Israel shill at the top
Niinistö, a well known leftist. How much glue do you think the toimittajat sniffed before making that chart.
whats this shit say, looks like it was written by a dyslexic mongoloid
Literally only left-wing candidates in our presidential election.
How do they feel about guns?
As far as I know guns are never brought up in our elections.
>Most candidates are libertarian
Jealous as fuck. Too bad about them all being lefty though.
Who's the older looking guy with glasses nearer to the middle?
Press F to post spûrdõs
How do they feel about migrants.
Map of values
That's Nils Torvalds, the father of Linus Torvalds (the Linux guy). Pro-NATO & ex-commie.
Feels like no where is safe these days
How did they even make this chart
Cheers mate, i was thinking 'maybe that Sinä bloke has a shot' till i saw your translation.
Are the only right wing cunts in finland the few that post here or somthing, how does this even happen
I've always wondered this too, what do the Finns think about migrants? And the politicians? Do they have their head up their ass like Sweden, or do they actually care about their nation.
How seriously does he take the "ex" next to the commie?
Don't quote me on this, but I recall hearing about a poll which mentioned that 90% of Finns think that we should reduce immigration.
The chick on the top is known for criticising mass migration, and the one time she brought it up in the parliament, some leftists were immediately triggered and media flagged her calling the "islamisation of our nation" as hate speech. She has been interviewed by our government-funded media (YLE) since, and in almost each interview/debate, the reporters have acted extremely rude and have interrupted her in the middle of her speeches.
Usually whenever people argue against her, they make fun of her being a christian and not believing in the evolution theory.
Sad. She sounds pretty based. It also sounds like you have on a national level what we have on the local level - only one ideology ever runs for office and always wins even though they are not representative of the people.
Wow, I hope the people in your government change, I can tell they don't exactly represent the Finnish people as a whole. Thank you for your reply
The chart is made by literal retards, they list Niinistö as leftwing and Laura "race war now 1488" Huhtasaari as even more leftwing
A peaceful country doesn't need an army... until it's at war. Finland is a prosperous, homogeneous country, so they don't need far-right parties. But watch the muslim population go up to 10%, and far right parties will pop up everywhere.
And they say that the left can't made, fucking owned
The system is corrupt. The old parties left and right make the same decisions, they just use different words. Media consist only leftist journos. Tax payed YLE pumps out nothing but refugee/nigger tier liberal bullshit. All the refugee centers are run by politicians' cousins and wifes, literally.
>police administration
They all support each other over people. They live in their own world. Nothing makes sense since their world doesn't represent the people.
This will end in civil war sooner or later. If you go against these power houses as a politician you will get attacked by the media, journos and lawyers. As a police you will get fired or relocated.
I won't make an example for bureaucrats, lawyers and judges since they will never say a word, their pockets are covered.
Journalist who don't fall in line are not considered as journalist. They are just 'weekend provocateurs' and 'KGB', oh the fake news.
how many nerds voted him because of relation to the Linux guy?