Why does Trump want to wage war on our Caucasian brothers in Iran?
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Because Trump is a zionist.
Pretty sure Iran is the one chanting “Death to America”.
You’re backwards kid
I thought Nazis in America are quite fond of Trump?
Trump = Israel.
>You’re backwards kid
Old fuddy duddy detected with reddit spacing to top it off
And why is that?
You started it first dude.
Leave them alone you bunch of Jewish mercenaries
Being this new. Most people who aren't cuckservatives gave up on trump when he bombed Syria and then gave a speech the following week claiming to be a "Globalist Nationalist" what ever the fuck that is.. He still does some good things like sending 80,000 Haitians back to Haiti, but I really don't have much faith in him. All of his grandchildren are Jewish
>reddit spacing
Are you the expert on all things Reddit?
Things that make you go "hmmmm".
Because Russians, Saudis, and jews told him to.
>I thought Nazis in America are quite fond of Trump?
Nazis are Zionists
True fact.
Thats a northern Iranian girl not all Iranians look like that most of the people in center and south are nigger and arab rape babies we call them half breeds in the north
Only niggers and arab rape babies chant that
fuck you asshole Nazis are independent
Caucasian doesn't mean the same thing in America as it does in the rest of the world. Indians are also "Caucasian". Yet I don't give a fuck about them. White is right.
I don't think Trump really gives two shits about Iran; he just doesn't really care enough one way or the other to go against the long-standing hate-boner for Iran in many circles of American politics. Look at the establishment; you have people like McCain and Clinton saying they'd bomb Iran in a heartbeat for years now. It's not his show, he just inherited it.
>I don't think Trump really gives two shits about Iran;
Yeah that's why he appointed all those anti-Iran war hawks to his cabinet.
>tfw no cute half Iranian loli daughter
Trump is a elitist globalist, I don't think he cares about white people.
Fresh off the boat from reddit, kid?
Rubbish mate,
I've lived in iran for 5 years.Your statement is false
We're pro-Iran though. Saudis cuddle with us because it's better than not to.
Russia is pro-Iran?
That's good news.I don't wan't the Original Caucasians to perish
persians forfeit their whiteness when they allowed themselves to become infected wth islam
There is a difference between Caucasian and Caucasoid the latter being you could have darker skin but retain the bone/skull structure
NOT all of us are pro islam bro
KYS and your jidf meme
Why would you wanna say that? That is just false
Are you a shill?
Or are you just ignorant?
Looks like a subhuman Central Asian
>That is just false
Oh no honey absolute reality
Nice one mate :D
I've lived in Iran for 5 years.
Who are you trying to fool here?
T. Jew
Stop trying to cover the truth, The reality is northern Iranians are the only white ones
>Original Caucasians
Lmao no
Fucking Zionists
were everyone there look white to you???????
>I've lived in Iran for 5 years.
bitch please I lived in there for 22 years
I wanna know what your real flag is. show yourself
Majority of them are not white in the colour of their skin.
But they prety much all have Caucasoid facial feautures.
Like that guy above said..''you could have darker skin but retain the bone/skull structure''
I see your back again lol,
>bitch please I lived in there for 22 years
well, it means you didn't even take part in Iraq-Iran war like i did, please leave this thread and go play with somebody in the yard
lmao so basically all of them
Well, America is a ZOGocracy. Of course they want death to this abomination.
bitch please you guys are ugliest niggers I have ever seen
Sieg Heil Actually fuck it lets save the Iran as whole not just north.We gonna save entire country
haha yea
lost two uncles in that war
Says the rape baby. I bet you have a lot of arab DNA in you. Go back to your country, fucking Iranian diaspora
I think that's a sister.
He has no choice
dude I am Iranian myself but my white neo nazi friends always say your skin tone is more important !!!!
tbf you guys do kind of look like angry jews
These threads are filled with fucking sandniggers because of you treasonous stormfags. I swear to god if you start up Iran generals when we attack I will spam them with pictures of dead kids killed by Iranians.
