Why is everything is Europe so sharp, cold, metal and plastic?
have you guys ever heard of wood or architecture
pic related its the inside of a can of sardines without the sardines
Why is everything is Europe so sharp, cold, metal and plastic?
have you guys ever heard of wood or architecture
pic related its the inside of a can of sardines without the sardines
says a country less than 250 years old
Contrast to the Americas
well we tried not to turn into a shithole by keeping emitions out of political discussions. Then the 68' movement happend and everything turned to shit
Now we have a nation which hates itself + the addition of useless emotions and twisted ethical principles in our political discussions
Danke Merkel
hide your flag.
Why is this shit so claustrophobic?
EU adorned in soros purple, thats funny..
The old one burned down.
I think it's cozy as fuck
because they need to have the humans to be as far away as possible from everything that is natural and connected to nature to dominate their minds and souls.
House Of Lords
not even the house of commons god damn embarrassment you fail grade 9 civics
>most of beautiful medieval/reneissance/baroque etc buildings destroyed in the both world wars
>america always late to the party, never had any major combat on their continent for centuries
>HUR DUR why such a shit architecture europoors
Nature, and history. The culture of the NWO is corporate and industrial
Why 9s everything crimson and gold...
That's so unbearably british, it hurts.
Is that where they do the ritual sacrifices and pig-orgies in the off-hours?
we dont even have a real history... all we have to day is HIS-STORY... history recorded by the rich and powerful not by people like you and me.
> waaah muh warz
> 70 years later
> hurr durr best architektur, symbol of our new cold, distant and inefficient overlords
Europoors are so pathetic.
Any local culture in europe is wiped out, it all has to be metal, up to date and modern.
For some reason everywhere in Europe wants to look like a generic american/south east asian city centre
House of Commons
The ceiling is pretty high and the walls and there's plenty of space to circulate
You sure you don't just hate how absolutely stunning this looks like, Schlomo? Jealous because your Temple wasn't even as great as that?
Europeans are pretty much children in their mental faculties and tastes, they need simple designs, no sharp edges, and bright colors.
Still living in the middle ages I see
Shut the fuck up you insufferable vagina
you post perfection
so you spit on the graves of your forefathers that slaved away their lives to sustain their families so you can insult people on the internet that want you to understand the situation your in ! i hope you will have what you have!
Note that the seats are purple.
Lol honestly we should criticize Europe for its tiny buildings instead of ugly ones. Plenty of nice looking shit is still around from long ago.
I would say Europe looks better than the USA on average for looks, but USA crushes Europe in usable space and price for that space.
Even our new stuff is bretty comfy
That's just hideous post-modernism. Europeans seem to be more inclined to it, but it's definitely present in North America as well.
>complaining about architecture
top kek
I hope you're getting paid to post this shit thread.
Everywhere you look in that room it feels like your eyes are being raped. Probably because of the floor. 0/5
Horrible couches but much better looking room. 3,5/5
>not having adversarial seating, but a faggy crescent group hug, instead.
Everything that's wrong with contemporary western politics.
im not, but I applied for e.i so kinda.
Its all beautiful, it's got such a powerful presence look to it, feast your eyes on true power.
Because commies can't appreciate good architecture and things that have historical value. They are also ashamed of their heritage.
you do realize that American classical architecture is just a vulgar imitation of European art? Look at this shit:
You probably don't even realize it because you are tasteless shit like all you countrymen but it is a fucking travesty. Chinese are better at copying European architecture than you, they have at least some artistic feeling in them.
(((New World Order))) architecture.
It's meant to be as sterile as possible - and without any links to "traditional architecture", to not to offend anyone.
>it takes more than 250 years to build a building
maybe in europe, cucklord
Well someone bombed it all, a few decades ago.
Because ZOG don't want goyim to have beautiful things to look at.
Pretend historian here, American styled architecture in historic buildings are usually made from wood because of the abundance of forests. Historically speakings, buildings were usually made of rocks. Of course wooden structures were a thing, but it was America that historically identified with the wood infrastructure.
