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No official statement. He's not dead yet

Fuck that's sad, we should have split Bosnia when we had the chance


Mostar and Stolac are gonna explode tonight.

Are you saying that live news lie?

The Stari Most has to go

eh removed kebab and doesnt afraid of anything

>get a free pass to ethnically cleansing serbs from croatia by NWO
>instead of taking an inch goes a mile to start ethnically cleansing bosnia as well
>finds out the hard way the jews like muslim pawns better than serb german rape baby pawns

Sta je popio i otkud mu to ikako?

It is unsettling to know that the American will always trust false data.

this is honestly all there is to the croatian "domovinski rat". ninth post best post.
he is 100% right tho.

It was just a 5-Hour Energy and this is all a part of an elaborate viral marketing scheme to help pay for his legal fees.


Treba okupit sve Hrvatine i marš na haag uradit

It came on the news now.


The perfect ending to that whole farce of a tribunal.

Because we know that what they did to the Serbs is what they will try to do to White Americans in the future if given the opportunity.

Treba srušit HDZ, jebem im sve izdajničko, pičke. ŠUTE SAD!!!

laka mu bila hrvatska zemlja

Fucking Se*bs will be removed
Fucking Cro*ts will be removed

We have balls. Unlike you serb bitches that are dropping soaps all over haag rn

>tfw you don't get any presents because Santa poisoned himself after being accused of genocidal war crimes


Ajde 'rvatino kreni! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!


God rest his soul

Another dead commie

Sure they will, they will get drunk, yell ZDS while listening to Tumpson all night and next morning continue to plot with their subhuman family members in Zagreb on how to rob Croatia even more.


this. Doesn't matter anything. It's all political, they would lock up Gotovina but then we woudn't join EU, doesn't matter if he was guilty or not. It's all political.

Wew lad

Croat nazi Santa took too much male vitality, soyboys need not apply lads, only real niggas can handle large doses

evo prvo nakon jebanja tvoje kurvinje matere
sad mars sa sahrane

Also it was genocide was no mentioned in any accusations. He was accused on “command chain responsibility”

Sorry, don't know much about the dynamics of Croats living in Bosnia. They obviously hate Muslims. Why don't Croats in Croatia also hate Muslims like this guy?

If you guys teamed up with Serbia you could fucking wreck Albania and B & H.

balkan war when?

Why are you using tripcode

Jaka ti sahrana AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Norwegians dont watch tv.

Because croats in bosnia witnessed opression under ottomans while croats that converted to islam had it easy

Modern Croatia was never occupied so we don't have that historical hate

Fuck serbs.
Literal back stabbers every time.
Ask bulgarians.

I approve this message


piss in Santa's grave

They always have, they always will. Every American source is a fake source.

ajde mujo prosla je pauza vec, vrati se da cistis toalete.

Because I am honest with myself.

shit with muslims happened before the serbs
you are an ignorant idiot

Totally understandable, he couldn't live with his crimes and face the victims. He probably didn't sleep right for the last 20 years.

We were here before you, aussie cunt. You are an english camp so stfu


so others can know the most based user is posting in our threads

do you want to cum inside rainbow dash?

more like, AN hero


i'm shocked, i don't even know what to think
i believe this is the first time that i actually consciously recognized/felt the pain from the croat side
i used to underestimate it, and i just realized that



Otišo je, sarme probo nije.

Kurvo globalistička

I abhor pone related porn, Something so pure and innocent like that cartoon is a gift.

Holy shit, he actually died. Fuck the hague desu, not one Serb, Croat or Muslim deserves to be judged by foreigners

Internacionalistička druže.

A hero that showed what he meant of the haag tribunal by drinking poison while he would came out of prison in a couple of years since he served most of his sentence
Croats who suffered the most in bosnia, and were the most prosecuted and are somehow the most reaponsible for everything

A sad sad day but we have a new hero

Backstabbers united.

Absolute madman

I love Croats now

Tvoja smrt je nama poruka. R. I. P. my friend, may you go to be with Perun.

I'm so confused about BOSNIAN WAR and what happened in there.

I heard this general killed Al-Qaeda members in there.

good for you

Kosovo Albanian shit detected

yes unironically serbs and croats didnt do anything wrong in bosnian war it was just self defense against crazy m*slim pest

that actually happened
though it wasn't al qaeda but some egyptian mudslime terror group

they tried to blow up a police station in rijeka as revenge in 1995

Bosniaks imported tons of mudslimes from the middle east, some of which this dude rightfully removed. However, the Hague court serves only to protect mudslimes which is why every single crime against them is punished while our and serb war criminals face no consequences

Gle pederka, marš natrag na filozofski

What an awesome way to die though. Poetic, romantic even.

al-Qaida came later but many of the guys who went on to become al-Qaida got their start in Bosnia thanks to the USA, UK and Saudi Arabia.

And yes, Praljak's forces killed a lot of those Mujahideen in places like Vitez and Zepce.

Da smo bili pametni ujedinili bih se, nego eto glupo Krsćanstvo nas podjelilo, tj. Bizant i Vatikan...

He did. And that's why (((they))) had to lock him up.
Because they would rather protect radical islam then their own people.

popio je suze muslimaskih žrtava u bosni i umro.

jesi filozofski il hrvatski studiji?

Može bez patetičnih “ko nas bre zavadi”

Fuck you muslim goatfucker

*Support from the North to the balkan reconquista*


gore, srvbin

remove kebeb thread is somewhere else
fuck off

isti kurac

thread theme

Notice how this thread is stripped of American 56% sub-humans? Bet they are ashamed of themselves

Ovome ne smeta što je doslovni peder nego što sam mu krivi faks napisao hahahaha

Yup, Dutch public radio now saying he's died. So it actually was poison - I was sceptical before.

Dead now it seems.

Old style soviet drama.

A znači opet si kurva.

I think he used to work as a movie director had a ee, and sociology philosophy degree and a movie regiseour one

Nope I am lurking youfilthy kike

Na sitne provokacije se ne obazirem.
Evo druže otvaram šampanjac da proslavim. Popit ću jednu i za tebe, ne brini. Živio!

he looks scared

Yeah, you've got balls. Murrican balls shoved deep inside your anus and you're McLovin' it.
Fuck this shit. Split Bosnia. NOW.

>german cuck sides with muslim dog over western brothers

wow how surprising

Ma bez obzira, hrvat sam i brate trebali smo ako prvo riješit se muslimana, pa onda između sebe ratovati. Vidiš Islam gdje god da je ima krvave granice.-Islam has bloody borders!

A Canadian apology for the blue helmets.

I love it how the Hague scum panic for a while when they finally see that their whole "muh international justice court" playground has actual consequences.

Both Croatia and Serbia should have refused to hand out their citizens, it is cucked behaviour of neocolonial states.

HE had 3 diplomas. Electrical enineering, philosophy, and from Film academy. Finished all three in 6 years. Exceptionally intellient man by any standards.

pravi Jugoslovenski komunisti su samo nacionalisti