Having a Medical Marijuana card in Hawaii now disqualifies you for gun ownership in the state. Which would you choose?

Having a Medical Marijuana card in Hawaii now disqualifies you for gun ownership in the state. Which would you choose?

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Guns m8 you can still get Marijana iligely

A nigger can smell weed within a 5 mile radius, then when he comes you would have no guns to defend your self


I'd choose NOT to live in Hawaii

Same in CA bro, and to answer your question;
>Never exchange a right for a privilege


I forget this is a state sometimes

they are literally grabbing guns
murrisharts just taking it

To be fair its a group of islands inhabited by the ultra rich and methed out native monkeys.

this is USA wide Supreme CT mandate. Don't get the license, you are only adding to the list.

this is the law in many states. dependence on a controlled substance or addiction will almost always disqualify you... unconstitutionally i might add



You can get shit faced drunk with your guns though, so I guess there is that.

They do this here too
Being caught with weed is one of 6 million excuses they will use to revoke your gun and hunting licenses. They will show up and seize everything, then destroy it

I must admit that I am very surprise you let this fly in the us, it's even... well medical

This is just how shit always works here. Always about moralising you like a fucking priest. Lit
>so you went to the doctor
>and you got a perscription for weed
>smoking weed is a sin, you will not be allowed to hunt for at least 5 years now sinner
>give us your guns
>give us all your money
>give us your drivers license
>give us your car
>give us your house

it's lit shit like this you were given the rights to carry arms for to begin with

And this is exactly why we can't make laws keeping guns away from actual crazy people, the left will abuse it to take them from everyone and at some point will call gun ownership itself a pathology.
This will almost certainly get tossed by the SCOTUS

unftortunately this is true, this is what they do here

>6 million excuses


>Which would you choose?
gun, why do you need a card to engage in a legal transaction anyway? this sounds like some type of state compelled fraud

It does here in PA too. It's a federal thing. The ATF will deny your FFL transfers if you're listed as having one.

That's federal law, not a state law, same everywhere.

>The ATF will deny your FFL transfers
still trying to understand how any of this is legal

fuck FFL transfers, I think I'll get one of those CNC machines and go start an after school program in the ghetto teaching inner city youth how to make their own firearms

that might get some laws changed in a hurry

This is unconstitutional af. It would be one thing if they denied sales to people with drug convictions, even if they were misdemeanors, but they're doing this without any convictions or due process at all. It's no different than wanting to tell people on random government lists that they can't own firearms.


Please please please let some overweight, overpaid, shitheel cop come knocking on my door to confiscate.

I don't smoke...so

If I lived in Hawaii I would grow my own weed

>When they came for the potheads I said nothing. I am not a pothead
>When they came for me there was no one left to speak for me
>But I still had my guns so I just shot them

Is there any way you can appeal this? Because I think anyone would find this to be utterly ridiculous.

Just transfer them to a gun trust that you control.

>Telling the people that want to take your guns exactly what type of guns you have and where you keep them, and then paying them for it.
Damn, thats some 28d Jenga right there..

lawsuit. it would get knocked down in supreme court. its unconstitutional

You literally can't. Quit trying to Jew people, you fucking kike. There's a zero tolerance of alcohol while in possession of a firearm.

Hate to break it to you, but checking the "I smoke marijuana" box when you buy a gun has always disqualified you from purchase. Having a fucking mmj card does not change that.

People who don't realize this should be cleansed so the rest of us don't have to suffer the "muh dumb stoner" memes.

I don't remember seeing that box.

Let's hope OP does that then.

I'm not sure what it's like in your state, but in my state there's a question on the NICS form about using illegal drugs, including marijuana, and marking it immediately disqualifies you from ownership. They won't even run the NICS check if you admit to doing drugs.

Get a gun then say you lost it in a boating accident then get weed

DoJ Jeff Sessions says Cannabis users are very violent. They need to be locked up.

I'm in Texas. there might have been I just dont recall seeing it.

It's really just a few commie turds floating around the toilet that is the pacific.

We really should have just let Japan keep it all after the war. Everyone would be better off. But who knew the once evil 'Japs' would turn out to be the only sane ones over there?

Can you think of any other right or amendment that doesn't apply to you simply for holding a particular card?

pretty much any right that can be taken away is not a right. inalienable is a thing. boomers are cucked commies so now we have to deal with shit like this.

We don’t have that problem here because it’s legal.

Fucking Hawaii.
>in the Marines, stationed in Hawaii
>deploy to the Philippines
>last deployment before I get out
>taskforce is getting a deal on 1911's with the logo
>decide to get one for myself and one for my dad
>deployment ends, go back to duty station
>guns arrive a few months later
>have to pick up/fill out form from one location, the main Honolulu Police Department, on the island
>huge ass line
>wait a week for them to clear me and get permit to get my 1911
>have 3 days to return with paper work registering pistol with HPD
>go through this whole process
>get out of the Marines and leave Hawaii
>a few years later, Hawaii passes a law to send a list of all registered firearms/owners to FBI
>literally nothing I can do to stop this
Fuck that whole place and every mook local and their shitty state government.

You really should grow your own absolutely anywhere. It's easy as shit, but it is not without risk.

It's the type of thing that opens you up to prosecution for anything. Most normies won't buy the 'for personal use' excuse for more than a plant or two.

I think marijuana use is degenerate but:
1. shall not be infringed
2. if you restrict for marijuana use you should also restrict for alcohol use

Yeah but now if you hit no and if for any reason the ATF decides to check and see if you have a MM card, you're getting arrested.

