Historical photos - bonus points for ww2 Wehrmacht, Waffen SS and the winter/continuation war photos.
Historical photos - bonus points for ww2 Wehrmacht, Waffen SS and the winter/continuation war photos
War isn't any place for a doggo
is this more acceptable?
here you go.
any interest in this thread or am i the only one in here?
one happy stuka
Fuck you krauts! USA USA USA
Nice miniatures nerd
Oswald Mosley being shown the ground.
Swedish volunteer in the Winter War, 1940. Armed with a Swedish Mauser m96, he held the line against Bolsjevik invaders. Finlands sak är vår!
I'm here too
Good one. Saved.
Adolf Hitler and the strategic HQ, Summer 1944, colourized.
I'm running low lads...
So many good German men died and this piece of shit survived
That's it lads. I am spent...
Shut up, you have to be over 18 to post here.
Some many good British men died and this piece of shit survived
Yes and?
Dat Filename
A few old National Front pics I'll post aswell
Millions brutalized by war because lardass Churchill wanted to play war.
Just posting best Europe.
We had some great banter with Jerry in WW2, what a fun time
Here's some more redpills on Churchkike if you haven't already seen them.
Yes but he didn't start WW2. If he had done so for the Germans, they might have won.
Half aboriginal German man, served in the SS and wehrmacht and was concentration camp guard. Testified that no harm was done to inmates but was still sent to jail for many years by the allies
>"No English schoolgirl will be gangraped by Achmeds in British territory"
>best Europe
>Constantinople in roach hands
Another Churchkike brainlet. Why don't you fuck off back to Brit/pol/ and circlejerk there you little worm.
Alright lad ,what got you upset?
I got a:
>dead german storage
>dead russian storage
>dead brit and american storage
historical folders.
Which should i dump first?
The dead german storage folder is the biggest.
It vass not us, it vass die kleine aboriginal menschen. Ve vere only following orders. Don't hang me bitte.
Kamikaze pilots
I love how much this triggers bongs. As it should. I mean, how do you live that down?
You seem upset. Are you ok?
>I mean, how do you live that down?
We never can. The fact this happened on our soil will remain a stain on our collective soul forever.
>when you're country was fucked in the ass by everyone