Are they? Are you sure you can trust your source of information? As far as I know Jews can live there fairly peacefully contrary to what you would think.
oh look at nigger bitch please you guys are niggers rape babies also why you arabs are short like average 5' 4" lol when i was there I was like tallest man lol
Dafuq, she looks Russian AF.
Because Iran has oil and is not selling it under the US dollar
What dead kids do u speak of?
bitch what dead kids Iranians are peaceful
70% of Sup Forums is shitskins. Even the guy who made Sup Forums is a shitskin
pic related.
>t.arab rape baby
how do you feel that you have being dominated by arabs for 1000+ years ?
BTFO, he is playing the long con on them. He gonna get them in the end. Gonna even send you to die to end Iranians cause it IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO
I hope you die in a head on car crash and fly into the windshield
Nigger please dominated lol
you guys got rape by ottomans and Safavid lol no khalifate anymore also we destroy Yemen arab niggers homeland also everything you niggers accomplished is base on our knowledge.
In 1377, the Arab sociologist, Ibn Khaldun, narrates in his Muqaddimah:[20]
"It is a remarkable fact that, with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars ... in the intellectual sciences have been non-Arabs, thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farsi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of Persian descent they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar. Great jurists were Persians. Only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement of the prophet (Muhammad) becomes apparent, 'If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it "... The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them…as was the case with all crafts. ... This situation continued in the cities as long as the Persians and Persian countries, Iraq, Khorasan and Transoxiana (modern Central Asia), retained their sedentary culture."
Good lad.
I mean you are the one doing to yourself. pic related.
oh you are the same person I talked to a while ago. you have this statement saved up. this shows your inferiority complex lmao
Who ruled the caliphate between 632-1253? arabs or you subhumans? what religion do you worship ours or yours?
the guy that you cry about and hit yourself because of his death(ali) is he arab or persian?
>t.Iranian diaspora
the last time that I checked... (((the media))) was pushing for WW3 with Russia.... not Iran
And that's becuase, lot's of white people will die in Russia and USA
they just want to see dead goyim
Iranians are assholes
iranians as a race have the biggest inferiority complex i've seen. i wonder why.
Woah Persians look like THAT?!!
I know. The Egyptians have a billion times better history, but they are way less nationalistic
nigger I hate Mohammad piss be upon his nigger ass and Ali the nigger both the level those are iraqi shias .caliphate is no more nigger it got raped by ottomans and safavids your people are done lol .which of these missiles you like the most by the way
Mohammad was nigger fuck him fuck you fuck iskam
arab nigger spoted
lmao why don't you go back to your GREAT country and live there. I'm living in mine why not live in yours?
I thought you are superior ?
Btw we have DF-3 and DF-21 (3000+ km)
Most of you Air force consist of planes that date back to the 50s-60s. you literally have no Air force.
congrats you buy them but can't build shit by yourself.my country turn in to shithole thanks to your ugly nigger religion.bitch we being under sanctions since 1979. still destroy 4 arab countries without air force lol beat two saudis students in canada it was fun simply said fuck Islam and these guys lose their shit short dark ugly niggers one of them have 17 year old wife you guys are paedophiles .
>le epic white thrash are nazies.
and as an amerimutt you will have the urge suck circumcised zionists cocks by default.
Yeah yeah yeah..
He have to cut ties with Saudi Arabia they are the founders of ISIS and the guys behind 9/11
What he needs to do is to take the jewish cock out of his mouth and hang from a tree with all his mutt comerades
Trump keeps up the anti-Muslim jewish ZOG meme
He's just another hooked nose kike puppet.
As-salamu alaykum, brother. May i ask, is this possible to move to Saudi Arabia? Is this hard? What requirements are?
I'm muslim by the way.
What a true mystery
Because kafir's in our government oppress faithful Muslims and moving to Muslim country is probably the best solution.
>self reported """studies"""
South Koreans get plastic surgery on their whole bodies. Iranians only on nose bridge.
nice cherrypicked image, Reza
KAFIR ARE SAME RACE AS YOU, I been in saudi take chechens , syrians, kurds, ... girls as white slave trophy they are niggers
Ahh yes the one and only excuse we have for going to war with iran is that some jews told us second hand that they said this one time