Why do morons from America believe firearms are outlawed in the UK and Australia?
Why do morons from America believe firearms are outlawed in the UK and Australia?
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Why anglos country have shit guns laws?
UK : can't have a normal pistol
CANADA : 5 round magazine MAX capacity per rifles
AUS : bolt action and shotgun only
NZ : worse than australia
Also you can't own AK in UK unless they are converted to be ' bolt action system '
What, you gonna tickle the niggers to death?
>Bolt action and shotgun only
You can own any pistol you want with a cat H licence in Aus, also you can have semi automatics on a cat C licence but you can only get that as a feral pest controller or farmer.
>L-Look BB guns are legal!
Are you cunts getting lever guns back or did an Emu scare off your magistrates?
You can still get guns in South Africa and Rhodesia.
m8 I know Rhodesians never die but it's been the Zim for almost 40 years now
What good is a gun if you've lost the right of self defense?
Fucking police will take the side of a thief or attacker against you. Your country is beyond fucked.
Lever guns were never outlawed, the greens were going on about moving lever action shotguns into cat D but is failed.
The same reason morons who want to ban guns constantly suggest "they did it in the UK and Australia, we can do it here!"
>cant own a .40 double stacked glock
Why even live?
>Manual action AK and AR
Some American explain to me what a manual action is?
You have to manually pull the shell ejector or something?
Generally speaking, you'll get off the hook for almost anything in your own home nowadays. The few times the police fuck it up get widely reported because the media know how much it pisses us off.
what does "manual action" even mean? Like bolt action or anything
This is the most fucked thing about the firearm legislation here, people forget that the main point of the 1996 firearms act was removing self defence as a genuine reason for owning/using a firearm.
The semi auto restriction on the plebs was more of just appeasing soccer moms.
Block the gas from the barrel so the action does not cycle.
Recoil spring is still in place, so it becomes single action not self-loading.
It means that the next round isn't automatically loaded into the chamber.
Fucking this, we may be able to own guns but we have no fucking right to self defense, Body Armour is fucking classed as aweapon in Australia
>Manual action ARs & AKs
>A revolver with a dildo on it
Youre not making a very good case here user
Gas piston has been removed so you must work the action to eject each shell. Not legal in Aus because we have appearance laws and apparently fears that they could be converted.
so its a bolt action, isn't it?
Thanks Almost Satan
>Some American explain to me what a manual action is?
It's your cuck shit EU that invented it. In America we have real guns.
Ask me how I know your retarded cousin never shot you in the thigh with a .22 while you were setting up the tin cans.
Better than nothing, here you only can have single shot firearms
>manual action (fucking kek)
>$10,000 rifle that you won't be allowed to shoot anywhere
>low capacity fudd shotguns
>have to provide justification for owning one
>months of legal red tape and law enforcement interviews
>no guarantee you'll get permission at all
Yeah man you proved us wrong.
I mean.. it's better than nothing but it's still ridiculous. Let this be a lesson what gun control advocates want to do. They will kill your gin rights with 1000 cuts.
Basically yes this is about as close as you can legally get to a semi auto
No aviators or negronis
Still cool, here you cant even have a bolt action without beeing a hunter or sportshooter, only singleshot for normal fags
A myth. However you will still get punished if you shoot someone and it's not in self defense - for example shooting a burglar in the back as they try and escape your property.
Get some fucking sights on those AUGs.
They're useless as is. Also cut the barrel on that PS90. They're so much more handy at 10.4".
Yeah it starts with "oh we just want high caoacity mags" then its "we just want semi autos" and before you know it they want you to have a license for an air rifle
because I consider Americans the authority on firearms?
DESU if we could get tasers and batons legalised for self defence it would be a step in the right direction, the problem is Australians have been conditioned into complete reliance on the state for protection and defence.
No semi-auto rifles nor pistols. Why even bother.
it's a computer render from counter-strike you idiot
Shotgun is one of the best weapons for home defense.
Not sure about the UK, but we had a case in Aus recently where a guy scared some junkie off that was breaking into his house with an unloaded .22 level gun. Police said everything was cool and the next day the firearms registry took his firearms and cancelled his licence.
