Looks like Trump twitter is hacked, random vids about muslims being retweeted. Or is our madman trying to increase the triggering.
I like it both ways.
>it's real
Ayy lmao
The head goyim knows! How long til (((they))) shut it down!
The lefty loony tunes are going to shit themselves over this, it's going to be glorious. God bless Trump.
God bless us all and may Christ find you in this darkness and bring you to the light
this HAS to be a hack.. no president would take that stance and retweet controversial videos like that and expect to be taken seriously by anyone except the most small-minded and hateful in this country.
When he did/said this shit in 2015 I knew it was for the election, to stand out from the 12 Republicans. I was delighted by him telling a dark truth and he won loyalty from us.
I am amazed he is doing it now ( if it is him).
Trying to figure out the 4D chess move. New Twitter rules on December 18th - maybe he is looking to get banned so that he can use text alerts?
>Magapill tweet
>FBI deep state tweet
>now this
Holy shit trump is on a fucking roll
>small minded and hateful
Gee whiz, it's almost like you're a filthy commie.
He retweeted it 4 hours ago he even posted something about cnn since then 10minutes ago
I can't believe this is happening in my country. This is a really bad sign for the future of this place.
>maybe he is looking to get banned so that he can use text alerts?
Word is already getting out. It's really happening lads.
>i don't talk or discuss things i'm just here to say how sad i am
Go fucking kill yourself commie scum.
You have to go back to shitskin Land as it seems, it’s a bright future for white people
Trump doesn't give a fuck
death to the muslimes, holy war now
Keep the salt coming you little commie bitch
So it s anti Muslim showing how Muslims are?
>really activated the melanin receptors in my vagina
Can’t believe we’ve gotten to this point.
Far right - lol. EDL are not far right, the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation has it's orders from (((them))) yet again.
Trump knew he was effectively a lame duck right when O-care failed to repeal.
Now he is using the position to redpill.
we need to ban 9/11 clips as they are anti-Muslim
Trump might be the only person in the world who can do that so openly without getting banned from the UK. What a glorious bastard.
Why I love this man so much that I'm even reading The Art of the Deal on a Wednesday at 9am? what is wrong with me?
>use the word hateful
>on pol
I mean it... this is really it.
He will not recover from this, no srsly
It’s 9am in Argentinians?
ITS 13PM here
You got me user
>1 post by this ID
>not following Trump
>1 follower of Trump that OP knows
sage all fields
beautiful the media will eat this up and if they want to attack him be forced to talk about the content as well
chess of some dimension I'd wager
oop there it is
it's starting already
Look here fuckface\
The original post was 4 hours ago. He retweeted it in the last 30 minutes.
His tweet about "your favourite president (me)" is hilarious in like 5 different ways in one tweet.
Back in my good books Trump-san.
how way don get dis im pigin?
Go back to your safe place, special snow flake. This is the real world and it's happening. The muslims want YOU dead. Wake up.
Trump dropping red pill crumb trails for snowflakes like (((you))) to wake up to reality.
2 posts now
jews did 9/11, why 9/11 clips be anti muslim?
"Donald Trump's Twitter account has retweeted three inflammatory anti-Muslim videos from a British far-right group.
The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.
This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.
>Claims to be muslim
Aha...there's the answer. He wants the UK to ban him so he can't be "not invited" to royal wedding. Retweeting British stuff might do the trick.
Fake news
>Nationwide text alerts.
Direct shitposting to every citizen in US. It would be glorious.
lets archive that
Feels like being at a party where some drunk asshole just went too far, and another dude just fucking grabbed him and threw him into the wall of the garage, falling over the seed spreader and some bottles of chlorine...
...and you're just waiting to see if the drunk asshole is even going to acknowledge what just happened.
Scroll a little down like 1 more tweet yiu fuckface
the triggering... the triggering.
The guy with crutches video is reportedly fake news, that fuckwit is neither muslim nor immigrant.
Though I admit he doesn't look very Dutch either.
It's a hack or entrapment.
What the fuck? Is Trump really tweeting death videos and assaults? God damn....
I'm impressed he has the fucking balls to put this out there. This man truly gives zero fucks.
Uh...guys, wasn't that a Q thing? I'm sincere in this, not trying to derail.
The flag is wrong fuck off
So this chick he's retweeting is a UK Gov Employee, and check out her quote.
Trump is trashing on the EU with these retweets.
I thought you drank poison?
I don't know why but this makes me nervous for him
>check to see if its real
>its real
The drunk asshole being the cuckolded headcutter loving animalistically faggotic western society and the guy who threw it into the wall being Trump?
Seems fair
And you know this how?
>Britain First
>UK government employee
Will Trump go down in human history as the biggest troll who ever existed? He set the bar so high I am demoralized, my BLACKED and communist general posting just doesn't trigger the reaction this guy is aiming for.
holy mother of kek
I'm pretty shook this is real desu
>It's actually him
>he literally retweeted British pro-whites
your welcome Britain you can now say the American president/people share your views
Sorry bong. I forget sometimes that the UK is the entire shit Island, and not just England.
You could of had it all, once upon a time. But now you are just another cog the the EU wheel to peddle muzzies
Shock. And. Awe.
The Krassenstein's sure are pissed.
Shut up you dusty boomer
>controversial videos
This. Muslims have the right to kill kuffars and destroy infidel statues, who the fuck does Drumpf think he is to tweet about it?
I think he knows how fickle and gullible the population is, and how they need to be smacked in the face with the wealth of evidence hidden from them by the deep state criminal cabal in power, to wake the childlike bovine populous to DEFEND this nation and its institutions
He literally gets like sixty five thousand angry (you)'s with in minutes, you simply cannot compete with that
The fucking madman... Holy shit just think about what he just said here. Think of the outrage this is going to cause.
He's such a troll that entire communities dedicated to drama and trolling get trolled by him on a daily basis, it's a magical thing.
Just imagine a cold war Us vs. USSR shitpost battle.
God fucking dammit I finally have a president I would die for
>inb4 hurdur die 4 Israel
>Trump retweets the reality of sandniggers
>Are guy tweets about lgbt shit
2019 can't come sooner.
Hack or not, this is funny as shit. Thanks based orange.
>FBI deep state tweet
what one was that i missed it
>see this
>see people saying it's real
>still don't believe them
>it's real
WEW. I was starting to lose hope but Trump is going FUCKING NUCLEAR. He's not fucking around about the anti-PC stuff.
Is he just going to start posting directly from worldstar now? How is our president this based?
One of the reasons I became to be skeptical of Qanon is a rumor that Trump himself tweets response to Q believers. That can be. I was doubting his account got hacked when his account stopped for 11 minuets or so .I bet his account is being hacked.
oh my goodness i need to go sniff petroleum
This, how dare the infidels tweet the videos the lions of the caliphate recorded?
Not a hack he posted after
It has to be far right, its anti narrative
Even better
>the videos are inflammatory
>not the muslim actions depicted therein
This combined with the CNN follow-up tweet illustrates the media brainwashing perfectly.
>use his global reach to tweet controversial stuff
>media jumps at the chance to bash him and call him racist/phobe
>they have to address the videos he was posting
>media across the world shows muslim atrocities thus serving Trump and us without even realizing it
14 dimensional hexagon
Can't put Britain First got, put Britain last
Krassenstein's are always the first to respond. So annoying, almost makes me think its a bot or paid persons behind that twitter account.
He has become so powerful he can force his enemies to tell the truth
(((Jayda Fransen)))
i must have died and slipped into clown world