Why does Sup Forums hate this so much?
Why does Sup Forums hate this so much?
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There's nothing wrong with that picture.
Jealousy and latent homosexuality.
the real question is does anyone in this day and age still chose to marry white girls and deal with an eternity of feminism and entitlement.
No problem at all. Bleach em
I hate this
oh no
why does she have rounder eyes than he has
Facial surgery. Chinks are ugly and want to look huwhite, but it only attracts betas
because the result is less white people
it's a concerted effort by a few hapa/asian virgin males
Asian women make my pee pee feel weird
Because they want to avoid million of Elliot Rodgers??
you see what wrong when day of the ROPE arrived
sorry, wrong
>below average looking men with below average looking women
because the man is an Amerimutt
In the labor room now awaiting the birth of my son with my Trump loving nigger hating beautiful based Chinese national wife.
feels good man.jpg
>Jungle Asians
The tribeless will perish in the coming storm
Because i want purity.
That’s how to do it.
Better question would be why do you love it so much and why do you feel the need to come to Sup Forums to spread your fucking RACEMIX FETISH?
>le 22% face
white girls don't even try to be cute anymore
they're just bitchy whores
Looks like the guy on the right drew the short straw.
My mom told me not to race mix.
Ask her about asins.
She tells me that she did not thinkk about that.
Mom tells me I can mix with jews asins but not blacks,
>be white
>have kids
>they're not white
wow talk about BTFOing one's own self
Kekistan meet-up.
That's his friends kids those aren't mongrels. They are full asians.
Why do you want children that look nothing like you or anyone in your family. Might as well adopt random kid. I hope it feels just as good when you have to explain to your kid why he looks so different than everyone else. Why he doesn’t feel like he belongs in America. Why he wants to eat rice when you love burgers. You are a waste of whiteness. You are a weak man and deserve to have your genes destroyed.
I'm white and don't feel I belong in America.
Your mental illness is not being discussed here. Get your shit together and stop being a soyboy manlet. Try Niger and see if you belong.jpeg
>muh elliot rodger
Here's a thai hapa. now kill yourself.
looks like a typical russian family to me desu
apparently, those arent his biological children
Yeah, a woman, who is also attractive. Race is practically irrelevant for attractive women because they will always be valued.
i guess i had to.. ugh
Lol what? I dont hate this at all. More white men cucking fugly make-up doll asians just means there's more white women for us Latinos.
What you guys don't seem to realize is that most of the white guys in this thread that marry asian women tend to do so because WHITE WOMEN, who are completely ruined by feminism and spoiled by a society that says "YOU GET A 6'6" MODEL, AND YOU GET A 6'6" MODEL, IT'S YOUR WURLD GURL! YAAAAS SLAY QUEEN!" have so demoralized white men by their degeneracy and outright inability to be either wives or mothers, that those white men who are not in the top 2% of looks/earnings/social capital end up looking for a good wife wherever they think they can find it.
Unlike disgusting white women who go to niggers and spics and mudslimes for the 'danger' and the 'social capital'/'virtue signaling' value, white men are actually looking for love, companionship, and mother material for children.
So you end up with two groups, the 'asian women are more submissive and willing to do whatever I say/be good mothers, and the 'even asian women can cheat, if a good enough man comes along, so I'll wait for waifubots' guys.Both are predominantly white, and both are in the 'beta/ugly/manlet' category.
Time was, even these would have found white wives and propagated the race, but you know who has seen to destroying that.
In the end, it's WHITE WOMEN'S fault for becoming degenerate and not sticking by the side of their men. And any white women who ARE the exception to the above rule are more precious than rubies, more precious than gold, and should be held onto with an iron grip.
because amwf is only for HIGH iq males most of pol are literal brainlets
Their fault yes. But who gave them the vote my man?
>be white-ish
>match with asian girls more than anything
>white girls not so much
its depressing and pitiful. I would never want to have HAPA children.
White Man - Asian Woman is the highest order defeatism and cope.