Jordan Peterson is a charlatan and an opportunist who is picking the pocket of young angry white men who feel displaced by society (hint: they're not) and don't know how to handle their sexual frustration other than to take it out on those they disagree with.
His understanding of the ideas he continually critiques, namely Marxism and postmodernism, aren't even tenuous as much as they are purposefully fabricated in order to direct the unbridled anger of young white males in the direction of the academic institution by which he ironically happens to be employed, as it seems he has a personal vendetta against a system that has he feels somehow wronged him -- indeed he was even fired from previous positions.
He's a snake oil salesman who downplays the inherent dangers of Christianity and projects pure speculatory Jungian nonsense to make biblical narratives fit his agenda.
Anyone with even a little wisdom knows what this jackass is up to.
Jordan Peterson is a charlatan and an opportunist who is picking the pocket of young angry white men who feel displaced...
Other urls found in this thread:
He's literally a psychologist? His views on politics are in response to a piece of left wing legislation which would affect his job. I dunno why there is this campaign by (((some people))) to discredit him. All these threads are just some purity spiraling non-sense, because apparently Sup Forums or the alt-right can only support people who are Hitler incarnate. Clean your room.
Yes goy, everything is about sexual frustration. Good goy, watch more cuck porn...
>in all fields
Not an argument
We have been shilling the Peterson sub-reddit for months now. Those man-children are far gone in to his cult. He is nothing but a bourgeois slave owner who exploits the means of emotion rather than production.
I've noticed a pattern and I'm now 100% sure someone is pushing hard these threads.
I mean, I'm ok with this because I like Peterson and I want to recommend his videos without having to deal with the "you suggested me to look at this nazi psychologist?" comments.
But at the same time, I wonder what the Eternal is trying to get here. Just classic divide and conquer tactics?
His die hard fans are a bunch of tards... im a old guy, so i have seen these self help gurus come and go over the last 30 years, Peterson and his program is just the most recent flavor of the same shit i have seen so many times
>Take this test to find out what type you are
>do this program to improve/sort yourself out
>start small, clean your room and build from that
Wow doctor Peterson never heard that 100's of times before for diffrent shills before, you are a genius and my new dad
I’d like to get my hands on those udders
You are a brainlet if you take this guy seriously.
If whites becoming a minority we will end up like Haiti or SA.
Peterson does nothing to address this. We need to force a Peterson Vs Mcdonald debate.
You had no argument to begin with.
>hint: they're not
They actually are.
> Anyone with even a little wisdom knows what this jackass is up to.
And you're the wise one come here to save us from exploitation with a 3 sentence strawman. And everyone who doesn't see it your way by definition doesn't have "even a little wisdom". You sound like an angry fool
JP causes cucks to think...and that triggers them..
Clean your room you ungrateful little weasels.
>make biblical narratives fit his agenda.
Which is what? Christianity is tolerable and racists are too consumed with national identity? How subversive of him. What a fraud...
O lawd here we go. You don't have to send money. Y'all mad cause he's not a Nazi?
From being /ourguy/ and KEK Avatar he became a shill in the eyes of Sup Forums...
I guess he's right, far-wingers in general are cry babies that can't take critique, and are too dumb to understand his rhetoric.
t. Centrist Overlord
He makes a lot of good points, it's just that his fans are on par with Rick Morty fans. Just cringe folks pretending that they're smart because they watched a Jordan Peterson video on youtube.
Bump of truth.
You missed a field though
nah, youre just a dumb ass nigga who projected your faggy neo-nazi larp shit onto him, despite the fact that he routinly shits on hitler and nazism, and only now is your bird brain starting to realize that he isnt that.
Either that are you are a leftypol shill
>mfw you realise there is a large proportion of Sup Forums who are just like the sjws just with a hitler reskin
>Clean your room
What did he mean by this?
Its funny how attacks on Peterson pile up right after he got his win at proving progressive inquisition exists.
Really nothing to pin on him but supposed 'dangers' of believing in 'good'.
Get fucked OP
Get fucked CIA
Get fucked Evil
there was already one of these fucking threads up you faggot
sage bump of support and more
Maybe you're just a failure and can't fulfill the simplest tasks. The bitterness is radiating from you, and lurking Sup Forums doesn't seem like a symptom of productiveness to me. Sort yourself out, this time for real.
>Said by a communist
Ok pal, go whine about the proletariat somewhere else, theyre there for one reason or another.
Read some Jung, faggot. You'll understand how important spirituality is, and how some parts of Bible can help shape a healthy framework of society.
so many angered tumblrinas trying to shill against Pordan Jeterson.
