>check ur phone
>see this
wat do??
Check ur phone
Are you a Muslim? If so stay home buddy.
jerk it for 9 then step out for a pack of smokes
leave for work so I can pay taxes to benefit israel
>check my insurance policy
Thanks senpai
Let the bombs kill me.
Park my piece of shit car as close as possible and hope for a payout
Check my rental agreement whether if I can exit my lease early. Then wait 9 minutes, then launch my S-300 missiles.
Put menorahs on the roof
Allah akbar dem bitches.
Launch my recreational McNukes(tm) at them for violating the NAP
shit in a paper bad and lob it out the window.
Fuck a goat
They don't have anything in their arsenal to destroy it. I'll continue shitposting.
stay in and livestream it so I can be a martyr and Sup Forums can enjoy the death of a leaf
Destroy the house in ten minutes, obviously.
send them back a dick pic
call the tercios
Time to remove juden
i don't fucking what?
Leave my rubble I'd rather live then die.
>Israel Defence Forces
>We will destroy your house
Leave my house and call the police.
99% chance it's fake but I'm not taking the risk
Leave the fucking house
Make a trail of pennies that leads to my neighbour's house
Continue to cook bacon
The best defense is a good offense.
Respond with "lol everyone hates u kikes btfo before i gas u"
Then go jerk off to Sarah Silverman while fantasizing about stabbing her in the neck while cumming.
The meat skewer looks good, the rest looks like shit. Why would you eat pure fat?
I wish
Wonder why there's a dumb phone in my house, as I would never be so foolish as to own a piece of communications tech that doesn't allow encryption and VPN usage.
alright, not like i care anyway
just fuck my shit up
Because I am a God damned American
Where would you place it in your kit?
>All of that fat
A bit of fat is nice but nearly half of the meat? Come on now mate.
shit i didnt know it was, mr ben garrison
>Great Britain
why would a jewish insurance company pay for something like that? I feel like they would probably contact the insurance companies (jews helping out each other to fuck over the goy etc.) a couple of days in advance so they could edit the terms of service to something like "if your house is destroyed by IDF, you are not liable for insurance"
I'm pointing out that destroying someone's house doesn't sound like defence you somalian retard.
Your nation wouldn't exist without Britain so keep quiet schlomo.
oh you mean lumps of fat?
Regular insurance companies don't cover for war damage.
Get in my car and find the local toothless homeless guy. Tell him to get in my car and that he can stay with me until he gets back on his feet again. Get back to the house and tell him to watch some TV while I take care of something. Pull out a few of my own teeth, toss them in the room with the homeless dude and sneak out the back door. Fake my own death and become nameless. Move to Europe to get gibs and rape their native women. Life is good.
>why would a jewish insurance company pay
You could have just left it at that
>Being this dementedly ignorant about your history
Your bong army was actively driven out by our resistance, after you cucks withdrew from Balfour and embraced the White papers in 1939.
The only correct answer is to move women and children into my house and then relocate my Katusha Rocket Launcher to a mosque, hospital, or school. Then after the house is destroyed add a couple more bodies and actors to the pics. Then sit back and wait for the endless UN and Islamic gibs (which my uncle will steal), and the endless Israel condemnation from leftist retards.
>your history
My history spread across the entire globe, who cares about some insignificant desert that retards will squabble over forever?
Reminder to keep speaking my language.
Not bad
That's pork belly. It is stripes of meat and fat. The fat goes almost molten and takes in the flavour of the seasoning and marinade. Shit is amazing desu
Destroy it before they can.
Nuke my house after 9 minutes just to spite them
Fire my rockets into Israel before getting out
What’s the Hebrew for PRANKED
>check ur phone
>see this
wat do??
Swap houses with OP
I'll leave, but I won't tell my bitch wife ;)
"Just try it you fucking cunts. Day of the rope soon"
This asf
>hurry up
'Honey i'm going out for groceries, see you in 20 minutes!'
>Scenario 1: it's your wife
Take care of her until she gives birth, then take care of her and the baby
>Scenario 2: she's not your wife
Ask who's kid it is
>Scenario 2.A: it's someone's else
Reply with due etiquette (i.e congratulations if she deserves it or call her a whore if she doesn't)
>scenario 2.b: it's yours and you aren't in a relationship with her
Give your kid all your shit and kill yourself.
Honestly, probably nothing.
>Scenario 1: it's your wife
If your wife breaks this news to you via text message, you kill both of them.
I know that feel.
lock the door
Now that is smug. 'Miren those bantz.
>he doesn't know about the (((finances))) of Winston Churchill.
I own a house ??? Sweet.
>He does know he just doesn't bring it up for optimum bantz
Get on my level, Xing.
Get the fuck out of my house. What the fuck do you think id do you tard.
Lock and load than start eating bacon wrapped lobster and pouring milk down my throat while live streaming the both the threat and the (hopefully) resulting attack on my property.
Best post
I read your post in Frodo's voice.
Send them dick pics and inform them that destroying my house would be a declaration of war.
You would need to file off your fingerprints too. Israel is an INTERPOL member country.
Hi pregnant is Rachel there?
>inform the BASED Hezbollah operative who's my neighbor
>set up an ambush on IDF patrol in a few days after
>kill them
>get a kike skull as a trophy
I would backtrace the message and call the cyber police.
Top Kek
>Israeli defense forces.
Quickly offer them to buy house for reduced price and make money on something that would have been destroyed.
This is how you handle them.
fianlly I can test my new weapons
But who was phone?
Ill be topside catching that bitch
Leave house and regret housing terrorists.
>sand niggers giving each other warnings
I don't think you understand what niggers and nigging entail, user. There's powerful niggerdry at work here.
Israeli sand niggers do give muslims advanced notice though, first it was the 'knock' using small munitions, now I guess they use text?
Pretty sure it started cause they were killing kids in the process of bombing homes, so now they give 'soft knocks' first
>Good luck faggot. I'm behind 7 houses
That’s funny
Ah. What an unpleasant topic. The slow burn genocide taking place in Europe is slightly more palatable. Fucking Jews though man.