Degeneracy Thread

Let's all get triggered together.

Other urls found in this thread: 1&version=KJV





>tfw no felt waifu

This some Silent Hill type shit.


I'm afraid to ask, but...
Where the puppies overweight mentally ill women?


Every day I saw Ms. Emma's face I was triggered.

I'm really hoping when I wind up in hell I'm not stuck sitting next to this guy.

That one vid of a woman shooting champaigne out of her vajayjay.

I reported this dance faggot group to Facebook, they took it down in 3-4 hours. 2 days later it was back up! So I reported it again.

All you need is a knife for that monument to degeneracy. Better yet, gasoline and a lighter.

Pic related

Yes. Probably furries.

>Probably furries
Is there any worse degeneracy?


find me something more degenerate
i dare (you) Sup Forums

Mass report please. This group is pure degeneracy and probably paedophile faggots too

w-where are the doggos?



When will this meme die? We furries are normal people.


I'm not okay

>Aussie brings literal shitposting

Jesus Christ Australia.
I legitimately feel disgusted now.

>muh fedora

Weird I thought that was us for a second

Eh, this one doesn't trigger me. I mean it's sad grown adults are so mentally childlike they think they need this.

On the other hand who doesn't like playing with kittens and puppies. If they weren't queer socialists they'd realize a golden opportunity of High Strung dumb kids with daddies money and charge them $5 for 10mins in the Pup and kitten pit


Die please

Funny that even the doll looks miserable.

Wasn't this supposed to be a Christmas tree?

AHAHA, stupid fucking fedoras destroying modern society.
DEUS VULT, am I right?


Oh no not this

Modern Catholics/Protestants are Sweden-tier cucks.



>Putting a divorsed pedo homosexual as one of the positives of christianity

Not an argument

>smug Celestia.png

0 arguments as well

*tips fursuit and art collection*



btw, strap-on boy is not an atheist. he's a jew, just like jesus.

fuck you autistic mongol man

>tfw I'm a conservative gay guy and all this degenerate "CURRENT YEAR" crap makes me wish Pence would shock the gayness outta me

I hate the LGBT community for ruining it for gay dudes like me who just wanna blend in

Yeah, Nazi furries

>attacking your own
Hello jew

Yeah sure.

Jesus: "I am not of this world"



Man, anyone pretending to be a nazi at this stage is an idiot who disgraces the memory of the original ones, and harm their own causes as well as misunderstanding what national socialism actually is.

The pregnant guy is hurting my eyes

Do you have autism or something? Stop laughing you prick

The only funny thing is your mongol genes.


Ask yourself if you want to be associated with this shit

I almost lost my lunch watching this



Are all furfags this defensive over minor bants? Tells you about their psyche. Obligatory yiff in hell.

what the fuck is this

Surprisingly hot

Sure, why not? What's the problem?

It's a real wonder that an antipope hasn't already declared himself the enemy of the current Church.
Is there any hope for traditionnal catholicism, or is fundamentalism the only way forward?

Defensive? Nah just laughing at you shills

I will never sleep again. Fuck you

No wonder, seeing how this happens in it.

Gotta earn those NEET bux somehow, gook edition.

Why did she leave the door open?

are you blind?
the """dogs""" are fucking furries

This place has always been anti furfags, retard. Are you so fucking new you avoided moot holocausting your kind?


that's some shit

>moot holocausting your kind?
Was a falseflag done by jews.
Also m00t was a FBI clown

>sponsored by Drama
I aint even mad. Thats pretty funny


I can't even tell if this is ironic I've seen furfags retarded enough to believe this kind of thing,

"Furfaggotry" would only make Sup Forums better.
FBI know this but would rather this place rot to the ground.

Also remember that board merge with /mlp/ in April? Sup Forumss quality drastically went up albeit temporarily.

Hey guys, just wanted to drop by and let you know that Lord Jesus is returning very soon.

>how do you know?
Things are so bad, they can't continue to get worse for much longer.

Luke 17:26
And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man

>what was it like in Noah's day?
Racemixing (rape children of fallen angels)
Giant beasts (rape children of fallen angels)
Cursed beasts (rape children of fallen angels)
Violence everywhere

I can't conceive how an atheist or pagan would see the world right now, you have stupid nigger beasts crawling around performing "art" with lasers shooting out of their arses, you have people overtly lying in order to genocide white Christians, you have scientists telling you that you evolved from rocks in radiation and sulfuric acid.

Just when are you going to take a step back and look for the truth? 1&version=KJV

Matthew 7:
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Psalm 9:17
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Have you visited the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of hail? I have reserved them as weapons for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war.

You made me smile, thanks.

Fuck you

that's enough internet for today

Actually the "fallen angel" offspring is white people.

White people are not of this earth. They're the progeny of an advanced alien race.

The real Earth "humans" are the Abbos in Australia and niggers and Africa. Asians are a mix between niggers and whites but mainly whites.

Earth was supposed to become a colony for the nordic aliens but ((((something)))) happened and they couldn't genocide the weak brown race and had to abandon their children(which are modern day nordic whites).

That something was probably (((Yahweh)))) the jew "god" and his fleet of warships making them retreat to another solar system so he could rule Earth from Saturn and torture the Fallen Angel's children(white people).

Right? I like taking it in the ass, but you won't see me running around naked with those degenerate faggots. Round up those fags and gas them for all I care, won't see me crying over it.

Fuck the LGBTQWASD of my old high school ran the place like a good damn mafia. If anyone spoke out against them, the "club" would try to get them expelled or some shit.

>Actually the "fallen angel" offspring is white people.
Adam was the first white person. Made in the image of God. Blacks are dogs, the offspring of Satan.

Also African niggers are the children of Cain.
Abbos are the children of Abel.

Arabs are just mutts

гpъмни ca ye

Sounds like a lot of nonsense that could be easier explained by God having made 5 separate races.

>Balkanic furry
Didn't your dad beat you as a kid?

>made 5 separate races
He made Adam & Eve. Then a bunch of awful inter-species rape happened. The victims were women, the rapists are fallen angels who will be sent to the lake of fire for their unforgivable crimes.


we aren't going to survive him are we..

I would but apparently my existence is triggering to snowflakes such as you.


>western civilization


Lucifer means "light" in the jewish babble

Jews evolved from mud people(Adam and Eve)

White people came from Lucifer.

Furries ruin everything. Sup Forums knew this before Sup Forums was even born.

btw Lucifer =/= ((((Devil/Satan))))