Would a leftist ever take a pic like this?
Tay Tay is with us
Youre an idiot
What an ugly malnourished whore.
"She" is an Illuminati transvestite. That's why he was selected for the position he's in. Jennifer Aniston is another. It's a crazy world
Flag confirms Tay is /our/girl
What is the altright obsession with Taylor Swift anyway? I've never understood it.
Where is her ass
Not TayTay, boobs too big.
Tell us more, dixie meme flag
aside from her being a shabbos goy for the music industry, she's just such a qt3.14.
It's not complicated.
She's white and black people hate her.
she has more than enough ass for a white man
not sure about Tyrone-Americans though
who is the one in the middle?
Shes patriotic as fuck. Based taytay
Not TayTay. That girl's name is Lindsey. She's pretty cool too.
You'll never need to ask that about your leftfu
We know, shes not black.
she got implants
She's a massively famous pop singer that has remained pointedly politically agnostic in public...which almost certainly means shes some level of conservative.
Think about it really, all the others spout off about their conventional leftwing politics all the time without concern for alienating half their potential audience... Yet she doesn't.
They're thinking if they meme hard enough she'll come out of the closet so hard she storms onto state in an SS uniform with the Triumph of the Will mixcut into her video
>doesn't feel the need to shill her political beliefs like most celebrities nowadays
>fits the image of an Aryan goddess perfectly
>seems slightly autistic so 4channers can relate to her
>more likely than not a Trump supporter
The girl in the middle is a Berniebro so yes
Is this all a conspiracy used to control pol with cute men?
Elite select transvestites for high profile positions, just as a way of subliminally fucking with the public's sense of gender identity. Michelle Obama is the most infamous and documented of these individuals. Google will get you the information.
Two months before her sudden and unexpected death, Joan Rivers was recorded on camera saying "Michelle is a tranny. We all know it."
It's confirmed, TayTay /ourgirl/ forever and ever. Thanks Schlomo!
>which almost certainly means shes some level of conservative.
No it doesn't
Conservatives are the biggest cry babies out who have to vent
The idolization of Taylor here is probably not a coincidence, but who knows. If it's been shilled, it's been done much more subtly than other keypoint psyop subjects.
Gas yourself kike
>come on user lets go to the anarchist bookshop, they're holding a memorial service for Edward Herman :3
>rednecks like a former country singer.
look at this retard and laugh
>she has more than enough ass for a white man
If you're into young boys.
>Would a leftist ever take a pic like this?
Cara Delvigne is in this photo so the answer to your question is yes
Look at his jaw, and especially his brow. Tay flies alot of classic warning signs for a tranny. You all have been drooling over a dude
Pic related is another illuminati transvestite plant
>he fell for the jewish subversion deliberately making men attracted to big asses through social media
What did he mean by this?
>look at people shooping their political symbols on a generic musician in some sort of bizarro effort to reaffirm their views
"Rednecks" don't stew on Sup Forums. It's mostly middle class kids
shoo shoo slimey jew
Next thing you know he will be saying he likes (((Thicc))) girls
Day of the lampshade is coming, Schlomo.
where da flag?
in pickscha...
nowadays yes
lefties are starting to pretend they love america and are all patriotic just to spite republicans because they're apparently traitors to russia.
See that arched eyebrow? Classic tranny sign. It's done to hide the male browbone.
> Would a leftist ever take a pic like this?
Yeah, but they'd be fat makeup-ridden rockabilly sluts.
No sir, the internet and free sites are the rednecks playground and will forever be.
cool your jets, retard
Sup Forums named her cat
Look at the masculine hands and wrists on that tranny. Tay has similar signs. Especially his feet
She's a cute even when she's trying to be awkward.
Talking shit about our precious queen should be a bannable offense. Make it happen mods
No, normal people like girls with some normal curvature, which also means ass. Taylor has none.
>waaah, you hurt my waifu's feelings, you must be a nigger
Fucking faggot, go out once in a while.
"thicc" is just another (political correct) word for fat. Probably invented by Americans to hide their shame.
