When will Israel become multicultural?
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There are many cultures in israel, you dumb nigger.
We will neveret goyim in, if that's what you mean.
The Israeli Jews repress Palestinians, is my point.
What other cultures do you have besides Kikery?
as soon as we stop sending them money
The EU needs to gas itself.
Cool, then the answer is never.
We have kikes from all around the world, all with different additions to jewish culture. Also we have druze and other minorities.
Jews are basically whites with another religion. Their identities don't get challenged because they were oppressed in the past.
all jews do is complain about how they were opressed. theyre worse than black people we literally gave them a whole country and they still complain and bring up the holocaust. the moment israel loses USA backing theyre done for and the world will be right again.
We should be making more mixed race pics of jews. Racist fucks treat black people like dirt. As our moral compass, they should be more tolerant.
jewish culture is a lie the only culture you have is blaming things on being oppressed hundreds of years ago or the holocaust. face it once the US stop supporting you youll be back in the underworld of society.
But nobody challenges their identities. I've been told that whites don't have a culture in the UK, and that our "white identity" is a social construct.
It's funny when it comes from someone whose all culture is based on potatoes.
It has always been the most Jewish flag.
When pol starts loving jews
I like Israel
nothing wrong with nationalists who build walls
This board will go 80% pro Israel if a major war goes on with Hezbollah or something. At least among the Americans. Other than that, the Jews most be exposed for their crimes against humanity.
There is a war, and I don't like them any more.
nothing wrong with bombing arabs at all. need more napalm though.
Israel is a nation of immigrants and refugees.
im not even irish i just live here
glad im not a jew tho that would suck id probably kill myself if my whole culture was based on stealing
exactly if you want your own country based on whining about being discriminated you should be open to taking in all minorities.
how have the jews convinced us that theyve been oppressed then go around oppressing other people
and when anyone fights back they claim anti semitism or bring up the holocaust
I think there’s a resurgence of anti-Gentilism because at this point in time Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re gonna be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Gentiles are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Gentiles will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.
>jews are invasive without a culture and nation of their own
>lives in someone else's country
you'd like xenomorphs if they spoke english