What's the final goal of the alt-right ?
A white ethnostate ?
If so, what will happen with us brown people?
Yeah think about it
What's the final goal of the alt-right ?
You should focus on building and forming your own society, for you people not constantly need the whitey
Why should I care what happens to nonhumans?
And in our state we only accept our true brothers the oriental asians, which in conjunction with the whitey, developed all the technology of the world
You will feel the taste of a whip once more working in our plantations
>What's the final goal of the alt-right ?
Ethics in gaming journalism.
>If so, what will happen with us brown people?
You will report on the new donkey kong video game with integrity, or you will be forced to spend a day with people that browse Sup Forums discussing the plot holes in legend of zelda.
You will get slaughtered
Fuck you, plot is irrelevant, pleb, just tell me if the gameplay is good. It doesn't even have to be fun unless you're a fucking normie
>wants to build ethnostate
>"oh but we'll keep the chinks"
pick one, white nationalist cuck.
You will also be forced to spend two days with this guy in a small room. You will play halo on single player mode and he will critique and comment (constantly) on the 'dated graphics'.
>Ethics in gaming journalism.
That's why I joined this fight.
It's why Trump was elected.
I like that you ask the proper questions.
But I could have used this help when the alt right started gaining traction here.
>If so, what will happen with us brown people?
You go back to your own country and stay there.
>What's the final goal of the alt-right ?
Four ticks.
You will live in your own countries like you should. White ethnostates/racial purity is not about killing all browns, it's about pic related
It's necessary to add that if they do go back, they report on video games honestly without favour to friends in the industry.
*whispers* but what will we do about germany
You can make your own. See how that works out.
>what will happen with us brown people
Just peacefully depart from the country. You can’t leach off white country’s resources forever
Sorry bud, our nations have always been white before (((they))) started fucking with our demographics
>what will happen with us brown people?
> If so, what will happen with us brown people?
You will no longer be able to leech and steal from white people by government policy.
Instead you'll have to do for yourselves. Good luck with that shit.
We'll try deportation once the AfD has a chance to co-rule. If it doesn't work then of course violence may be neccessary. Give the shitskins the warning and they can only blame themselves for staying in a white mans country
>What's the final goal of the alt-right ?
final boss battle with Alt Left
The incessant cry of the brown person, "you need to think about ME white man!!!"
OK listen up brown people, the white ethnostate doesn't mean you get killed.
All the white people who want to live in the ethnostate just move there on their own free will.
It isn't a hard concept to figure out.
That sounds like a challenge.
You will live happily in your own countries?
everyone should have what they want in their own place. we will be americans in america u can go be niggers in nigeria or sand people in alghanistan or whatever. go be you somewhere else, like not infront of me dont affect me and i wont affect you
That's a big word.
There is only one way for white people to have a ethnostate.
A place no subhuman can follow on his own.
We have to reach for the stars.
As Emperor, I'd probably just deport everyone I possibly could based on laws already on the books. I'd probably offer handsome incentive for blacks to fuck right off back to Africa voluntarily, while sterilizing the violent felons already in prison.
I'd end birthright citizenship for illegals, and make it retroactive. No welfare for non-citizens. I'd make traitors, spies, and subversives SHIT THEIR PANTS.
Just stuff like that.
>what will happen with us brown people?
Given that your flag says you're in Colombia, nothing.
No, fuck off with your rice fever bullshit. East Asians have their own nations, and you're welcome to trade with them. "White ethnostate" means all white people.
>I'd probably offer handsome incentive for blacks to fuck right off back to Africa voluntarily
Problem: they have no citizenship in any African country and none are offering. Now you have 15+ million people who are legally persona non grata. What's the plan?
you go back home and build up your countries to be stable and functioning, what's the problem?
Well you Colombians can stop getting ass-fucked by tranny's for a start.
The eradication of everyone because nobody will ever be able to be the perfect white.
>What we happen with us brown people?
You can go where you or your ancestors came from or you can drink bleech we don't care.
>What's the final goal of the alt-right ?
A single, white race covering the planet, and maybe other planets too.
>A white ethnostate ?
The first step of many
>If so, what will happen with us brown people?
Gas gas gas, I'm gonna step on the gas
We all should just die
>homogenous white utopia
>government swamps all drained
>Finally! The groundwork is set to actually achieve ethics in video game journalism
Bribe short-sighted local officials.
you will all go back to your own shitholes and eventually die off because are a bunch of subhumans
you will live in your ethnostate and build its prosperity instead of having the smartest people handpicked by rich countries to slave away for them?
no we can let in japanese at least to produce hapa daughters. their genteics are 100% compatible with white (hense the honorary aryan term). Oh it was hitler who said that.
Trying to merge the alt-right with the ethno-staters is bullshit.
Most ethno-staters are nigger tier themselves.
Will never happen but snowniggers will larp on.
They're dreaming; but that's not to say we can't turn this ship around and start heading in the other direction.
>Pick one faggot. The most we'll do is deport you, nothing else.
These are OUR lands, and you do not deserve to be here.
4 u
I've a thought that you'd need to get shit like that done. Relocating a massive stack of people means paying bulk money to third world countries not to kick up a stink.
They've been lucking out with their shit citizens moving abroad for years and aren't likely to just accept the same crappy people returning.
But you're American, I would understand if you were from some European country, but you're on stolen land, my ancestors used to live there
Actually we like when they return properly, we go to the airport an hug them and shit, the problem it's that they usually return in body bags.
>my ancestors used to live there
Your ancestors are a mix of spanish conquistadors and indo-americans, and I'll bet you don't know which makes up the greater percentage of your dna.
You might as well protest Arabs living in Madrid.
