> Shooting past “gun culture,” researchers hit factors linked to policy attitudes.
They are going for your guns white boys.
> Shooting past “gun culture,” researchers hit factors linked to policy attitudes.
They are going for your guns white boys.
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Who cares? The "muh guns waving into the wind" types will be mowed down by drones through three walls from 2km away at 4:33AM in minute three of the happening.
Hitler did nothing wrong disarming the jews. Jews are a dangerous, unstable people. No jew should have a gun.
it is impossible
>financially unstable
Translation: Lives near niggers.
LOL They dont just take the guns they take the ammo too.
Cant buy Ammo in Australia without a licence
fucking this
>implying shotgun shells aren't piss easy to make
>ars technica
>any sort of credibility in actual social issues
We've been making our own ammo since our boats crashed here.
The 2A is here to stay.
I wonder why they wont talk about niggers and guns?
how can they empower the so called empowered class? Wouldn't they empower women by equalizing the lethal force between the genders?
Oh my god.... the liberals figured it out!!!
The only reason people in the most powerful country on earth want guns... is because we don’t have power!!!
You want a fact about why gun control is bad? Look at my country. USA right now is practically proto-Brazil, take away their guns and vote for Bernie and you'll land exactly where I am right now.
You people still have time, don't make the same mistakes as us.
It doesn't work like that, retard. There isn't a drone for every person or anythibg like that. Plus america seems to really have a problem with fighting guerilla warfare.
I don't get this thinking, it's one of the things that throws me off regarding gun control. Why do women tend to hate guns so much?
They are unironically a great equalising force foe them. If a dude comes to try and beat my ass, I've got a decent chance of fighting back due to being an in shape male
My 60 year old mother however would be completely fucked - but a gun would go a long fucking way. With the shit women have to deal with from nigs and other undesirables I'd be armed 24/7 as a female
>opinion study
Because women get off to being powerless.
Wasn't 'empowering' the 'financially unstable' supposedly the entire fucking point of left wing politics?
Long time GOP voter and Trump supporter here. I agree. Enough is enough. Americans are now being mass murdered on a regular basis and Congress does nothing. It’s time America comes together to support common sense gun reform. There is absolutely no reason for a citizen to own a high powered AR-15 military assault rifle with a clip that holds more then ten bullets. We all want a safe country and its time we did something about it.
>not knowing how to make gun powder
This. Amerifats only know chaos & firepower..
>commies claim to love the working class
>constatly shit on people who have financial hardship
communists aren't people.
>Long time GOP voter and Trump supporter here.
No you're not.
i bet they found a risk factor of 1.2 or some shit
Why does the race of most perpetrators of gun violence never factor into the discussion? Was talking to one of my classmates in the group study lounge and someone mentioned that they had to do a report on the statistics of gun crime. I wonder if they'll ever wander across the fact that niggers make up 13 percent of the population but commit over half of the gun crime
Gay, your brain is gay
that's mostly for IEDs, here's a better one
This, its a sexual thing
With great power comes great responsibility. Women hate responsibility.
Dude. When I was in the military whenever I NEEDED to call for close air support on a position being occupied by confirmed terrorists I practically had to suck the commanding General's cock for the go ahead. That was just for a bunch of a goatfuckers.
No way the US government okays anything like that for use on US citizens.
>piss in a bucket for a few days
>concentrate piss over a campfire
>get bag of garden dirt or bottom of old compost pile
>pour hot concentrated piss over dirtbag
>repeat until bored
>boil hot dirty piss until saltpeter
>put wood in metal can
>put lid on can with some small holes on top
>put in campfire for a few hours
>pull out can and let cool with lid on
>take charcoal
>mix 2:1 saltpeter with charcoal
>you have gunpowder
sulfur is entirely optional.
You cannot hold territory with force projection tech. Aircraft carriers/drones don't help maintain order on the ground, boots do. Boots can be crippled with a few hundred bucks and a single guy with enough will. there's far too many guns out in America for there ever to be banned/stopped. Honestly it's just going to be a meatgrinder if they push.
>muh drone
>not hand loading your own brass
Fucking lel
>not having at least 5000 rounds in all calibers
It's like you're not even American
I've been banned from Ars Technica forums more times than I can count
The people there are truly brainless retards and the "journalists" are some of the worst in the industry.
matches work, note the improvised primer in this pic too, doesn't use an explosive compound, just a piece of striker from the match box
Keep Jay-zin yo!!!!
Neck yoself
“Why FBI crime stats made me racist” by user
Oh great. Ars Technica is even more cucked.
I guess, as ever the most simple answer is the most sensible one
it takes about a year for the dirt pile to turn the piss into a nitrate tho
also it's still not potassium nitrate so you have to run it through ash
much easier to acquire impure smokeless powder from household supplies
Right, because financially unstable men are the ones with gun safes packed with dozens of guns, stamp items, giggle enabled toys and what not. Leftists really have an absolute zero concept of money, no wonder they want everything for free.
You forgot to add a meme flag to your shit post.
there are more guns in america than there are ppl.
gun control is the one thing that will never happen.
>Oy Vey, why do these poor financially unstable Goyim refuse to give their guns up and submit their foreskins to us?
So in less biased terms.... Popular hobby gives identity to those who enjoy it? Not unlike baseball, fishing, stamp collecting...
This. The United States doesn't have a gun violence problem, we have a nigger violence problem.
>Using piss to make black powder
>Not building glorious smokeless powder using glorious German discoveries.
You filthy casual.
>Throw two wires in water to make Hydrogen and Oxygen gas
>Harvest hydrogen.
>Go to Junk yard.
>Find some old fridge and some heating coils. Take the compressor from fridge.
>Build machine for haber process (Nitrogen+Hydrogen+high pressure+high Temperature+iron catalyst=Ammonia)
>Go find some cars in the junkyard.
>Harvest the batteries and the catalytic converters
>If batteries are nowhere to be found, ask your nearest muslim if he has a cup of sulfuric acid you can borrow
>Heat ammonia under catalytic converters to create nitric acid
>Go to nearest nigger
>Order him to pick you some cotton.
>Take car batteries and mix with nitric acid
>Place cotton in your mixture
>Keep under ice, or it'll explode
>Ta da! Smokeless powder!
>Alternatively, replace with glycerin moisturizer for nitroglycerin
I'll admit, this is a nigger-rig that's over simplified, but I'm too lazy to be more specific.
That's blackpowder not gunpowder.
Blackpowder won't even get past metal, let alone kevlar.
there's even a more nigger version for literal tards:
>acquire ping pong balls, if you can't find any cover the first faggot you see in tar and feathers and kick him until he shits those eggs out
>cut them into small strips
>melt in paint thinner
>let it dry
>extra step if you're less of a coon: centrifugate the balls/paint thinner mix to separate it into two parts, let them dry and use the one that burns the brightest
not as clean but if you're a desperate moon cricket it'll do
But but my spic ass owns an evil AR-15 and a hand gun.