
When did you realize evolution is bullshit?

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Always knew. My parents raised me right they didn’t try to tell me we came from shit flinging monkeys. We were made in gods image

Of course it will be an Ameri*an.

fucking creationist retard

I see the hand of a creator at work here.


Understanding evolution is why people call me a racist.

After the jet fuel melted the steel beams

lol bible belts burgers

Around the same time that I read a 2000 year old book written by a normal human being and accepted an invisible cloud fairy who hasn't proven his existence to anybody in recent memory but guarantees us a free trip to fantasyland if we die and don't masturbate.

I see your mom's pussy at work here.

Of course you are fucking amerimutts.

Friendly reminder that you CANNOT be a white nationalist and forsake your own culture for a Semite culture. The hypocrisy is outstanding.

Christians on Sup Forums aren't white nationalists. Most of them aren't even white to begin with.

>Christianity is kike
but that isn't bullshit?

Holy shit OP are you retarded?

Dunno brobably a bunch of bs

Fuck off with that divide and conquer bullshit.

OP is such a faggot he posted it on the wrong board, Post on \sci\

when I heard story about some space-dude who lived for ever, then shitted out everything in 6 days and forgot to tell anyone about it...

except the jews...

Oh gee why are you creationists such boneheads? There's so much evidence for evolution and the only reason you're denying it is because 'muh religion'.

>We were made in gods image
We descended from incestuous sex between Eve and Adam and their 2 sons.

Evolution is retarded because you have people who actually think they can take data from this modern time and know what the fuck is happening or has happened I should say a few billion years back.

And creationism is retarded because it literally does nothing but believe and think that that's enough proof

One is full of egotistical assholes who I think just because they have phds they know everything in the fucking universe.

And the other one is literally a bunch of idiots who think just believing in something proves something.

They're both fucking retarded in their own right.

I will not believe that evolution is real until I have a fucking time machine and I can time travel and see this shit happening for myself because listening to a bunch of assholes talk about how reality was a billion years ago is fucking retarded it's no different than biblical Stories being passed down as fact.

And I will not believe in creationism because all they do is simply passed down stories as facts.

Then why can' t you tell apes from niggers apart?

>people actually believe all life on earth came from a rock
>or aliens!

Why is creation and evolution mutually exclusive?

>he believes a magical sky wizard daddy did it

Bible teaches man's sin brought death into the world.
Evolution teaches death brought man into the world.

The Bible is not the only theory regarding creation.

The bible was written by kikes.

Intricate complex systems come from design yes. Even the most microscopic cell you can find is more complex than anything that humans have invented. DNA is literally code. Evolution might have been believable during Darwin's time but we now know that life is infinitely more complex.

Time scale and definition. Creation requires that everything that exists now either exists on a shorter time line than we think of now or that everything has been the same for millions of years, both of which are ridiculous statements to make.

because kike lovers are retarded see When evolution started being discussed, one of them could have said "yeah, just the way god intended" and that would have been it.

>life is infinitely more complex
*scoffs* Not in you case, you mutt ape.

>stating a fact is retarded
That's what they both teach.

That is not even an argument. Just because it is more complex than anything we have ever created, someone else must have created it? Sounds more like the proof that it wasnt created after all. It is not something that got designed from one point, hence it would be far less complex and more repetetive.
Life is only that complex since every point, every organism it evolved to, evolved further from its own, being its own starting point and its own designer. Only way you could argue is that evolution is the tool of a god to achieve the things he wants, but saying evolution is false just makes you retarded.

>nothing exploded into everything
>soup on a rock turned into a fish then an amphibian then a reptile then a mammal
>dinosaurs turned into birds
>princes turn into frogs, it just takes millions of years

And a Jewish zombie impregnating his own mother after creating everything out of clay 6000 years ago makes more sense to you?

i dont think there are bigger brainlets that actual unironical creationists. They are like flat-earthers but they actually believe what they say. Theres so much evidence. I would accept their different beliefs if they had some evidence on their stance at least (like flat earthers have) but there is none. Just "its in the bible". How can anyone be this ignorant. I think i need to write this out again: FLAT EARTH IS LITERALLY MORE PLAUSIBLE THAN CREATIONISM.

