Reddit is SEETHING this morning

7 more years of this butthurt lads

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whats this seething meme ive been seing lately

You can hear the bugmen and soy voices just from reading the posts. I bet you they all have thick plastic glasses and are drinking Starbucks.

What are they REEEEEEing about this time?



what you would call loco

or buttblasted and mad

whichever dumb nigger made memeboys att cuckHQ talk about 4chyng and bring the lelele"army should probably die from a severe case of bullet to the head

>Or are Sup Forums threads imitating Trump?
Whoa, insightful. Upvoted. Here's a guy that really knows what he's talking about. You see the way he flipped that statement on its head? An expert of pre-Trump Sup Forums culture. Only oldfags will remember.

>Sup Forums threads imitating Trump
We are but students of the shitpost, he is the grand master.

reddit memery most likely

Honestly, Trump's tweets are kind of shitty. The only thing quality about them is the fact that the billionaire President of the United States is making them. They would get very few (You)s on here and would get lost in the mishmash.

... (embed) (embed) (embed)

>that the billionaire President of the United States is making them
That's what makes him the master. He can talk shit like that before and after becoming President, and not only does it not cost him any supporters, but it's the very thing that got him elected.

He's the only one who can do it and survive the assblasting thanks to his position, and actually get topics talked about

>pedantic faggots don't like Trump's social media activities


>he doesn't know which board it comes from
good, good. plebbitors like this will never find our secret stash of dank memes

It will cost you supporters when the situation in Israel is status quo, CIAids is an epidemic and war rages on. You do know that Afghanistan is known as the graveyard of civilizations for a reason. It is like invading Russia in winter all over again. Afghanistan is Vietnam on roids

The Trump curse is real, so why don't people believe in the Afghan curse?

Far-left redditards still salty that this humble Chinponese Claymation Forum helped destroy their pantsuit god and elect Trump. Yes WE elected him, try to deny it reddit cumshitters.

everyday i am thankful i get to bear witness to this level of banter so far up the ladder. i cannot believe it lads.
trump is the best goddamned president we've ever had.

Doesn't reddit like the deep state and potential murderers being called out?

Reddit is always seething. They can't go a day in their lives without venting their frustrations about trump in the form of circle jerks that make up the echo chamber that is r/politics.

The greatest timeline
No end in sight to shitpostus
No end in sight to salt
Leftist Implosion is actually happening
He really is draining the swamp

>"¡ay mang whut deez wordz meeen, homes?!"
It's called: "proper use of the English language", Taco.