>the absolute state of Sup Forums
its funny how attacks on peterson pile up right after he posted that type of shit. fuck your boomer
At worst hes just a naive older man who fails to realize very little people other than Western whites are willing to uphold his favored society. Guy will redpill himself eventually.
Speaking about being taken seriously eh.
This. I still believe most of this is from leftypol shills desperatly trying to shit on Peterson.
Also, if you like Peterson, be sure to check out Camile Paglia, Douglas Murray, and Stephen Hicks.
I don't get this type of critique of Peterson. He never claimed to have found something new. He's always talking about how this is all already pretty much known. The thing with him is that he succeeds in presenting all of that in an interesting way, with a occasional focus on the perspective of younger men. I learned lots of interesting and useful stuff from him and got my understanding of humans a bit broadened. Combining JBP and Jonathan Haidt also is a really good way to look at the political dynamics ( Haidt actually made me not get angry over politics anymore because he presented a good explanation that we're all just different to such an extent that we don't even understand each other even when speaking the same language ). So what if Peterson charges for his services? It's his vocation after all and he offers a bunch of his stuff and classes for free anyway.
The only thing I don't like with him is that he's dug in deep on certain issues ( understandable as it may be ) and that there is this Rick-and-Morty-type of fanbase around him. But is it his fault that there are autistic retards in the world? Nope. I am expecting him to go off a deep end sometime in the future if he lets his fame get the better of him, but until then I won't understand why people who know psychology get irritated with him spreading psychologicall knowledge to the wider public effectively. As a law student, I'd be happy seeing some "self help guru" spread some law red pills all round.
This guy knows what's up
>be anti-racist
>be kike lover
>be (((individualist)))
>your enlightened followers shill you at Sup Forums
The only really sad thing about this is state of Sup Forums which makes it look like a proper place to shill for this goodest of goyim.
He probably also needs to make his way on pic related.
wow, a really engaging shitpost that really activated my almonds.
I'm loving all this hate he's getting from the mentally deranged far right weenies. Imagine getting this butthurt about something.
>listening to a canadian professor just because he thinks trannies act like children.
He's always been a meme. Even canadians have a limit to the bullshit you can throw at them, but he's still a total leftist and globalist.
>Peterson suddenly become a meme the moment he starts calling out the aut-right on twitter
lol. you just KNOW they are butthurt because now they can no longer pretend hes "one of them" and have to face the reality that the alt-right is clown tier since all they have is bafoons like faith goldy and lauren southern
>Sup Forums loves him because "muh banter"
>(Most of them aren't aware of a series of superb lectures on his YouTube channel)
>He said one "bad" thing about far-wingers
>suddenly a TOTAL LEFTIST
Sup Forums AD 2017, my sides... I know that it sucks when your adoptive father-figure "betrays" you, but you just have to make some friends irl, it just werks.
Another one? There's 3 already in the catalogue you dumb kikes.
They'll claim he hid his Patreon numbers as a response to alt right back lash, when it happened several days ago after the left was panicking that if they forced him out of his job he could still continue to make videos. They'd probably try to shut down his Patreon too if they could find an angle to justify it.
ITT: they'll call him a boomer, they'll use kekistani cringe tactics, they'll claim we're all fatherless nigs who need him to replace our father figures, they'll claim we put pussy on a pedestal (if these aren't the same people behind the threads against people in the alt right why would they say this shit).
Pic related it's OP
>Staunchly against globalism and (((((liberalism)))))
>He's a globalist leftist
>>He said one "bad" thing about far-wingers
Actually issue is that he most likely already surpassed Donald Trump in his love for kike cocks.
I find this really weird because to my knowledge peterson hasn’t done anything noteworthy.
So just ignore him then. Why are you creating a thread and giving him more attention? Are you stupid?
>be Jordan Peterson
>critique SJWs
>offer to debate the SJWs
>they refuse
>point out that they wont debate yoy because they know they'll losw
>later on
>criticize white nationalism
>WNs offer to debate you
>now YOU refuse to have the debate
>claim you don't need to talk to them for bullshit post hoc reasons XYZ
rational discourse for me, but not for thee!
There aren't any WNs who will debate him in person.
The problem with saying this is it completely ignores the fact that his work and message has been motivating people to better themselves and the world. And its been working, you can find tons of examples of people who have improved their lives or the lives or otherwise drawing inspiration and motivation from Peterson's lectures and message.
