Did you enjoy PATTO PATTO?

Did you enjoy PATTO PATTO?

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Yes, last episode was so worth

I only enjoyed Ya.

Hana a best 11/10 would marry


God Tier OP

Came for Hana
Realized Yaya was best girl.

I came for no one. They are all too pure.

I need to rewatch this. The BDs look great

Yeah, it was a pretty interesting mix of comedy and drama, along with a unique artstyle, totally novel club-like activity, and awesome music.

What's wrong with her eyes?

I dropped it. Great OP. Machi best girl.

Is this best watched over the new years?


Hell yes.

Still looks like the offspring between an alien and a claymore.

The double snaggletooth.

Jelly Yaya a best.


Can we all agree Yaya was the best Hanayamata?

It asked the tough questions.

Too bad best girl didn't show up in the anime.

But it never dealt with tough issues.

Like Tami wanting to fuck her dad?


Pretty sure she wanted to fuck Machi.


I love princess-type characters.




This is more of a summer anime.

Naru was too cute for this show.
Reina Ueda's roles are diminishing too, which sucks because her VA has good range.

As far as I can see she keeps getting more. She also has several parts in long-running shows that keep her active.


I want to impregnate the yosakois

Anybody planning on doing a pilgrimage to New Jersey anytime soon?

I'm going back home tomorrow, actually. It'll let you know if I see her.

Hanayamata girls are NOT for lewd. Do not sexualize those pure angels.

this is possibly the worst transparency i've ever seen

I was just in New Jersey for the Giants game a week ago.

It's too bad that no one can ever get over that fucking bridge. In a reasonable amount of time.

All Hanayamata girls are for lewd, but only if you are their respective father.

Patto on the front page!

Naru's dating Hana? Poor Yaya.

>mfw this show has pretty much the same storyline as LoveLive but the sale is shit


It's nothing alike at all. There's no school in danger, no forceful Mary Sue, no rivals anywhere, and the drama is actually resolved.

Well, I mean they alternate drama and comedy along with friendship developments

Season 2 fucking never ever

Tons of fun.

Storyline means nothing. Both shows have girls as their selling point. The better girls will sell better.

Isn't that most anime in general?

An alien and a claymore, sitting in a tree

I don't think non strayancunts will get this reference

havent seen the anime but that OP was pretty good

I wish there had been more dancing and less loldrama.

There wasn't even that much drama.

Yes, yes I did actually. Would like to have a Tami.

Literally drama every new member join

What would you do to Tami's tummy?

Rub it with my cheeks

caress is, and then slowly work myself downwards

Anyone else played the vita game?

But HNYMT had better girls too.

>Madhouse made something like this
What happened?


Are the scanlations for the manga still dead?

It's not popular enough. Such a shame, I bought the mangas.

Some very beautiful imagery in the anime, like this setsugetsuka.