So you plan to defeat the Social Democrats then? It's already been taken care of by the neoliberals like msnbc and cnn
>Actually we like when they return properly
For a temporary period, but those same people are usually the shitty, ambitious characters that you are glad to be shot of.
A lot of the time it seems that first world countries act as a release valve for the third world. We import your ruthless business people and violent sociopaths and you get a bit of a reprieve from their presence.
Probably your issue to deal with them, though.
The alt right isn't real u fucking dumb dumb
You mean we'll keep the Chink women. Big difference faggot.
Obvious... we’ll kill you all
That will only be OK if we kill any hapa male newborns
Your people probably diverged from, say "the Comanche of the southern US plains", thousands of years ago. A Colombian laying claim to land in Kansas as his birthright, that the land was stolen from him, is patently absurd.
The actual Indians who held these lands were either defeated in battle (often with the help of other Indian tribes), died of disease, or moved to reservations.
You will go back or get a work card then go back.
After pinochet expelled them, chileans travelled around the world learning trades, making friends and exploring the world, this people came back with resources and contacts and they created the "economical miracle" of the Concertacion years, Haitians that work here are lifting Haiti, mexicans in the US sustain their economy.
Results, we don't need to export citizens anymore and the chileans abroad don't vote for the right.
I wouldn't say shit like this, even jokingly. It's just not good form.
if they don't accept it, just send in the tanks
Sometimes you just gotta make people accept it
I'm not sure that any of that entitles you to live in a foreign nation. We're missing a few logical links here.
Deported or dead... So long as you don't continue to contaminate our society.
lol upset abu cunt, your people were fucking savages before Europeans showed up. It's a good thing 1/2 to 9/10 of you died it made the land much more civilized
Trolling hard
So you would be ok if all of the world moved to Chile to live off of your taxes and "imporve their own countries"?
you will either leave the ethnostate or die.
>Yeah think about it
is that supposed to guilt me?
You aren't entitled to anything, it's just legality, you can travel you can make business and live in other countries, it works and it's helpful, the more people that return with money on their pockets the less people the first world countries have to receive.
You'll realize this if you stop thinking with your feelings.
>the more people that return with money on their pockets the less people the first world countries have to receive.
What entitles them to the money of first world people?
The browns can have the southwest
Your own laws.
>You'll realize this if you stop thinking with your feelings.
I'm not. I just have no idea how your statements link up. You have a right to go to a place because of some ancestral link, I gather, but the link itself has no legal significance, so it seems like a pointless argument.
Maybe you can invade or something? It might be an argument as to a land interest that could be pressed through war and conquest, but right now the US has a sovereign government and, as such, can determine it's immigration policy.
what did i expect from a Canadian?
No, no, and no.
Our final goal is to live in a world where the streets are safe for you and your children, the jobs are stable, your neighbours are friendly, your women are loyal to their family, the men can support their family with nothing else but hard work, and the common cause is to help each other improve both as a community and as individuals.
If brown people can integrate to that, they are welcome.
Problem is: they can't.
Laws are not always right. Laws said that you could own a black slave not that long ago, and they were wrong, so they were changed
I fuck him that reads it
is that what the message is really saying or am I mistransalating this whore
>We import your ruthless business people and violent sociopaths and you get a bit of a reprieve from their presence
We wish lul.
These are the kind of people that stay while only the cowards run away
But they care more about making their economy grow than they care about their demographic, the really rich don't live near the immigrants anyway, so they can't give less of a fuck.
Change the law then, let's see if your lobby groups tolerate it.
You'll rule the earth long after whites have vanished.
Hey Chilebro, Piñera o Guillier?
Piñera it's not a good human being.
>If so, what will happen with us brown people?
you have to sort yourselves out
>yeah think about it
that's what you haven't been doing, is thinking and planning a prosperous future for all brownies. instead you massacre each other like a bunch of apes. this is why we don't want nothing to do with you
>Change the law then
I am talking to you, not a politician or a lobbyst.
What in your opinion entitles people to live off of first world tax payers' money? "Law" is not a reason, unless you are willing to tell me you also supported slavery, colonialism and imperialism. Do you support those as well, since they were legal at the time? Where they morally justified?
Do you support Israel occupying Palestine, since most countries voted in favor of the existance of a Jewish state in Palestine?
It's all legal after all, but is it moral?
Muy bien. What book is that? Something 'my life' or a memebook. Piñera is clearly reptilian
I’m thinking about it
>talking about brown people
>post picture of an asian, the most ethnocentric people in the world
Fun fact: if whites procreated far more, a white ethnostate could be accomplished without them feeling the need to remove nonwhites (except illegals and migrants, which need to go anyway).
But that would lead to having to come to deal with uncomfortable facts about present circumstances: like how the bureaucracy-ridden socialism they largely live under is directly responsible for their decline, and how National Socialism and the like therefore is not the answer.
>But they care more about making their economy grow than they care about their demographic, the really rich don't live near the immigrants anyway, so they can't give less of a fuck.
You've moved from a positive argument about your right to be somewhere to 'lol your government wants it'.
Getting the impression that you don't understand what it is that you feel entitled to, so what's the interest?
alt right are mostly browns and slavs
they are nonwhites larping as white ntnlists
Notice how leftists never respond when confronted with their own logic
Occupation and immigration are two different issues.
If you come to Chile traveling you are entitled to our free internet, our cops, our clean air, etc...
All that paid with our taxes, if you wanted to use our territory and kill the people in it you'll have to leave, the issue it's who supports your immigration, the laws? or an army?
Photobook about David Rockefeller life.
You aren't arguing legality or economical reasons, you are simple stating that you don't like immigrants, I have no arguments against your feelings, besides telling you that they are feelings.
Skyrim is for the Nords