He only recently got his licence and guns back after months of fighting the firearms registry in court.
Pls, don't, I feel your pain. You don't have to try to make excuses. I feel your pain.
>morons from America
every nation has 50% below average citizens goy
only impotent .22 is allowed in semi auto. good luck taking on the storm troopers when the time comes you limey bastards.
True, we should let citizens be able to buy RPG'S and have them in their living rooms. Plus if the government is corrupt you can gather a group of people who also have various different firearms from pistols to rifles to machine guns or snipers and build an army to overthrow the government...if you win however.
because i can walk to a gun store now fill out one sheet of paper and have a rifle pistol or anything really that isnt full auto. you have to suck the governments cock just to apply to get one.
Go to the store and buy one now faggot. post a pic of your new purchase with a timestamp less than 1 hour from now. I'll wait.
>Bright orange vest
Why even bother with the camo? I get the orange is important for safety and that deer can't really see it anyway, but how does camo make any damn sense?
I hate this image
First of all you have to jump through your own anus to get a license to own any of those. Secondly a 22 is fucking tiny I may as well just buy an air rifle
.22's are weiner mobiles. I'm not even a gun guy and even I know that. Rubberband guns are more dangerous than .22's
>implying I won't be one of the stormtroopers
>G-guys we have guns too!
>"legal in.22 semi-auto
WEW AUSSIE/BONGS try not to shoot your eye out
Also hunters never use a pump action or semi-auto.
bird hunting
they're weak, but it's still a firearm
Breaks up the silhouette, the deer can't focus on your outline to determine whether you're a predator. Still can't look them in the eyes though.
You realise .223 is legal in semi auto, just get a M.A.R.S
>yankcuck cant own a .50cal
How does it feel
Can my fellow brits stop defending our owellian weapon laws
>Join gun club
>Fill out licence application
>Have a Doctor sign it stating you're not mentally ill
>Post application and wait 28 day
>Pay your fee
>Receive licence
>buy safe and have a firearms officer inspect it
>buy your guns.
Besides the semi-auto restrictions I don't see how the process is so fucking inconvenient, do you really want spergs on Zoloft and criminals getting their hands on firearms.
You can only legally own a gun in the UK if you get special permission from the police commissioner of your local area. Permission is only given to people who have a legitimate reason for needing to own a gun, self defence is not a legitimate reason.
Guns are not banned in the UK, but owning one legally is so difficult almost no one in the country qualifies.
it's a regulatory nightmare. And a lot of money. You have to pass an exam. You have to justify why you want it. You have to buy a safe for keeping the guns in your home. Each two years you have to renew the license. Money more money and time.
Meanwhile in US you go to the mall and buy one. After two days you can go to pick it up.
It's not fair.
forgot meme flag
What? Of course we can own .50 cal weapons. There's two Barret 50's for sale at my local gun store right now.
it's almost as easy to buy guns in the UK and most of Europe
people just don't know it or don't care to advertise it
I looked into it when I was having an argument on gun control
some countries have far higher gun ownership rights than you would think - people just don't talk about the guns they have
I guess it's like when people in the US used to always talk about their per annum salary like it was something every one needs to talk about - it seems kind crude here in europe
of course that's why in both cases eurofags end up getting both less money and less guns
you’re such a faggot
>Pass an exam
You mean the 4 hour firearms safety course explaining why you shouldn't keep a loaded firearm under your bed and why looking down the barrel of a loaded gun isn't a good idea?
Seriously if you can't pass that course you shouldn't own a firearm, I agree with the rest though the government rapes you on licence fees.
Depends OP. Why do retard bongs believe that they aren't the most cucked previously world leading nation in history,
Not only can I own one, I can buy one online.
Is a theoretical and a practical test, not a course. You will spend a month easily just to prepare the theoretical. Also you have to explain a valid reason to the officer why you want a Car-15.
AK 22.cal semi-auto - you guys are really twisted
my eldest son got an old single shot .22 for his 5th birthday....it's tradition, he's the 4th generation to own the .22 and they all got it on their 5th birthdays...fun little gun, great for learning to shoot and hunt...definitely more of a child-sized learning tool than it is a weapon, though....