>the inherent dangers of Christianity
The inherent dangers of keeping it in your pants. lel
Kevin macdonald, millennial woes, and a few others have offered, and J P claims he doesnt need to. But go ahead and hamster wheel some bullshit rationalizations for why its fine whe he does it
Young angry white men aren't the ones giving him patreon shekels, those are boomers
>Jewess images
>ignores arguments with molymeme response
Fuck off and die
>calls people brainlet
>is a communist
>millennial woes
I don't care at all about peterson other than the memes but yeah this. I mean did you guys really think he was some secret nazi supporter? You guys are kinda dumb tbqh
>His understanding of the ideas he continually critiques, namely Marxism and postmodernism, aren't even tenuous as much as they are purposefully fabricated in order to direct the unbridled anger of young white males in the direction of the academic institution by which he ironically happens to be employed, as it seems he has a personal vendetta against a system that has he feels somehow wronged him -- indeed he was even fired from previous positions.
Found the communist.
Typical leftist projection.
>two anons said Jordan Peterson is a secret nazi
>you guys think..
kill yourself.
Sup Forums ALWAYS does this shit
>someone is critical of retarded SJW shit
>turns out that the guy isnt a neo-nazi
Exactly. Don't get sucked into a D&C motivated purity spiral. He's bluepilled on race but is redpilled about Marxism. He provides great strategies for people to become better. Lefties fear him because he is influential and is also near bulletproof against media attacks. Don't get sucked into being a useful idiot anons. Peterson pisses commies off and that's a good thing.
He's not enlightened yet, he's pretty far knowing archetypes, but don't take everything he says as fact. He's unaware of the illuminati etc too, imo. I personally believe human history is much crazier than Darwinian evolution too, so there's that difference as well. Point is dudes not enlightened so don't get mad when you know he's wrong about something.
You are completely missing the point. He has a large audience of Centrist and moderately right wing viewers. these are the types of people who could be brought over to our side. However, Jordan is currently operating as a gatekeeper to keep them away from White identity. The point of attacking Jordan on this subject is because we could potentially bring these moderate people that listen to him further to the right. Do you get it now?
>He's unaware of the illuminati etc
Richard Spencer recently offered to have a debate or discussion with JP. I doubt he will take the invite, Jordan has been very reluctant to debate the right far people or give an in depth critique of them.
I think its because he sees the far left as those who actually have influence and power in current culture and society. Far right is just an internet based movement that occasionally peeps their heads in protest. But they have no real power. So the need to debate is not necessary to JP.
Trump is not a part of the far right movement, sorry he just happens to have common ground with some of their principles. He loves Jews for heavens sake.
It could be he is just a coward i have no clue just speculating. Just I am just doubtful of that.
oh look another asshurt marxist who's capitalizing on the latest shitstorm by trying to drive a wedge deeper between the Right and people like Peterson.
fuck off
>these are the types of people who could be brought over to our side.
Its literally never going to happen though user. And this is because the neo-nazi alt-right stuff is full of OBVIOUS paranoid conspiracy theory bullshit and lies/half-truths. We can all see this from a mile away, but you are too into it to notice it.
>marxist cockroach calls somebody else a manchild
We're gonna finish what uncle Adolf started
Lmao who will define who is enlightened? You? The fact that you mentioned the illuminati, the biggest meme on earth shows how shitty your "enlightened" must be.
>centrist can't spot /leftypol/ shilling
>His understanding of the ideas he continually critiques, namely Marxism and postmodernism, aren't even tenuous as much as they are purposefully fabricated
Eh, I'm not sure about this.
For one thing his understanding of Marxism is breddy gud.
His understanding of postmodernism, however, is completely superficial and more in common with stupid YouTube video critiques that have been around for a decade. I have a hard time believing he's ever actually read Foucault of Derrida (I'm not even fans of theirs, but they don't say what he says they say).
Nice try, kike. You'll be a more effective shill back over ar r/the_donald
You really don't like cleaning your room, I suspect.
>actually read Foucault of Derrida
go watch that video of him and Camile Paglia talking. They discuss Derrida and Foucault specifically. Its much more Paglias sort of thing and shes seems much more knowledgeable on them, but she fucking hates them and the whole post war french socialism scene, and she is a self described gender fluid feminist
Inconsistent argument. You cant say that the right wing is too irrelevant to debate while also spending time to criticize the far right from afar. If we were irrelevant and didnt matter, then why is he spending any time at all criticizing us in the first place?
This is just post-hoc rationalization
Imagine preaching christian morality and not believing in it.
this is about the response I expected. Youre a clown user and this is why you will win no one over to your side. Youre too arrogant and cant take any criticism
>Jordan Peterson is a charlatan and an opportunist who is picking the pocket of young angry white men who feel displaced by society (hint: they're not) and don't know how to handle their sexual frustration other than to take it out on those they disagree with.
