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Based, I am jelly of americunts for the first time

>read the comments
>whining about "Trump's racism"
(((Lefties))) are truly scum

we seem to have stumbled upon the best timeline
why can't Trump stop winning?

Post salty comments. I don't use the Twitter

>Trump shed light on something bad Muslims did, RACIST!

You don't need an account to view them

I love our president

Twitter doesn't show all recent updates. The most recent post is often hours old. Just post screenshots you lazy fuckers before I come to your house and rape your cat and/or dog


>Swedish media writes about Blumpf tweeting islamophobic videos
>Don't mention what these videos shows other than nazis being behind them


YOud think he’d tire of it eventually

Today is fucking lit, and it's not even 10am, wait until the west coast wakes up.

Ohhh our Zionist president with Jewish grandchildren posts shit about Muzzies. Fucking based!

goddamit americans have no culture they may even have le 56% face....but the will to remain free, to preserve their way of living (no faggotry or muslim refugee welcome bullshit) to reject any attempt to control them (gun grabbing policies etc) they are truly a strong people I only wish europe believe in freedom as much as americans...I only wish there was an european Donald J Trump

The country is more Jewish than ever but don't worry, Trump is shitposting on twitter! He's going to save the west by talking shit about Israels enemies!

No muzzies in our gay bathhouse right guys!?


That's a dark haired Dutch teen that beat up the blonde Dutch teen, not a ''muslim migrant''. Nice meme tho.

If only we had an American Turnbull

> No culture
"Of course we watch American tv show and movies... and yes we have all of your fashion and we love a lot of your bands. The problem is you dont have much of a culture to speak about."

braaaapost only some 15 replies later
>pol btfo

trump retweeting britain first videos? jesus fucking christ even farrage wouldnt dare do that!

BF is extreme right here...more extreme than the BNP,they want to deport all browns lmao

I love my President. God bless America.



what a shitty human being

hes like a real life villain

God loves Trump. Look up Rev. Norman Peale. We are blessed by God.

Dont look at the missiles flying check out these tweets.

Good RT though.
Hoping he RT more like that.

jayda is a dutch english woman who is married to the leader of britain 1st,they started as a fb group and now have like 3 million followers

paul the leader tried running against sadiq as mayor,when sadiq won paul turned his back to him when they was on the stage,hes a good lad.


I wouldn't even want to live my Islam practising brothers.
They are the worst for being arape apes from arapeistandl.

Says Satan's minion....

LOL! Stay butthurt! It turns me on!



Do you have a permit for those opinions, Mehmet?

>I only wish there was an european Donald J Trump

check out Janusz Korwin-Mikke the MEP.

autist libertarian. less business background, but also gives less than zero fucks.


>can we also have some weapons
>also if anyone is mean to us will you send your military?

Based slanted eyes bastards.

>complaining about bathhouses
at they were hiding back then

Trump will never call the real problem out. His kike ass buddies

The madman! Press F to spit on Muslims and give Trump the Chaos Emeralds!


That's a man!

Are they mad or happy?

Me thinks mad would be better

You're only allowed to call out Muslims. Not niggers or kikes though. I wonder why

you should never hump in anger

Sounds like a solid plan desu

Trump getting them riled up for Christmas, looking forward to the happenings and eventual great awakening

He posted this in 2015.

I so fucking envy you Americunts.

Trump is truly a legend...

>not having raped

Get with the times. #wrongsideofhistory

Best part is who he retweeted it from

>crime statistics bureau - san Francisco
Hearty kek

I though you were all just trolling, then I looked at Trumps twitter...

It’s fucking real!!!!!!!!!

My mind is blown, between that and WHanon saying hi last night....

What a timeline, honestly.

I feel hope.

Not for you. Prepare for a muslim dicking.


In that case Israel actually denied that Trump did anything wrong. The story was just fake news to cover up new info on Seth Rich that had came out hours before.


Best. President. Ever.
Does not give two fucks for political correctness in any way. Calls it like it is. His power is growing.

Retweeting Britain First videos fucking kek. He just blew any chance of having his state visit in the UK.

agreed,trump has shown his power level lol i bet our establishment hate him,at least he will desensitize people in the next 7 years to constant redpills at least.

What's the big deal about this Britain First shit?

its pretty much the daily stormer except its main target is muslims

trump could of retweeted david duke ranting about the kikes and it wouldnt of been as bad lol

Top kek. There was butthurt because they were only "allegedly muslims"? I can see from that blurry 20x20 pixel pic that the shitstain near the crutches guy is one 100%, lmfao.

Only muzzies have rights in England. Anything else is raaaayssisss

Are you sure? He visited lots of other Islamic countries and they were fine with hosting him.

No sayin this is bad but, when is he going to tweet about black crime statics in america?or openly address the poisonous jewish influence in americas foreign policy?
or are americans only allowed to hate mudlims

Yes you do. Stop being a dick


Dude you need to stop watching the BBC. NOTHING Britain First says is untrue, their cause is a noble one.

only guy getting btfo`d here is the lad in crutches lmao

>Kike liver
Seth Rich isn't dead, he was a kike that went to Israel, became Mossad and faked his death. In the video with his family, his younger brother was smiling at the beginning, and trying to hold his laughter.

i dont watch bbc nor tv mate soley the internet

and i agree its all true but BF are deffo far right and dont even hide it,they get arrested alot.

What another Mossad false flag for Christmas? Yippee, go fuck yourself kike.

This has to be a parody account, POTUS just retweeted a fight video?

>36.4k tweets

That's real funny Paddy. Don't forget you have a faggot poo as your PM.

>inb4 he tweets your farm murders

would be an absolute racewar within hours, literally

trump fucking owns

Libfags think everything is racist, word has no fucking meaning anymore

His brother is obviously fucked up, he tried to shut down all discussion on Seth Rich's murder even though his parents made a video thanking people for investigating it.

me too, 56% blackie

He'll never go against his ZOG buddies, just look at how all his older kids are married to Jews and Tiffany is dating a kike, Ross Mechanic. There's a video by (((The Rebel))) showing how Jew connected he is. Straight from a heebs mouth.


His brother asked for money on some crowd funding site, and the parents know people won't find shit as that kike is in Israel.

>Britcuck thinks that's bad

go figure, I thought Brexit would give you fags your balls back but I was mistaken

>could of

mfw english is your first language

Everyone's enemy.

you poisoning the well fucks are literally nigger-tier

Link of that vid? Can't find it on Dumpert

>>could of
>>mfw english is your first language
>implying he is a native britbong

So butthurt!

In Great Britain but can't learn proper English.

The guy in the Dutch video isn't even Muslim. Trump is literally tweeting fake news and you faggots are whooping and hollering over it. Literally no better than niggers.

Also, he's pretty much thrown away any chance of a state visit by retweeting Britain First.

This really isn't a win for you guys by any stretch. All it does is make Trump look ignorant and gullible. It's one thing to be racist and post true events but it's a whole other thing being racist and posting fabricated bullshit. No one will ever take you seriously.

He's mudslime

You're an actual Paki, aren't you