Based Jap Nobita at it again

After quite a negative response from his last video, he is doubling down with redpills

Niggers fear the samurai

Other urls found in this thread:

He doesnt need Doraemon anymore.

Go to 7:30 for a nice kek

What a racist asshat. I want nothing to do with Japan.

Go home English teacher

>Based Nobita !!!! +100 Yen has been added to your account

Show Khazar milkers Jewess

Waa waa ching chong ping pong
go and eat a criminal's dong

Go back to the US

Nintendo isn't hiring


OOOooooooh there are BRAAAACK PEEPOL in America. Ohohohoho

Nigger detected

I don't know why he's doing this to himself. He's losing subscribers and so many dislikes, i feel bad.

Because some things are more important

He's gaining subscribers anyway



He said that he did upload some bideo about Chinks, I cant seem to find it anyone has link?

in the comments :
>it's not obsession when our ancestors was shipped here



It isu all factu. He is lightu you know

he speaks like korwin

Nintendo of America is hiring artists, programmers, adminstrative assistants, executive assistants, and HR

>Black people in Japan talk about Asian privilege

holy shit niggers are legitimately useless

>those comments


holy shit absolutely based, I saw his original video too. Was nearly 100% sure he would cuckout and apologize to them

LMFAO subscribed

love it

he's a bit intense my heartrate is going up

I wouldn't trust him in a position of power but I subbed anyway

oh my god that was hilarious. not discounting the facts and the point of the vid, but why was he so intense lmao

he´s literally citing crime statistics showing how savage the niggers are. absolutely based

he would probably start calling them parasites eventually, you know how it goes. He seems absolutely baffled by niggers, like most of us are. I was thinking of making a comment to help this dude, I was going to tell him to just listen, they're going to try and send a lot of these to your country, then they're going to brainwash your children to not care about these things. Also don't worry about us whites, I want you to read what is going on in South Africa which is basically our future. We'll need your help then, our children will, as of now we are okay. You have only just noticed the tip of this iceberg

too much

Braks are vely sensitive

is it though? thats the question. Our politics are almost exactly similar here, it's an exact mirror of what happens in the US once we're a minority

subbed and bumb, based nips at it again

Based ally


When will he make about a video about about white pedophiles in East Asia?

t. Adam Al-Bagdhadi

A regular dude just citing statistics, talking some sense and exposing a problem.


Pretty good nip

Look at his reaction here, he clearly doesn't approve

Nobita redpilling the masses. Still a cuck though.


>final fantasy
>Purse Owner
every time

>promotes a constant stream of race-mixing propaganda through his cuck channel
>decides to pull crime stats about black """""people"""""
is this guy on drugs or some shit?

Wait, I thought this was that guy who was pro-immigration pro-body-positivity and everything else, am I confusting him with somebody else? Or has Sup Forums infected another mind?


would drink sake with/10

its not their culture to do that, theres a good one of some guy walking around tokyo showing pictures of white chicks dressed as japanese and cultural appropriation and they have no concept of it.

They dont have a whole lot of immigration in Japan, I think there were 5 last year and 6 immigrants in 2017

based Nobita Kun

Never heard of him before.
I am having gay feelings.

>I am having gay feelings.
Isn't this a default feeling for the canucks?

I was subbed to him for some time this summer when he was describing something else, iirc he was talking about how to get a jap gf, then I unsubbed because all the other content was shit. Looks like I was wrong to do that.

Alabama Black reporting in. You can illustrate, bring attention to and try to solve racial problems but still support these measures. Remember how he talked about him recognizing the existence of racism but also explains why it could exist as a result of crime rates and etc. Short example but it shows the middle ground.

horry chit

>a guy who made videos about mix-racing


Honorary Aryan!

Genes down the shitter in 9 months flat.



There wasn't much in the way of genes in the first place.

When you break it down by gender it gets even better. If they're 13% of the population, women have to be at least seven percent while men are six percent of the population. Six percent of the Basketball-American population commits over 50% of all crimes.



>promotes a constant stream of race-mixing propaganda


literally just look at his uploads you dumb burger







Those require education and experience


if you watched the video he says that this is the kind of thing that annoys him about americans. he already has nigger students and subscribers telling him "da white man trying ta brainwash you" last thing he wants to hear is the exact same shit from the other side. he'll probably just figure all americans are mentally ill and try to disassociate himself from them as much as possible

i wish i could get a mongolian eye fold surgery done so i could make a quick getaway to japan in case merkel2.0 wins

hehe jokes on you
Japanese actually also love double eyelids and european eyes.
They are bunchs of chuuni so your european eyes colour might turn them on.

>But... I don't give a fwak!
Is Japan the last civilized nation on the planet?

Cause niggers are literally threatening his life over a video he made

The mass media is so fucking leftist the only thing they fabricate is racism.

>They are bunchs of chuuni so your european eyes colour might turn them on.
Bruv bruh breh bro
muh dikk etc

Redpilled and doesn't give a fuck. I love this dude now. 100% truth.

sorry, this man is backward rural farmer.some talks about rise of nationlism, but thats just because of fear and uncertainity in these times. japan is actually opening new ideas and growing international. our women are opening new idea about foreign man, such as the black

and meanwhile jap boys hole themselves up in their rooms and jerk off with anime dolls instead of procreating and living normal lives. it's just a different kind of subhuman; considering that trait runs rampant in both japanese AND white boys, why not talk about how that's an "inherent trait" of their race?

burakku piipur BTFO'd

Jap women have atrociously high standards for partners. It's no wonder jap boys seek comfort in their anime dolls.


>i-i-it's not his fault, h-he's a GUD BOY

now where have i heard this before?

How do you say nigger in Japanese?


The only reason this video hasn't been taken down for hate speech yet is the fact that he's an adorable Japanese person. It's like banning a puppy.

>considering that trait runs rampant in both japanese AND white boys, why not talk about how that's an "inherent trait" of their race?
you just said the behavior occurs in multiple races, then try to pin it as a race-specific ailment. Which is it?

Also, what you're describing is known as a "behavioral sink" and it can affect any organized species.


Kys retard commie

their waifus will always be there for them and have sex with them as much as they want

In order to get a jap girlfriend that doesn't look like a horse's ass you have to be making a ton of money, be tall (impossibu for most japs) and decent looking

Never ever respond to people that went full retard.

That just means "country person" if I remember right.
>t. 2nd Gen jap.


kek, you guys are fucking pathetic. NOT. AN. ARGUMENT. pic related, another effeminate Sup Forums infected soyboy.

The only thing I've heard is "buraza" (brotha) but that's not all that offensive. I just say kuroi-hito (black person) to my family when in public.

it's not present in blacks, which therefore means it must be a white/asian trait, correct? you some kinda homosexual tard, son?

Really gives a new name to afro samurai