Another one bites the dust
Matt Lauer
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Young Larry David??
holy shit its real
He had an illegitimate child with his co-host. Come back to me when we talk about the velvet mafia in nyc
sounds consensual
this is about that Hillary Clinton interview during the election, everyone said he was too easy on Trump and too hard on Hillary, remember that?
No. This is really news. Sad.
As someone who hates morning shows, him and Charlie Rose getting BTFO fills me with glee.
The fire rises!
I remember when he came in my mouth when I worked the show one Summer as an intern. He came buckets then we brushed each other's teeth.
Hillary planted these allegations.
She hated Lauer with a passion and blamed her election loss on him.
He is /our guy/.
>She was overheard threatening executives at NBC saying “If I lose, we all go down and that Fascist Fuck will have us swinging from nooses! What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?”
Countdown until the pedo charges begin. Any bets? I give it 4 days.
B b but what about Trump grabbin' dem pussies?
the kikes are just sacrificing him to keep the news cycles off themselves. per usual
Who the fuck is Andy Lack ?
Drumpf on fucking fire today.
To women
The cause of and solution to all of Sup Forumss problems
Who's next, Sup Forums? Chris Hayes? O'Donnel? Maybe even Maddow?
Andy Lackheimer
Andy Lackberg
Andy Lackovski
Never. In fact, he's giving them the power to censor real news.
I just happen to be up playing games and just got a notification about this. WTF is going on in hollywood/showbiz?
Obviously this campaign only take out men. I hope a late night show host.
Bitches gettin' uppity.
When are we going to see women get fired for this shit? Or will it be never because most men would be thrilled to get cat called or groped by a relatively attractive woman and don't have a gang of people egging them on for attention
Does anyone else feel like all this #metoo stuff is symptomatic of something much bigger? The institutions which established themselves as the moral arbiters of society are being exposed for what they really are and have lost all credibility. And then you have Trump who has turned all accepted wisdom right on its head. It feels almost like the period before the collapse of the Soviet Union or something, just that loss of faith in the institutions that control us.
Big happenings are going to happen
Harassment is "unwanted interactions from the other gender plus privilege."
Women can't be harassers. Check your privilege, shitlord.
Who is this fag?
Matt Lauer is sexy.
>m-muh institutions
Fuck right off, establishmentfag.
You need to work on your reading comprehension if you thought my post was in anyway pro-establishment. I can't wait for the whole rotten mess to come tumbling down
That is for Israel taking Palestine completely.
O ya i forgot the very definitions of words have been changed by feminism. Fuck Earth.
Didn't all the women who accused Trump take back their statements because he said he would sue them?
If there was any truth, it would have stuck, but there isnt.
Can confirm as true
Gonna take longer than that user.
We need to be patient and trust the process.
20 years on the job. You're FIRED!
Don't worry bud, us amerilards are doing some thinking over here, it's a little dangerous and we are easily confused. Real introspective stuff, don't mind him.
Two days
Part and parcel of being high energy.
He's a big guy for you... He's not going anywhere.
They will fight those disclosures tooth and fucking nail, bro. Why do you think they decided to cut losses and throw Weinstein under the bus?
Google "Conspiracy of Silence." There are no lengths they won't go to to keep the pedo disclosures from getting out. Weinstein was powerful, but he wasn't "I can make witnesses disappear" powerful.
I want to believe
Imagine how many of the elite who thought they were invincible are shitting themselves as the sword swings closer and closer to them claiming new scalps everyday
Ewww Anderson's job interview.
The GATEKEEPERS pushed thier core values to the extreeme, because the wanted to believe some chick was fondled by the Donald.
Now they cant meet critical muster.
Total pedo face.
Prior to NBC, Lack held a series of media executive positions, including as the chairman and CEO of Bloomberg Media Group; chairman and CEO of Sony Music Entertainment; and president and chief operating officer of NBC Universal.[5]
Also he is a Jew
God bless us all and may Christ find you in the darkness.
It's fun watching the walls crumble
Doesn't matter what the fake news story is. Lauer is being fired because he didn't get on board with Megan Kelly show. This is just their excuse to cut ties with him and ruin him because he thought he was untouchable.
He's talking about Bill right ?
I went through his history, most embarrassing attempt at forcing a meme I've ever seen. Eventually found the first one that identifies "President bone spur" as Trump. Some Cuban boomer acting like a typical boomer.
Alans A. Robot
Probably so. Instead of using the info for blackmail. It does look internal.
Morning Joe would be so different if an intern hadnt died in Joe Scarborough's office with a cracked skull. Got him by the shorthairs.
Hes no chump, he put a ring on it later to avoid scandall.
At this point any bitch can file a complaint and result with a quick termination? Never seen morning shows but this is actually a bad sign
Googled him, it makes sense now. Typical kike.
white men are under attack... this madness is crossing political affiliations. men must work to turn the power structure back. mgtow for 50 to 75 years is the only solution. we need to let women understand how horrible life is with them running things. i will not be bullied. i will not be a second class citizen because im a good hearted white male.
long live bill oreilly
long live charlie rose
long live matt lauer
Big if true
I wasn't implying they were white, captain reading comprehension
Probably lachman
Killer Joe is next
Apologies, that was meant for
Tick Buttock
Mr President give him a job
Trump curse strikes again. Feels good when your President is a S+ class shitposter protected by God Himself.
big al my nigg
i said Do Not Apologize!
Banged an intern is my guess. Anybody else?
im betting he impregnated a cohost
Matt "the plower" Lower
So now basically any time a women says someone talks to her inappropriately, the guy gets fired. Do I have this right?
Andy (((Lack)))
Time to cut off your ding ding and climb that corporate ladder.
I know my boss has insurance that covers sexual harassment cases. He's not even a slimball, just figures eventually he'll get accused of something out of spite.
This is probably the jews trying to sell new different types of insurance.
Would that surprise anyone? When will normies wake up?
Even if you dont like the dude you gotta admit this kinda throw out the babby with the bathwater situation sets bad precidents of ruin first investigate later. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
>What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Women's feelings happened.
In a way, I'm sort of proud of him. I always had him figured as a closeted faggot. Guess I can be wrong sometimes!
I just saw this. The Jews are really using this to clean house. If you are a good shabbos goy and a soyboy virgin/faggot, now is your chance homos. Go present the news for the Jews.
It was Olympics
Libs salty about a man not going to a war they never wanted while other men are hailed as heros for doing the same
After watching him choke on that Obama cock for 8 years I can't say I'm sad to see him being the victim of these douchebags eating their own once again.
O tear down the Jew media
O all women are lying whores