This is truly the best timeline


Other urls found in this thread:

This is amazing, because the videos that they point to show Muslims beating up Non Muslims....and ATTACKING people. The Left is so obsessed, they're proving Trump's point.

>tfw Britain is cucked and fucked beyond repair and we will never get a Trump like figure

>Documenting muslims beating up kids and destroying Christian statues is anti muslim
Fucking hell Britain

It just gets better and better

>videos of Muslims beating non-Muslims
>leftists claim the are anti-muslim videos

they seem like anti-non-muslim videos tbqpfhfam

The only reason we even hear about these savages beating a cripple is because the BBC decided to bash Trump for mentioning it. If the roles were reversed and some white men beat a handless Muslim clock maker half to death you bet that shit would be blasted on the front page of every newspaper and will be spoke about for weeks on the TV news. This is not a good timeline to be on.

>not good timeline to be on
>Trump etching himself in the annuls of shitposting history
gotta disagree with you famalam

>good timeline to be on.
>the leader of the western world cannot espouse contempt for wanton violence without being called a racist.
>simply because they're the western worlds longest enemy, goat fucking pedophiles.
Look at the bigger picture, if he was spouting shit like, 'Britain needs to gas their Muslim population', I'd give it a chuckle, but in reality this goes to show how fucked the western world is.

The Western world IS fucked, and Trump is the only hope. The only other timeline would be with a Hillary win, and it would already be 1000 times worse than things are now. At least with Trump there is hope.

This. If someone with common sense who isn't brainwashed by marxist propaganda can secure the more powerful political position in the world there's hope for change.

>Trump is the only hope.
That really seals the deal then, because in all honesty, he is hopeless, and I think most of us here know that deep down. He cannot just open up the FEMA camps and start a genocide of the non white masses, and that is the minimum it would take to restore the western world. The only people that believe in him unironically are woefully unaware of how the political system operates. Sure I like the guy, think he's funny, and I couldn't have hoped for a better shitposter in chief, still, he's not enough to stop us from mass beheading.

He is setting a new precedent and undoing complete leftist control over the media. He isn't the solution, merely the beginning.

>He is setting a new precedent
What would that be exactly? Not even The POTUS has the authority to talk shit about the Jew's Muslims or Blacks without losing their twatter privileges revoked? The left wing media has men en masse mutilating their dicks, has them believing that the evil nazi far right frog posters are coming to get them, and that they need to get us before we do so. Seems to me the left is winning.

>claims to be muslim

How does the media respond?

.) If they call Trump an islamophobe, they're literally acknowledging that the extremists in the video are Muslims.

.) If they maintain their dogma that terrorists are NOT real muslims, then they cannot accuse Trump of islamophobia and must laud him for showing the plight of muslims and christians in the middle east.

.) Then there's the easy way out, which is for journalists to JUST focus on the person of Jayda Fransen, and say POTUS retweeted a racist, which they are busy doing.

Watch mainstream journalism get dismantled by one based man.

If this doesn't cause a mass red pilling, I don't know what will.

We can only hope, but the braiwashing is strong in the millenials

what the fuck is this supposed to be

>"We don't know if they are Muslims... besides it was originallly posted by an anti-muslim group"


That is if people think about this critically which the majority of the population wont.
They will just angry react and go on.


can anyone provide a link to this in "pidgin" language?

I wish he was our prime minister.

He wouldn't stand for 50 billion.

One side of titty

You can do you part for your country and murder a few muslims dipshit. If every white male bong killed 3 muslims theyd all be gone


hot. brb

nigger he is literally surrounded by kikes. He cant move with his own accord. One wrong move or he will be the next Kennedy

Based Donald!

One of you fags run the Twitter account.
We get it.

if twitter axes his account, there goes millions of people, FTC will use this as prime example that it's companies like twitter and FB that censor material instead of ISP's, and the collective MSM will lose their bread and butter that is trump tweet of the week.

It's amazing, they can't kill his account because his account is 95% of their ratings! HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


and now when the media calls these videos racist simply for existing even the normies start to ask questions. the leftist media cant help itself, they feel compelled to defend their muslim pets no matter what.

I have considered this, I've also considered how I'd be one of maybe 3 people to act in such a manner. The end result therefore would be that the anti white pro muslim agenda gets a 'national tragedy' to use to it's benefit.

Exactly, he's not setting any precedent, he's another puppet of the kike.

Also most journos compete on who gets to make the most leftist rant on Trumps tweets. Like literally who get's in first. If you do it well, it opens doors to you in the leftist news world.

So I've seen some of there stuff on social media. What even makes them far right?

Is it just like every white man's a nazi now. They don't seem very far right to me

OCS = Onward Christian Soldier

anti muslim video = candid video of muslims killing people like a pack of wolves

The damage control is hilarious.
>I-Its a Dutch boy with dark hair! Not a migrant!

Ok, maybe not a migrant. Still a sandnig though.

The President of the USA re tweeting Jayda fucking Fransen. Every day is like Christmas.

This is good though, he has pointed millions in the direction of a group called BRITAIN FIRST.

He is also chipping away at the taboo of retweeting these types of videos, he has opened the door for more who perhaps felt nervous about doing such things, also he has given some credence to the despicably maligned Britain First, who are no more than patriotic brits who are unfairly labelled as far right.

