You think your life is rough? Post-Patriarchy-rape-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder rolling around in a wheelchair, okay bitch, I have to fight every fucking day on facebook and tumblr. The people that I encounter, the people like you. You disgust me. If you saw some of the instagram comments on my marxism page, ugh. Did you vote for Hillary? No response? Okay, you voted for Trump, racist bigot. People like you are a problem for this society. Waiting for ramp access for your wheelchair, how cool, appropriating handicap culture, bitch. Wait till my followers find out about this. Alot of people wonder why I do this. Imagine this, imagine a world without white people, I do everyday , the thing is im white. Im a Social Justice Warrior. A soldier. A true soldier. A defender of the LGBTQRANBRAAP Community, Muslims, Blacks, and Women. And Im not being racist, but fuck white people. Im literally shaking right now im so angry.
You think your life is rough? Post-Patriarchy-rape-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder rolling around in a wheelchair, okay bitch...
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link insta fb and tumblr so i can help support you in your plight
>I have to fight every fucking day on facebook and tumblr
I know this is a larping shitpost and redditors are gonna get turbo asspained and think that you're serious, but do people actually think like this? Is it that hard for these people to just not use social media?
You need Jesus
Cringe: the post
almost had me fooled
Shitty bait
Sage and move on
>And Im not being racist, but fuck white people.
Proceeds to call trump voters racists... must be fun being a hypocrite.
It sounds like you have no purpose in life so you "fight" for the "minorities". The sad thing is I imagine you despise them but hate yourself more.
"Keep up the good fight" via Facebook.... what a hero... kek
Once again, truth is stranger than fiction.
Very good shitpost. 8/10
I guess I don't know what I was expecting.
Had a nice kek, but why blow it like that?
whoever added BRAAPP on the end has to be in on the joke
I couldn't read this with a straight face, and I doubt you wrote this with one either.
clearly satirical post
I didnt copy shit fascist male pig
I like how the first phrase kind of debunks everything beneath it
Man caught raping a 3 year old!
>LBQT: well love is love..
Fucking flaggots?
Fixed your file for you op, you're welcome
Stop conflating anti christianity with tolerance, I would want to oppress you all under an authoritarian Greek dictatorship where all falsehoods are exterminated.
The "BRAAPP" is photoshopped.
Just the accusation is enough to destroy a man's life. Zero accountability, ZERO responsibility on the woman's account.
Your not worth FUCKING anymore!! Your legally too dangerous to be around, clearly too legally dangerous to fuck.
so, with the laws you have passed, fuck off and die cunt. get the fuck away from me you crazy bint.
>crying New Zealand
It's a shop. This is the original