Is there anything that can stop this death-spiral into faggotry now?
Is there anything that can stop this death-spiral into faggotry now?
How can it stop when you are always faggots on a damned to hell island?
>boomer intellect on display
I didn't know there's so many gays in Australia.
There aren't, (((they))) are pushing for this massive over-represenation of faggot-issues in a push to normalise degeneracy as usual.
I ask my self that.
Maybe it has to get worse before a lot of people wake up?
The worst part is that most of the fucking moron "yes" voters think that once this shifuck gets passed in parliament, that'll be the end of the bitching and moaning from the gays.
It's not the end, cunts. This is just the beginning, and it's going to get a whole lot worse. 60% of this dumbcunt country gave them an inch, and they'll take a mile.
This. To be honest I think these dumb sheep will continue voting the country into ruin regardless of what's put on the table, next it'll be transgender marriage, then trannies in the military, tranny kindergarten teachers teaching fag and tranny acceptance, then we can move on to hormones therapy and gender reassignment for children. I can't wait.
you could always kill yourself you triggered fucking snowflake
thanks for reminding me to filter meme flags
And with the media it will all be normalized and in the future no one will remember what all he fuss was about.
The elections are rigged so there is no hope of voting anyone in that will change it.
The Canadians made a law saying that everyone must use the correct Pro-nouns when addressing transgenders. It is staring in melbourne and soon it will be a law all over Australia. Cunts will vote for that too.
I think its just got to get to the point where society is totally dysfunctional and ceases to operate effectively before anyone will start asking whats going on..Apart from the ones who already know it will happen.
Notice the men and women in the room. All the women are smiling and happy, while two visible guys seem down in the dumps.
This is pretty accurate.
My mates often talk of the "pendulum swinging back", but I think it's bullshit. This is a one way road. It's almost every day I see something in the media which pushes our society a little bit further down the shitter, and I talk with my mates and they just repeat the same old rhetoric they've been saying for years, "oh, but the pendulum will swing back".
It'll have to get to the point where society is actually having problems functioning normally and it's effecting people on a large scale in their day to day lives. At the moment most of this progressive shit is confined to the inner-cities and universities. Once regular every day people are getting fined and charged for not addressing someone by their correct pronoun we might see some people wake the fuck up.
$10 says Brandis is a poo packer
My fear is that it will be normalised it to such a point that normal cocietal functons will have to WILL have to physically stop on a broad scale before What pep eare tol doe not match to what they actually see and live.
For those of us already feel that dysfunction in society....we will be a bit better at coping than those who have never bothered to think about it.
*normal societal functions
go eat tits you sore loser newborn flightless birdie cuckold
Bloody revolution
BRAAPPP subtle i like it
I dunno OP, are you going to pick up a gun and do something about it?
Oh, that's right, you already faggoted out on that one... guess it's cockmeat sandwiches for the lot of you.
They should've sodomized eachother right after passing the bill to make it crystal clear that homophobes have no place in australia.
by trumpgrabben em? nobody will rape eachother. sodomy has nothing to do with assholes
It's Gen X now, mate. In fact, the recent shift is almost entirely due to more Gen Xs enetering political positions of power.
shoot a tampon gun