So much good has been done with these 3 tweets, he has effectively punched a hole in the enemy wall that we can all pour through.

Anything that isn’t Marxist globalism is far right you racist

who is this slut?

she's a British patriot, a brave woman who loves her country and her people, she's a Christian who has been targeted by the authorities for years.

Have some fucking respect cunt.

>be the next Kennedy

He's surrounded himself with Generals for a good reason. He would already have been killed, otherwise.

Isn’t she a Jewish MI5 shill?

It’s actually worse if someone who grew up there is still a problem



It is a migrant, that one was a famous vid when it first came out

The absolute state of the chimpout over this

If it truly were the case that it was that easy I'd already be on CNN shilling for the destruction of white patriarchy.

While I love the idea, Trump getting into the office only delayed the inevitable for a few years, 8 at most. The crash is coming for most of the west, but the only ones who will suffer will be your average citizen. It's sad that a billionaire cold business man cares more about his people than most of the politicians today. Trudeau is a great example of how not to be in charge of a nation. Not because of being a populist or showboating in front of cameras, but the fact he puts the minority first, no matter the circumstance. That is what always kills morale and today the west needs all it can get.

Trump has been accelerating the leftist agenda by playing the right wing fool. He's invalidating the right wing whilst simultaneously fueling the lefts concerns that we may go fascist and gas them, in tun perpetuating the idea that they need to kill us nasty nazi's before we do them.


look I generally agree with you that Trump is too little, too late (especially for the USA, which is lost). but the left are masters at always appearing to be winning even when they aren't.

If my followers were baiting for blood, and crying "lynch them" to the people that I had propped up as the bad guys, I'd feel pretty fucking successful as a megalomaniac. That is how the Jew's must feel right now regarding the whole left vs right war with which they've been playing both sides.


> Handless Muslim clockmaker
Very underrated

And as usual leftists attack the character rather than the message

>are unfairly labelled as far right
kek they are MI5 to the bone so they probably are far right

Trump has obviously been given the go ahead to push them now. They must have secured major stateside Zionist backing.

General Kelly and General Mattis are both well worth watching.

Making the unacceptable, unacceptable again
Very cosy

If trump leaves twitter and goes to something else, twitter will die. They will lose so many users who leave just to read his content elsewhere. Twitter is already sinking, banning trump would be like torpedoing a sinking vessel.

>videos of reality have an anti-muslim bias

They both need to go. Jews and Muslims. Jews first because they push for more muslims to distract from Jewish kikery. Good vid, lad.

They may have backing from some agencies or organizations, maybe including Israelis but they are too dumb to be anything more than people being played.

They seem just like regular folks who are pissed at that the state of the nation.
There's no way the main pair are agents or actors or anything like that.

Spitballing, but what if the US mass shooters just claimed to be white, and in reality are transracial?

Trump vs Corbyn : Twilight of the Mad Man

>retweets are a threat to our society

I bet this literal terrorist will retweet anti child molestation posts next. Why won't somebody stop him!?

>Me golden hair boyo gwan tell dem e' no lika dem a muslim.

wait i was under the impression twitter can't actually ban trumps twitter because he uses it to address the people.

wrong, they're a private corporation goy :)

The voice of the recorder gives it away further that it's migrants. It's an old(ish) vid.

It's great that he added no further commentary on the retweeted videos. The conclusions people are jumping to are anything, but the contents of the videos, unless to say they are fake or "unverified"

Yeah, the best they can do is try and detract from the videos by pointing to them being posted by Britain First and laughably saying "well you can't prove they're muslims!"


Trump could make the entire Western World into 1930's Idealic Germany, Rome, whatever.

You'd still die out to AI and soldier bots in 50 years time.

Ummm I don't have tweetbox9000

Can someone post a link of the vids in question

The actual kid who was responsible was a local white dutch kid.

>ITT: Things that make literally zero sense

What a cuck.

> claiming to be muslim
christians don't have to claim, I guess

You don't need one. Use the device you are on to search Trump Twitter and play the videos

I think deep down we have already accepted such inevitability.
There are many historical precedents for this sort of reaction.
Crusades are the obvious ones. While the Basil of the remnants of the Roman Empire pleaded with the Pope for help against the Muslim horde after getting clobbered at Manzikert, it wasn't until there were confirmed reports of proactive antichristian genocide in the Holy Land that the First Crusade started.

It's alright. We've won before.

If anyone has such authority, it's the POTUS. Should the media butcher him and get Twitter to ban him, they're eating the bait.
After all to deny one's free speech in the land of the First Amendment is a perilous affair.
Why do you think the left has only reported on this so far?
They daren't make a move.

>Showing Muslims doing Muslim things
It's anti-muslim to show it!

>If trump leaves twitter and goes to something else, twitter will die
the shit I read here

>Moroccan is local white

Here, you dropped these:

>yfw trump retweets Greatest Story Never Told in 2021

One of the videos literally is a native-on-native.

First the Australian kfc tweet and now this. Aussies and burgers are in a shit posting competition. Meanwhile, leafs are cuck posting as hard as they can.

While I agree Jews are Jewing it up everyday at least they aren't blowing themselves up to take people out.

>Showing Muslims in action is racist
>Covering for them is progressive

Humanity would discover that human heads can actually explode that day.

I wonder if you'll ever understand how bad the situation is in your country.

Just now

Big Bong Cancer, featuring Typhoid May.