Communism and jews will do that
Now that's a house for lords if I ever saw one, shame it means fuck all these days
because its (((progressive)))
only beta bois are afraid of metallic objects
eat less soy
Because it looks good?
This room was used before 1970.
The answer is right here. The EU is forging a new cultural identity. It can't use any historical iconography for fear of offending a member state, so the new identity will be clean, modern, soulless and empty. It will gradually replace anything local that differentiates one state from another - they've done it to the money, the passports, the flag, road signs. Laws are a big part of this - all work place regulations, all food regulations, the little things that set one place apart from another are becoming homogenized beneath the behemoth of the EU. 'Culture' will be permitted in cheap displays, like when they get some shitty performance artist group to dress up in local dress to add a tiny bit of flavour to their grey lives. The ultimate goal is for the newest middle east economic migrants not to even notice when they cross the border between France and Germany, or Italy and Croatia.
It makes me sick every time a see that fucking bland blue flag.
Well plastic is cheaper than wood. I guess they should charge their tax payers extra money so that posts on Sup Forums will diplay wooden chairs instead of plastic ones.
Get a life lol.
That's not an excuse to build modern shit on top of the ruins. Also lot of the modernization happened after war.
Fewer quality chairs user, fewer
Wood is so expensive even Norks somehow got decent furniture in their parliament.
These seats look much more comfy than
these seats
I've been saying this for years. You can tell that the EU's goal is to create some sort of superstate out of Europe and part of doing that is crushing the spirit and identity of the different people so they all consider themselves "Europeans".
How's that vaginal studies degree?
ultra-Authoritarian governments always have the best architecture. mostly just size related, though. bigger is better.
How many European governments are more than 250 years old at this point?
I'll wait.
Too difficult? How about 100 years?
Europe itself is vastly older than your shithole of a country, burger. Get fucked.
Europe isn't a country, meme-flag.
Yes. spend my tax money to make some rich kikes feel like kings. Brilliant.
Disgusting kitsch.
Looks like one of those faggy Catholic churches.
The paintings and paneling are top notch but what the fuck is up with the hotopic red leather bench seating and green carpet that look straight out of a tumblrina findoms sex dungeon
Nice railway station waiting area from the 50s you have there
fuck off, pleb
like most people who use the term 'kitsch' I don't think you know what the meaning of the word is.
LEL you triggered cunts !!!
does SHE-STORY make more sense to you ?
or do i have to go even more autist and say (((THEY)))-STORY ?
i dont know how the studies go but maybe you should ask your tranny dada that is in gender studies 101
my house is older than your country, leaf. Posting modern architecture is not really a good argument, since you have plenty of it too
architecture thread?
>my house is older than your country
My house is older than your country.
>ask your tranny dada that is in gender studies 101
Would you prefer it looking like a mosque?
Britbong here. I really like what they've done in Estonia - Simple, pragmatic, but not cold and unforgiving, or full of shit colours. A good mix.
I doubt it. How old is your house?
Looks great.
How old is your country?
Well played finland. Love the statues.
The only thing wrong with that is that it a half circle instead of adversarial seating with crossbencher seating.
Virtually none because they're all miserable, poor, unstable shitholes with no leg to stand on? Is that the answer you were looking for?
That looks badass. The White represents the Boers, and the Red is the blood they spilt.
Honorable members!
You forgot to mention that they all hate each other and are pretending to be nice in the hope that this EU experiment will keep them from starting World War III
>whites are completely calm
funny how you get use to shit, hey?
Who wants to bet a European was involved in its design
America and the Jews destroyed their culture after WW2.
>Why is everything is Europe so sharp, cold, metal and plastic?
>have you guys ever heard of wood or architecture
They weren't allowed to continue their culture when the kikes took over
Thx m8
>when your parliamentary building resembles an operating theatre
Is this the famous German autism?
thank you.