IQ Voting Requirements

What does Sup Forums think about a required IQ test for being able to register to vote?

Does it infringe on voting rights? Is it a necessary infringement moving forward in our country? I mean what are the downsides of only allowing decently intelligent people to vote?

Let's say we put the bar at 115 IQ. Would Hillary or Trump have won if only 115IQ+ people voted?

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oy vey, that's rayciss goy

Trump, considering that the pool of minority voters would shallow significantly, and the remaining college-educated whites would break for Trump over Hillary given the voting breakdowns.

He might honestly have won just about every state using that criteria.

>population density map of the united states

fake news

He also won every single earning bracket $50,000+, so take that into consideration, as well.


Cute. Now let's do crime rates by black populations.

I think everyone should have some sort of ID to vote. I don't know about IQ test because policy can and does affect many low IQ voters.

>crime rates