugi is very interested in having children, and tells you she wants at least 4, maybe more. You're happy to oblige her and the two of you get to work on that on your honeymoon.

>Marriage with Azusa breaks a lot of stereotypes. She is a fully dedicated career woman who works around 50-60 hours a week. In return, you stay home as a househusband and take care of everything. Azusa feels strongly that supporting the one she loves as much as she can is her most important duty. She constantly brings home little gifts for you, and you're happier than you've ever been. In return, you help her unwind from her stressful days at work however you can. Azusa keeps up with her music as well, practicing long into the night as you sit and watch her, cheering her on or even playing beside her when she asks. As far as children go, Azusa does talk longingly about kids, you just need to help her feel like the time is right for her to slow down.

so yui, mugi and azusa are the best choices
and mio and ritsu are the inferior choices

sounds right

>You'll never be Azusa's stay at home husband

Always figured Mio or Ritsu would approve most of that route.

>doesn't come home except for dinner, which you find yourself cooking pretty often. Not that you mind, and it's probably better to keep her out of the kitchen


were there such a thing as terminal autism, you would have it

ritsu looks like a boy crossdressing