Gun license -- I don't really enjoy the effects of marijuana, so don't use it anyway.

No one “gives” me the right to bear arms. I’m a fucking human being. This is what “gives” me the right to bear arms

That's my point. Do you have to prove anything to the state in order to exercise your 1st amendment? Or how about your 5th? Any of them, apart from your 2nd?

It's typically easier to get weed illegally more so than a gun....

Easy choice.

all we need is a shopping basket on the front and an American flag attached to the back, while rolling through Walmart

Lol who cares if FBI thinks you have a gun? What are they gonna do, try to come and take it from you? t. Former gun owner due to a boating accident

NICS is a federal check. The form is the same for all states since it's not a state form, again it is federal.

Marijuana is illegal at the federal level and an instant DQ just like any other controlled substance on the federal list of scheduled substances.

This is totally legal and constitutional. Federal law trumps state law, we literally had a civil war over this exact question.

well there is freedom to travel which is infringed by drivers license.

It's fucking annoying.

Don't make excuses for people being braindead.

Of course having an mmj card will get your shit taken away. Good god.

Why have "common sense gun laws" when people who think having a MEDICAL MARIJUANA CARD would somehow be acceptable to the people who let you buy guns.

well I just lie on it anyways. and buy guns privately.

shhhhhhh stop telling people about the 9th Ammendment. They might start getting ideas.

Weed being legal under your state law doe not change its status under federal law, though.
Citing a pro-weed website because it came up first in the Google search.


The gun. You can't kill niggers with weed.

That.... just..... might........ WORK!

You can, it's just slower.

This whole idea is based on the false notion that the federal government can lawfully restrict an individual's right to use medicine of their choosing. They cannot. The rights described in the second amendment are not government granted rights; it is the government's affirmation of God-given inalienable rights. The federal government cannot lawfully restrict one's God given right to protect himself from all forms of tyranny. Just because our corrupt criminal government disagrees does not make them correct.

Easy way to prevent commies from getting guns, I approve.

all my guns fell in a volcano during a boating accident

seriously though, this is bullshit

>Having a Medical Marijuana card in Hawaii now disqualifies you for gun ownership in the state. Which would you choose?

IL has the same law. It's fucking dumb. Potheads don't shoot people. Cokeheads and crackheads do.

Alcohol isn't illegal. If you want to smoke your nigger weed and own guns then make marijuana legal faggot.

heh sorry but CA and NY wipes their asses with the constitution every day.

In a way this turning national could be good...

It is not, though.

My mother is 82 years old, has no driver's license, travels all over the fucking place.

The right to drive is not even close to the same thing as the right to travel.

>Disqualified for a right

>The rights described in the second amendment are not government granted rights

This is absolutely right, but I am not sure I see "the right to take anything you want as long as you call it medicine" there.

why not? the founding fathers couldn't conceive of such technology as the horseless carriage?

Does IL have a Medical Crack Card?

Supreme Court here we come. Either they toss it out or we can start making some crazy laws like no 21st amendment(alcohol sales) for people who have had abortions.

>The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. - Amendment X

>There's a zero tolerance of alcohol while in possession of a firearm.
you can't do any drunken night hunting that way

>This is totally legal and constitutional. Federal law trumps state law
no it isn't, if the feds make a law so a handful of crooks can run a profitable monopoly that isn't a valid law, thats a bunch of criminal bullshit

Not relevant.

The right to travel does not guarantee the right to travel by any means you choose at any tome under any conditions using any conveyance.

If I want to travel, and do not have a license to operate a plane, that means I can't fly myself there but it does not mean I cannot go there. I can even take a plane!

I know this because I do not have a license to fly a plane, but still legally fly to places all the time. I also walk to places, take a cab, take a train, etc. This one time, I even rode in a car along an Interstate Highway even though I was not driving.

>If you want to smoke your nigger weed and own guns then make marijuana legal faggot.
it is legal, besides why should any public money be spent on any type of babysitting the public?

how do you know the babysitters you hire aren't just as stupid and incompetent

but is a description for a medication equal to "dependence" or "addiction"?

also, why is it that judges always say our RIGHTS are subject to a compelling "government interest" ??

look it up, thats the rule. "right" means the goverment can restrict it, as long as they can find a "compelling interest" to do so.

Isn't this the left telling us marijuana is not good for your mental health?

hope you walk on the right side of the road. you can get arrested for not doing so.

wait a second, state enforcing federal laws? I thought they didn't have to do that for illegals? But they do for guns? Really makes you think

I don't walk in the road at all.

Don't have to does not equal can't decide to.

>it is legal, besides why should any public money be spent on any type of babysitting the public?
It's illegal on the national level, and the federal government controls the regulations for gun ownership on a baseline, and states can restrict that further, like deciding if machine guns are legal in their state or not. I'm not sure why you have a hard time understanding this?

But not ein OP's letter, it cites state law; Section 134-7(a) and later HRS 137-4 3.

HRS here refers to Hawaiin Revised Statutes, which is state rather than federal law.

It strikes me as a bullshit law, unconstitutional on its face -- but being a state law, while it stands it would properly be a state concern.


Bring up the fact that the founding fathers grew hemp and even knew to remove the male marijuana plants to get their medicine.

nice flag


Use the gun to protest an unjust law.

things fudds love to say but never do anything about

there was a question about illegal drugs.
weed is legal in my state. you buy it at the store.

>The right to keep and bear arms does not guarantee the right to own any type of weapon that you choose at any time under any conditions using any form of ammunition that you desire.

This. I should be able to smoke meth and own guns too