There was never nothing, but always something, there was always everything really, just in a different state of order. Otherwise god would be the same bullshit, stating nothing (god), created everything.
In the soup on the rock ever more complex molecules started to form until they actively started to distinguish themselves from their environment by building up an electronic potential that allowed them to perform certain tasks by harvesting the energy of high level substances and changing them into low energy substances, hence ensuring the stability of their form.
Are you even trying, dinosaurs to birds is really obvious. And it didnt work the way that a fucking T-Rex shrinked to a bird, but they have the same common ancestor, that evolved into different types of animals.
Yes, princes do turn into frogs and the other way around as well. Just you wait, someday it might be your turn as well to be beautiful :^)

If God is real, fuck him.
I have to unconditionally love him and praise him constantly, but he'll never talk to me except in the most abstract ways? He's constantly testing me because some dude 6000 years ago ate a fruit? Yet he claims to be my best friend?

believing Jewish bullshit is the retarded part.
and evolution does not teach that at all.

Such a weak spirit.

when were evolving for million years BUT every other primate species around as long as us humans did not

when i found out they discard bones they can't place in the evolutionary scale
>what's dis
>check chart
>bin it

If you take the bible literal you are a monkey...

but life on earth began with molecules that formed pre-Rna structures in pools of acid in a scorching hot atmosphere full of toxic gases and the pre-rna structures were able use and catalyze the conveniently placed amino acids, sugars, phosphates, and proteins around them to create self-replicating chains of molecules that kept copying and perfecting itself to eventually form dna and thus set the stage for complex interactions between bacteria that led to modern life several billion years later?

how is this not considered a fantasy?

No. Fuck you and fuck (((Christ)))

Fucking evolutionist retard

religious people are retarded

>Evolution is retarded because you have people who actually think they can take data from this modern time and know what the fuck is happening or has happened I should say a few billion years back.
If your knowledge of science is limited to 6th grade education, sure, it seems impossible. But if you took any biology classes in high school you should know exactly how this works. All life on earth has the same kind of DNA structure. The advanced species will have more gene pairs, the primitive and archaic species will have fewer. And gene expression can be read like a progression. For example, the most primitive "eye" is just a cluster of unorganized photo sensitive cells like the pineal glands in non-mammals. In mammals, that function is only in the eyes. The transition is apparent.

>I will not believe that evolution is real until I have a fucking time machine and I can time travel and see this shit happening for myself
Is this how you feel about electricity, too?

> Evolution is retarded because you have people who actually think they can take data from this modern time and know what the fuck is happening or has happened I should say a few billion years back.

The reason people believe in evolution is exactly because this works.

Evolution basically means genetics define an animal, genetics are heredetary and that animals with genetics better fit for their environment have more offspring / die less.
Based on that you can predict what you would find in which time period and where, and that gives it validity.

> One is full of egotistical assholes who I think just because they have phds they know everything in the fucking universe.

The believe is strengthened every time you successfully predict something.

> I will not believe that evolution is real until I have a fucking time machine and I can time travel and see this shit happening for myself because listening to a bunch of assholes talk about how reality was a billion years ago is fucking retarded it's no different than biblical Stories being passed down as fact.

How about finding lizards in a cave that have their eyes grown shut with a layer of skin.
Evolution predicts that a population of lizards that fell into a cave would over generations lose their eyes, as the ones with wet and vulnerable eyes would have a disadvantage (and functioning eyes in a dark cave not being an advantage at all) and would reproduce less than ones with slightly less wet and vulnerable eyes.

Is there a better explanation for lizards in caves having basically functioning eyes, covered with skin so they don't function after all?

I see a squid

>when i found out they discard bones they can't place in the evolutionary scale
Theists are perpetually trying to game the system by fabricating quotes (Barton), forging ancient texts (Josephus), spray painting swasticas on schools (Rabbis) and other such dishonest fuckery. Would they bury bones to try to trick archaeologists? They do and they have already:

>Sky Daddy is real cuz pretty colors

God made creation in such a way that the fundamental forces of nature, that is physics and chemistry and all other forces we don't know, would lead to the creation of man and possibly other sentient species in the universe. His divine will is creation, but while He made it be, it was in the state that it is now. Basically think of humanity as a divine derivative of His creation.

>it was in the state that it is now.
it WASN'T in the state that it is now, correction.

fuck off vedic nigger

They are literally the same thing, unfortunately most people think they have to choose a side.

