Is adhd a fake disorder made up for profits by big pharma

Is adhd a fake disorder made up for profits by big pharma

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Are you suggesting we raise super kids?

why do you people keep posting images of brandis?

we all know he was likely the victim of pedowood, but there's not much we can do for a dead guy

focus on the survivors and then bring in other cases

Dunno who this Brandis you speak of is, this is an ADHD thread

Probably mostly yeah. Erectile disfunction was named by an advert firm and classified as a medical condition so Pfizer could sell viagara. Look into it.

Brandis big shirt simpsons boy confirmed adds this to my brandis facts thank u user

The past does exists so he's not dead


It's not fake. It took me around 12 minutes to post this because I keep tabbing to other windows.

I don't know but ask this guy:

it's real, overdiagnosed and profitable

It's fake just like autism

Doesn't everyone so that

I never know whose side to take in Jew-on-Jew violence.

What are "super kids"

Nah it was his career dying which caused him to die

The meds make it easier to manipulate and repress the minds that (((they're))) afraid of. It's just a total coincidence that the primary target for treatment was young white english-speaking males.


I think most psychological disorders are kind of "made up."
Oh, I'm a sperg with adhd symptoms? I thought I was just went through the wringer of shitty parenting, post-modernist morals, drug-related family troubles, and bullying. I thought every adult that had a hand in me betrayed me in one way or another before I even hit high school. I thought I never made friends or brought anyone home to my mother's trash heap of a house in a neighborhood of felons, or that I was raised Christian by people who forgot their faith as soon as impulse took them.
Tell me how my brother was sick too. Schizophrenic you say? At least the crazy shrew knew better by the time she had me, instead of just letting her boyfriends abuse and emasculate her kid up to the point of physical blows. Fun story though, a man who might have been my step brother is currently serving 80 years for 4 counts of molesting his own stepdaughter. He was a tattoo artist too. Thought it'd be cute to put his name on her twat. If he didn't think it was proper to slug a 6 year-old when he was 16, or if his father didn't find it amusing, familial ties might have obligated me to pay him a visit or two. It's almost a shame. I won't be able to tell my kids about their stereotypical "creepy uncle."

But "I'm" the sick one. What a joke. At least I have my own income now, and I'm going back to church no matter how badly it hurts me to see what should've been.

Jesus is great isn't he.

The man could turn water into vintage and they still strung him up. We clearly just can't be reasoned with.

It’s over diagnosed but I def have it. It’s very hard for me to maintain without pills, but I like being this way.

The inventor of adhd himself said he made it up.
> In February 2012, the German weekly publication Der Spiegel reported in its cover story that Eisenberg spoke of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in his final interview, seven months before his death, that ADHD was the prime example of a "fabricated disease"


Pure coincidence goy

learn your history faggot.. it was originally a side-effect of a heart condition medication. Nurses, would laugh all the time about old dudes with giant boners after waking up from surgery.... two doctors saw the $ potential, nothing more. Marketing happens.

bro, what are trying to do? outrank Dr. Evil's speech about how his parent's raised him?

Better question is: was Jonathan Francis another victim of the Hollywood's pedos? This young man killed himself after being a long time user of drugs, but what were the causes?

No, its real chemically-induced brain damage created for that very same reason, though. Same with letting you age until you're just a dried piece of cancer-ridden jerky.

It's not 'real' in the sense that it's a disease or anything.

It's due to a constant stream of overstimulation, leading to addiction to happy chemicals, leading to lack of discipline and focus on any given task due to a 'need' for happy chemicals steamed to your brain at all times.

Turn off your power for 1 day some weekend and see if you can manage to entertain yourself, do something on your to do list, or be content with having nothing to do.

No fap is also effective.
It also drives you up the wall, especially if there's a girl you've been eyeing.