Based Milo.
bump cos fuck you
What's the matter? I thought you like being pumped and dumped.
Okay I admit you did good this time Milo.
why does this feel staged?
>this thread
Well at least he's not Jewish like Lauren ''southern'' (((simosen)))
That may not be his actual position, as he really enjoys attention and profits from it financially. He may not have given the situation enough thought to have come to it as a real solution.
Or he may totally be serious. You can't tell with people like this, but right now that's okay.
I bet it was staged to make moderate Muslims look ridiculous (which they are)
But yeah, he's right, this whole peaceful muslim shit does contradict the Quran so it all makes zero sense
and it's only westernized women that believe it, the men are the real threat
Based sodomite!!! Based black cock sucker!!!
good 1
Milo is a great way to decide who needs to be gassed or not. Anyone supporting needs to be put down.
Lauren is not jewish.
It’s the BTFOcalypse!!!!
Daddy retweeting Muslim outrages via Britain First
Trump needs him as spokesman.
Comfy AF today
Rice War when?
Its fucking real.
And going with a “it’s staged” meme just makes this really stupid bitch seem even more stupid, so go for it.
She can go through life branded as “that bitch that worked with Milo to make Muslims look bad” or “that stupid lazy westernized ‘muslim’ bitch that doesn’t know the 5 pillars, doesn’t pray 5 times a day and didn’t pay zakat” either way I’m happy.
Milo is half jewish, gay, married to a black man. God dammit amerimutt's. Why don't you learn from us pakis and kill your gay jew race mixers?
typical milo supporter
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this, kek, Sup Forums listening to a fag thats literally blacked. i must be dreaming.
Man, when will they learn? You cannot defeat the based faggot.