Have women usually kept rape babies through European history?
Have women usually kept rape babies through European history?
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White women were getting blacked even under the Reich bro. Look up Rhineland bastards
I think it variates. I mean it was the worst thing to get a baby willingly outside of marriage so i think it was quite common to put it out in the woods if it was rape concieved. I think...
War brides
Memes aside yes. In Rus Tatars and Mongols often forced bred Russian women and killed whole families if something happened to bastards
Infanticide or abandonment used to be not uncommon.
rape babies were thrown into water or left in the woods. doesnt matter if the rape babie was by a non european man, it brought shame to familys thats why they got "cut off"
Rape in europe was uncommon compared to the middle east, africa and asia.
Women did not keep rape babies usually.
The times they kept the was when they decided the child is innocent and does not deserve death.
Now it's time to kys cuckposter
>Rape in europe was uncommon compared to the middle east, africa and asia.
Not totally. Most marriages before the 19th century or so would probably qualify as statutory rape today, because it wasn't uncommon for girls to be married off at age 10-12.
>because it wasn't uncommon for girls to be married off at age 10-12.
retarded burger pedoniger shwing it's legendary education i see