Face is looking pretty masculine in this photo. It's coming out as he ages. There's a reason taylor has taken to covering much of his face with his hair 100% of the time. He's been on hormones since pre-puberty, but that doesn't change the BONES. The bones don't lie
Pic related is an unstaged photo of Serina Williams at the beach. Another famous transvestite selected by the elite for a high profile position
Why its always kikes using that meme flag... and ancap flag too
We can link this to the whole "trap" epidemic that has swept the chans as well. My god, they're not just turning the frikkin frogs gay.
>Think about it really, all the others spout off about their conventional leftwing politics all the time without concern for alienating half their potential audience... Yet she doesn't.
Maybe she just doesn't really care about politics and doesn't want to get involved in the mess that is current year politics.
Very masculine body. Look at his large, broad hand and wide wrists, relatively wide and muscular shoulders and chest, and narrow hips.
Taylor's body looks like a very thin, but still muscular, male.
it started with ghetto memes, then the fucking left swiped it and now saying fat is grounds for getting yelled at.
Not sure why, but I really enjoyed this for some reason.
Taylor Swift is unironically thicc now.
That is absolutely disgusting
Michael is 100% a tranny. Not even a good one. Didn't hide his penis, let alone get pregnant. I feel sorry for people that were fooled into thinking he was a woman.
That said, I'm suspicious of people who claim that many others are too. It seems like a psyop to discredit legit trannies like Michael. Just because Michael was a tranny doesn't mean Taylor is.
My lord we know what that means.
Jews probably use the confederate flag to capitalize on the recent mass media attack on southern (white) identity and culture. I.e. false flagging, etc. Not what I'm doing. Don't trust celebrities.
Don't validate Alex "Shill of the Decade" Jones. Not even ironically.
>That said, I'm suspicious of people who claim that many others are too. It seems like a psyop to discredit legit trannies like Michael. Just because Michael was a tranny doesn't mean Taylor is.
Indeed. That's exactly why the elite do shit like this. We can't even pin them down and take them to task about the holocaust or 9/11. So how are we going to really use this information against them? Easy to mock, easy to discredit. Not making these posts encouraging you to run around and try to convince people of the same. Don't even try. It's a waste of time. Just going off of evidence, and trying to get other off-grid pollocks clued into this peculiar conspiracy
Bieber is a girl. Check out those wide hips and odd pectoral insertions.
your just now learning shes our aryan goddess
>Wide shoulders
>narrow waist
>large hands and feet
>obscured brow
>ring finger is longer than index
Lots of the signs are there, guys. What is "taylor," 6ft?
I knew that outfit looked familiar.
Does someone here have that "Taylor Swift islam last blow" pic? Shes in some kinda of armor
Taller than Alex Jones LMFAO
heels like that make your ass look twice as good and her ass still looks like crap
still love her to death though
shes the aryan goddess
also shes a Sup Forumstard
Obviously staged photo, so not good material for my argument. But check out that thick brow "shes" got peeking out under those banks. Adams apple looking a little suspect here, too. Quite big for a female's
Putting her vagina and ass all over her national flag means she's a nationalist? Epic!
>Conservatives are the biggest cry babies out who have to vent
Try writing an actual sentence next time, darkie
Btw, that outfit is from a German designer. More clues.
Nice find. Hard to ever say for certain, but that's another suspicious as fuck case. Just looks "off," and not just because she's jewish.
The fact that she has been made into a passive propaganda icon representing the basic concept "rrraagghhh women vs men!!! We're superheros too DX DX" (as if female 'superheroes' haven't already been around for 60 years) adds a motive for them to use a transvestite. More subliminal genderbending stuff. Fits right in with the more observable agenda
Holy shit, nice
>painted-on, diagonal eyebrow over thick brow
She's got quite the chin on her as well. I'm just telling you guys, the signs are there. Don't trust celebrity culture. It's controlled by the elite
>snowball time!
wow, you're a literal fucking virgin
it's fucking nothing, you fucking schizo
She's a thin lezzie?
I think that's Cara Delevigne.
Top OC, user. kek
I'm not convinced. I went to high school with some tall lanky blonde girls like Taylor. Some girls really are like that, and it might be nature's way of keeping people straight, and/or preserving Valkyrie types.
I need more evidence than narrow hips and slender legs/ass, and a stature that's over beta men.