Death to Islam

Death to Islam

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Absolute madman. More honorable than Ratko lmao

but what about white nazi muslims

>Death to Islam
and mongrels

They confessed they were Croat muslims, not a meme ethnic group like 'Bosnian'

those are commies

Ustaše did nothing wrong.

nice try diaspora
Za Dom!


>implying islam is the problem

What a fucking sissy way to go, only bitches kill them self he's nowhere near a honorable person

>panteri panteri

Why is there no Roki pepe?

*cough cough* hitler *cough cough*

>death to islam

Goodluck on being surrounded by jews and degeneracy.Should've said "death to all muslim illegal immigrants".Would be more logical.

Okay fervent practitioner of islam

This will hopefully be the final nail in Bosnia's coffin.

>die in prison of old age
>poison yourself in front of your enemy and die like a hero
pick one

I'm split on whether I support Serbia or Croatia therefore it's nice to see both sides come together in this thread.

RIP for that man, he fought for what he thought is right and he did a statement with his suicide that should be respected by looking into the facts again.

Peoplehood must come first.

We generally don't really care if you're a catholic, pagan or a muslim so long as your sense of peoplehood doesn't lay with some sand tribe of the orient

Ja kao bosanski katolik koji zivi u Sarajevu moram reci da nisam nikad imao problema sa muslimanima ovdje. Ja se ne osjecam ugrozeno zbog pripadnosti druge vjere, vec zbog drugih stvari koji sa tim nemaju veze.

Svaka strana generalizira drugu i svaka strana ima duple standarde, ali kada je u pitanju odnos pojedinaca to je druga prica.

Croates drank the conium


Anything to distract from the fact that the Hague found Franjo Tudjman guilty of being a part of the "joint criminal conspiracy" to cleanse Bosnia.

ipak su to Slaveni, nisu rasu promijenili lol
samo kad ti dođu ovi iz pustinje eksplodirati bit će sranja. tako je i Perzija pala, u početku su se samo pretvarali da su muslimani ali onda su morali prihvatiti izbjeglice i eto sad ih je sve manje i manje

the counrt is on pause though, if anything it will draw more attention when the final judgment is said


Also he server 2/3 of his sentance and would be released from prison in few days.


Guys, you do realize that as of today, Croatia is officially guilty of war crimes in Bosnia, and we now have a basis for a lawsuit.

Some reparations are due, fuckers.

Rep. Herceg-Bosna =/= Rep. Hrvatska

>implying Croats are homogeneous Slavs, let alone Bosnian muslims

and you are guilty of acusing your liberators of war crimes...

we schoulda let bihac fall and end up like srebrenica

Remove keban.

yeah whatever bosnia will remain as one of the poorest eurofag country

Anyone want to brief me why he killed himself? I thought these jokes of trials are only to give more power and claims to muslims. Wasn't this guy a muslim?

I know FFS but I'm not going to list all ethnicities right now


A way better way to go than Rudolf Hess if you ask me

>Implying it will stay a country
>Implying we wont split it in the next 10-15 years.

Stfu rape baby bufferzone

It should happen

Mujo, you should than pay us for carring for your refugees and sending your aid against Serbs.

You're missing your šahovnica, familia. Here you go, I found it:

>The Chamber, by a majority, found that the conflict between the HVO and the ABiH during this period was of an international character. Evidence showed that troops of the Croatian Army fought alongside the HVO against the ABiH and that the Republic of Croatia had overall control over the armed forces and the
civilian authorities of the Croatian Community (and later Republic) of Herzeg-Bosna.

There is much more to todays verdict than this war crminial suicide. It's an interesting read, look it up

funny, i know some muslims who went to croatia on holiday earlier this year
they said they liked it so much they want to move there

Ovo, Slobo i Tuđman su trebali rascjepat tu vukojebinu

Follow your leader :)

>....or a muslim so long as your sense of peoplehood doesn't lay with some sand tribe of the orient
unfortunately it almost always does.

ofc they do, but it never lasts. they bring the plague with them

We should have split it 20 years ago desu
>current coat of arms
i cringe every time, the royal one looks a lot better, even the version withou the crown is enough

Šta je pičke, hoćete pelješki most?
E hoćete kurac

Najtužnije je što ljevičari i njihovi soroševski sponzori vjeruju u taj mit. Šteta, što doista i nisu podijelili BiH.

Most se gradi a vas muje se ne pita uopće.

I wish this was our flag

OC btw

Tourism work differently
You come, you give me money and i make you a drink
You buy albanian drugs and if you are lucky band a slovenian chick visiting
You come and you go, but move hpermanently here and you will see our true mentality

>implying I'm non-white

If we killed the communist Yugoslavian Serbs
and all the muslims

Balkans would be a good place

>Missing the joke and being a faggot

Why do you do this?

I am to visit Croatia next week. Will I get attacked if I raise a toast in his honour?


We don't joke about being subhuman.


Pretjerao si s ovim, valjda negdje ima granica jebemu mater

You are subhuman just by being a faggot now run along to the other Nordicuck threads where you jerk eachother off on who has the bigger blue-eyed/blonde hair population.

Threadly reminder that not a single american has been charged by Hague and never will. Stay irrelevant eurocucks

>European Court
>A non european hasnt been charged
Hmmmmm.... really makes you think

>Hague faggots hate him

>Click to see why