I go to church every day, and pray to our lord and savior Jesus to spare the sinners. I feel his presense inside me, the comforting, all-knowing light of the divine, and he speaks to me. "You are made in my image" he says, and I press my hands together more strongly. "Please lord," I say in my mind, "forgive me." Then there is silence, but lo and behold I see. That all the evidence of evolution, of earth being older than 6000 years, of natural selection, of the flood not happening, of the ark not existing, of the impossibility of creating a stable entire species from a single male and female proto-couple, was just planted to deceive me. The devil uses logic and evidence to trick us. Abandon all sensisbilities. I scream, and I speak in tongues and the freedom takes me, as I float away to the sky man, my pure american chins trembling with faith and conviction.

Where? Maybe I just have a hard time noticing anything other than the amazing strobing cuttlefish that shoots out tentacles to catch a crab, but I can't find a squid anywhere in that video.

When I realized humans are the only mammals whi cant lick their own asshole
Unnatural contortions excluded

>Evolution predicts that a population of lizards that fell into a cave would over generations lose their eyes

No it does not. It does not predict how a species will evolve in the future, since evolution is driven by random mutations.

What it DIES do is explain the process by which an organism has arrived at its current form from dissimilar ancestors.

>What it DOES do is explain

Fuck shoulda proofread.


you must be an undercover liberal, trying to get us to agree to the "dumb conservative stereotype". I am a christian and believe in evolution. It's actually a fact evolution is true. Evolution is a biological mechanism and doesn't disprove God or the bible.

Evolution is the complete opposite of Creation. In the bible which came first, man or death?

>Sup Forums claims to be redpilled
>is full of christcucks
>atheists claim to be redpilled
>are so arrogant as to claim spirituality has no merit

Science and Religion are both wrong.

>the bastardized and subverted hodge podge of mystery school teachings takes precedence over observable phenomena

If evolution is true, then niggers are a nothing more than an inferior, predecessor to the caucasiod/mongoloids. Negroid skulls are noticeably less evolved than them. Capoids are kinda unique, but I cannot find much information on them.

>don’t even get me started on the australoids


>what are microorganisms

Never. I learned about it when I was maybe 10. I understood it when I was maybe 16.

It's bullshit because the entire material universe is a nothing more than a projection of energy from subatomic particles, which pop into and out of existence like props on a movie screen.

>Two doesn't follow one, since seven follows six.
Also, wtf is "projection of energy"?

This guy gets it.
Read Plato, faggot.

It's the electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forcefield (the real Trinity) that accounts for the essential characteristics of all matter which is produced when probability functions collapse upon direct observation of a particular data point.

When you play the lottery. Your ticket is one part of a probabilistic wave function. When the numbers are drawn, it collapses into a particle and only the winning tickets become 'real'.

When I realized that liberals existed.

Could it be that the "observed evolution" process of microorganisms is merely a pre-programmed genetic volatility?

Like several genereations of a plant growing towards sunlight, you might misinterpret the observed change of plant structure as evolution even though the root structure stays the same

What would happen if you expose a handful of different microorganisms to the same cyclic environmental changes?

Would they eventually all look the same?

Would each culture of microorganisms merely cycle through different adaptive states each retaining it's specific discernible core structure?

>Asks question with a biased answer inside
>Provides no proof that the answer is true

Sage My dude

piltown man. and lack of trtansitional fossils.

my parents also taught me we didnt come from monkeys or else there still wouldnt be monkeys its all to remove god from the classroom.

it wasnt until my edgyfedora athiest carl (((sagan))) phase wore off did i realize they were right.

Why am I not surprised that it's an American...

Nebraska Man

All lies.


>mystery school teachings

if you dont get into occult literature and see the basis of enlightenment scientific philosophy then you really don't know what you're talking about and are just regurgitating science fiction as fact.

dont fforget pekig man, which proves china is in on itt too.

frankly if its the royal society or Smithsonian telling you. its a lie.

Darwin or biology never claimed the big bang or whatever. You're mixing things up here. If you don't trust Einstein's theory of relativity does it mean electricity and magnetism aren't real either because muh it's all science it's all the same.
Evolution starts after the earth was a solid rock already, developed a climate, had liquid water etc, it starts from there, anything that came before is irrelevant. Big bang, creation by aliens, god, or earth being earth since forever has nothing to do with the history of evolution from point A to point B today.

the bible is a history with long tedious geneologies and historic documentation.

everyone elses shit is basically making it up, and none of it survived as long as biblical truth. People who never bothered to read the bible and figure out where Cain got his wife or the name of Adam and eves third son and many other children, wouldn't know.

but thats belong the point, the fact is evolution and big bang are all attempts to discredit genesis which would discredit the whole bible. It does this by adding time to everything, which in itself is questionable as the age of the earth.

many people quote hindu texts to say "oh look an older creatio" when hindus don't really give a fuck and will add any and all gods to their system.