Even tho Peterson is fucking up lately, you are still an obvious kike
wtf is up with all this anti peterson spam ? :S
leftypol shilling+alt-right being usefull idiots
>it's full of x
Throw the baby out with the bath water, why don't you? Conspiracies aside, demography is destiny, and currently most western nations are being filled with low IQ immigrants who don't care about the right to free speech or firearms, and desperately want a nanny state to take care of them. If you think you'll be able to live a free and prosperous life in a democratic country dominated by people like that you're just as naive as neocon boomers who think that everything will magically work out when the muds understand how great freedom is. White identitarian movements are necessary to prevent the west from declining, your inability to stomach it does not matter.
peterson is tired of doing gymnastics and wants to cash out.
he is smart enough to see the what is coming his way.
I am a white man displaced by society. Both parents immigrated here for the dole, my brothers and i all got kicked out as soon as the dole stopped. When they were healthier he would just bash my brothers out of the house, none remain alive. In recent times he just calls the police to do it for him and they do enthusiastically. Can't drive. No income. No friends. No family. Its the law. Its stupid and unsustainable. I am just here so scum can stuff food down my parents neck and lock me up because I ask schoolbooks. I've got all my teeth bashed out, been stabbed multiple times, I'm shorter than my dad by over a full head. I fucking hate it here. Its a shithole full of stupid cunts. Every fucking day is just a waste and I'm getting so fucking sick of the eternal waiting. I got three job interviews last month and all rejected because I cant drive because my dad took me to dv court rather than teach me. All of you pieces of shit deserve what you'll get. Every day I find myself articulating more and more a plan to enter a school and stab as many kids as i can get away with and I can't stand it but we live in enlightened times and this is the law.
Yeah I was always skeptical of this guy. Like I agree with a lot of what he says, but I got a bad vibe from him and he seemed really inauthentic. I also think it's really weird how a lot of guys on the internet are making a cult of personality around him.
Why is the alt right so obsessed with "white pride"? Aren't they mostly Americans?
I have nothing against conspiracy theories in general, but if you have a theory and then do nothing to investigate it at all and/or fanatically and irrationally reject any evidence that proves your theory wrong, then you are just a crazy person user.
Im telling you, the reason the alt-right is not only losing people but also failing to attract anyone is because its an amalgamation of nothing but retarded jewish conspiracy theories shrouded with "le ironic" humor. Who do you expect to attract with this besides paranoid internet retards user?
Tikkun olam, amirite fellow chosenite?
I really think you just need to lurk moar. There are plenty of moronic conspiracy theories here, but suggesting they aren't researched is patently wrong (even if they aren't properly validated) and to suggest that's all there is to alt right ideologies is naive or evidence of your own selective bias. You also ignored my comments about demography.
I used to dislike all the criticism at him coming from here, but slowly now I've realized that not only does he deserve it, he really needs to be pushed, because unlike so many others I think he has the CAPACITY to understand, he just for whatever reason, whether it be internalizing contradictions for the benefits of societal perks, or some blindspot, or plain old cowardice - he does not see.
He's the one talking about small monsters over time turning in to big ones. The free speech event where Goldy was disinvited because over guilt by association, and his renouncement of "far right wingers" while cozying up to the likes of Ezra levant and Gad Saad. And a few other inconsistencies I'm sure I'm forgetting now, they will fester in his subconscious if he at all has the conscience he constantly preaches to instill in others.
The time of pretense of political neutrality is over. PARTICULARLY if you have the arrogant audacity to preach morality to people, your own garden better be in sufficient order.
Youre talking to JIDF. Dont waste your breath.
This is true. Peterson is a person who if you speak, he will listen. Unless you just spew rhetoric at him like a fucking idiot but if Sup Forums made a real argument for anything, he will consider it.
I've been here since the days of /new/ m8. I've mostly just grown out of that neo-nazi conspriacy theory stuff because I actually looked into all of the claims, rather than being spoon fed infographs from others here. And I also noticed how fake the "truth doesnt fear investigation" line was the moment I actually started questioning their theories and was met with nothing but "shut up you fucking kike!" type responses.
>You also ignored my comments about demography.
This is because what everyone really wants is a nice regular life without having to worry about getting raped by tyrone or murdered in a terrorist attack. But on the other hand, I also dont want to replace that with a tyrannical all powerful government of paranoid retards who see a jewish plot in everything dictating my life.
I stopped listening to JP when he admitted he married a woman that rejected him in college, then met her like 15 years later and got with her.
Were gonna fini...oh wait we already finished you 70 years ago, get ready for round 2
this is what I mean
Its very hard to even have a decent little debate like we are having now without this paranoid bullshit
The reason youre dismissed is because youre trying to go back through the hoops of everything everyone has already been through a million times already. Which means youre either a kike or you need to lurk more. Im going to tell you to fuck off in the same way im not going to bother with someone who tries pulling some shit about IQ tests being culturally biased.