Shit that is pretty cucked, I guess other countries have it far worse.
Fucking lying piece of shit!
.22 is an air rifle you fucking mong
This is absolute horseshit, try actually looking up UK legal requirements for shotguns and firearms.
>joining a gun club and having your GP tell the police you're not mentally ill is difficult
>uk legal
Yeah, but you forget that you're not allowed to carry them in public. They have to be kept in a secure area in your home, they cannot be stowed loaded. When transporting them to your preferred gun range they have to be in a locked case. You cannot use them as self defence (you can't actually use anything, even a piece of paper as self defence in the UK)
To even obtain an actual gun, you have to be part of a gun club for a year, and they have to endorse your application. If you're not the homeowner, you will receive and interview. I also hear they're bringing in psychometric testing for new applicants also.
So yeah, you can own one, but what for? There's no culture in the UK for shooting, unless you enjoy going down to the range to shoot tin cans every weekend? You're not simply allowed to take your gun into the woods and start firing. I mean you can wait till hunting season, but that's pointless.
>be a member of a gun club
>when the police ask why you want a gun, say 'I want to target shoot at my gun club'
>'ok then'
Wow that was really fucking hard. So fucking impossible to give a reason that isn't 'self defence I want to prep for the race war'.
Sounds like the UK is far more cucked compared with AUS, the process is far more simple here with no police interview and you don't have to be a member of a gun club for year just a member, except for pistols which we can own thankfully.
But I guess we have more of a shooting culture here anyway.
fucking lol
This statement is stupid and you are retarded. Immediately going to the most extreme option in an attempt to prove a point does not a point make. I truly hope you rethink your logical fallacies and then kill yourself.
Shotguns (both pump and semi auto) can be >2 round magazine if they're on a firearm's certificate instead of shotgun certificate.
The image isn't wrong, semi auto is legal in .22, fuck knows why that's a 'lie'.
You can use guns in self defence but you need to prove it was actually in the act of defending yourself from attack, not shooting in the back or if the burglar (for example) is stood there doing nothing.
Other way around with NZ and Australia, they are more lax than we are
Yeah you can own semi-autos in NZ, not sure about AR-15s.
> a group of farmer could never defeat the mighty British militar-
oh snap.
>Also you can't own AK in UK unless they are converted to be ' bolt action system '
it's writed manual action .223 and up. which mean you have to move over the mechanism every time.
it's not a conversion , you just drop off the piston or weld the gas exhaust system.
as we do in france to go to semi auto to a manual action basicaly .
since 90's guns law became shit as well in france ...
and before ww2 it's was free to wear ..
>What, you gonna tickle the niggers to death?
the same way you are tickling terrorist with your 223/222 since decades.
Pics related , americans cannot be into top building guns.
something like this
>tfw they're trying to ban the .50cal despite the fact it's never been used in a crime
fucking turbo jews need to fuck off and stop trying to ban my fun
heres something that is never brought up by europeans. they can get some firearms depending on their countries but those guns are registered. if the government decides to make them illegal this afternoon the police know exaclty who has what guns. in the USA the gun sale sheets get destroyed by law after a small amount of time.
Lying faggot!
Unlike you, I offer proof:
You have extreme and retarded rules for firearm purchase and ammo laws. We have some shit ones as well but they are unconstitutional. Also your populations are too cucked to even try to own a single gun let alone 4. Pathetic desu.
Because they are. I can't go and buy a gun and asking where I can get one from gets me investigated by the police...
oh man... theres a difference between the .22LR and the .223, my dude. pic related.
I guess you fucking limeys are just to drunk and stupid to defend your country. Allahu Ahkbar you piece of shit.
That's basically the entire point of firearm registration.
That's a good lad. Feels good man
Limeys are cunts.
Oi u wot m8?
Fucking retarded Limey cunt tries to talk shit and humiliates himself like achmed humiliated his sister. 50 cals are legal. There's usually a workaround to most gun laws in America as well. If you have money and a clean slate you can get pretty much anything in America if you jump through hoops and pay the (((atf))) their shekels