Crypto faggots will defend this, this was expected, karma, scum, get annihilated.
WHat did op mean by this?
>WHat did op mean by this?
Sour grapes since he missed the boat. probably a porn junkie too.
No coiner missed the boat and wants to make a dip. kek, you're a few years too late to be able to influence the price like that. Institutional investors and countries that take it seriously (like Japan) will put heavy resistance on the down side.
>he didn't buy thousands of them when they were like a dollar each
>Tfw nocoiner
>Please dip again so I can buy. This time I'm gonna do it!
TFW no coiner but really wanted to dump £10 a week into it when it was like £0.7 a coin but my GF said no because we were poor as shit and couldn't afford to gamble...
Low quality b8
It's almost fucking $11,000
Up $163 in the last hour.
Looks like OP is a raging nocoiner fag.
I bought ETH at an all time high when it was $80. I don't recommend putting all your investment money in crypto, just don't be a no coiner.
Stop blaming it on your "gf". god, you people who pass off blame to the woman are truly worse than the woman. t. 21btc and counting :3
I literally would have bought millions of dollars worth if I didn't respect her opinion on matters of our finances. That right there was the mistake, respecting her when it comes to finances.
Wow what a retard.
>another meme flag shilling e-jew shekels on Sup Forums
i thought the point of these was to mine them for free, not "investing" fiat into these (((coins))) that prided itself on not having anything to do with fiat kys cash is king
I learnt from my mistakes and give her zero say on cash anymore.
I bought ETH as my first crypto at $65.
You're literally a cuck. But it's never too late to jump on the band wagon and make a little profit. BTC is expected to rise to $40,000 so if you still have that will to gamble, then do it.
We all make mistakes user
>You're literally a cuck.
Well, no, we don't have a kid, and she's never been able to cheat anyway so no fears on that front.
I think I'll wait till after christmas, BTC trends have shown that these bubbles burst and take a few months to hit rock bottom before they sky rocket to new heights.
every bit coin chart site wont load lol
last time this happened it got nuked a few weeks later