One god, is clean and efficient, which India is not. With its contradicting stories. The Bhagavad Gita is inspired though.

>Evolution starts after the earth was a solid rock already, developed a climate, had liquid water etc, it starts from there, anything that came before is irrelevant.

the fact that this was set in motion all on it's own
is a glaring point.

and thats where big bang comes in to save the theory of everything from nothing.

All organisms have evolved the same, just not in the same direction. Macro is too big for you to conceive but consider micro evolution. Niggers and whites have evolved for the same amount of time, and biologically we're equally evolved, a Roman is less evolved than a nigger of today because time has passed since. Now we evolved following different ways because we were subject to different evolution pressure, niggers had to be strong, run fast and have dark skin to not get cancer so they evolved that way because it was best suited for their environment. We evolved to become paler, more obedient and hard working because our climate killed the lazy ones, so we evolved that way. Same with apes, or cats, or tigers. All living things are equally evolved, but in different ways because subjected to different environmental demands. Sometimes species under similar conditions evolve in similar ways. Aborigenes have evolved to have dark skin, large noses and low iq like Africans, because Australian climate was a lot like Africa, but they're not related at all, in fact their niggerness gene is different from black niggerness gene, and is recessive to whiteness gene while African is dominant. That's why a half Abo will be much whiter than a half nigger, and a quarter abo will look fully white, while even a 1/32th nigger will arguably look more negro than white.

Since animals haven't evolved special road crossing appendages as a result of so many being killed by vehicles.

> It does not predict how a species will evolve in the future, since evolution is driven by random mutations.

Sure but in the example I mentioned it's clear that the eye is a disadvantage, so it's very likely that natural selection finds a way to get rid of it. In which way is harder to predict, but even then it's more likely that skin grows over the eye or the eye itself dries up, instead of the lizards evolving intelligence to craft eye-patches.

Not sure in which way you disagree with me.

>Macro is too big for you to conceive

convenient. explain abiogenesis then.

living material appearing and replicating from nothing, even thhough dna is initself information that must have prevous information to pass along.

further explai how no species has ever been observed shifting intoanother .

developing phenotypes over generations is not evolution.

>inb4 dogs

which can still mate successfully with wolves, which shows the definition of speciation is flawed.

If you want to believe God created the universe fine. I don't know, haven't figured it out, and men specialised in physics haven't either, they've not proven it yet for sure. What I'm sure about is that some Jews living in the desert didn't found out how the universe was created either, and if a creator made the universe, it's none of the creators imagined by any human work of fiction, or if it is, it would be a lucky guess. Like if I say you're wearing blue pants, I might be right, but I have no fucking clue and none should believe you're wearing blue pants solely because I said so, even if by miracle I'm right.
So nothing > something, I don't know, I'll probably never will, but I can agree with you that big bang holds as much truth as the bible at this point since it hasn't been proved by observation yet, it's still a theory, a guess, even if based in science and maths, it's nothing certain.
Life on the other hand, is a phenomena on its own, with a beginning at a certain point, long after the creation of matter, and it has been proven by solid evidence. The big bang is a whole different subject, nothing to do with life.

look at all these newfags taking the bait

Large animals have reproduction cycles too long for a human to experiment on and draw conclusions. They did with flies and plants and after a number of generations obtained different species unable to mate with each other.
As for the creation of the first amino acids that created DNA, it's still a mystery on why it went that way, but they tried launching discharges of electricity in ponds of water with certain elements present in ponds of water, nothing alive though, and amino acids were created. So life certainly came to be because of lighting hitting watery zones high on carbon etc, and everything went from there, at a really slow pace. The instinct of self preservation and replication developed later on truly is a mystery though, and I still can't comprehend it, but modern science is only a century old, in a millennia or so we would have figured those things out.

I know it's bait, but they're litteral bible niggers from murica here who believe this shit, and I like to debate.

>if evolution is real why was it invented by KIKES?
checkmate atheists

Avast, here be thy trolls. And look yonder, dozens of bampots be fooled by his false flag. Take us closer, Mr. Squidward.

You are doing gods work, continue and go with autism frog nigger.