How many non-whites have you seen today?
How many non-whites have you seen today?
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Was in university, so a few dozens perhaps.
tens of thousands. Maybe hundreds of thousands as I was though a few large subway stations today. All of them more civilized than you average white, and the city much safer and cleaner than anything in Europe.
Feels good man.
Yet to see one.
I live in the centre of Manchester, so a lot.
Oh sorry thought you asked how many whites. Have seen exclusively non-whites, live in Malmö.
im on pol so hundreds
Just one, looking in the mirror this morning
It's like you stabbed me OP
Japs are honorary Whites, so they don't count faggot.
None actually, I live in Lappland.
Don't be such a faggot Davido-kun.
None, if incestrians are considered people
>stay inside all day
>don't see any non-whites
>living in Berlin
U should ask how many whites I have seen.
I haven't go outside today
Four, too many is greater than zero.
About 3 million
>t. weeabo larper who has never been to europe
I haven't left the house in nearly a week. So none.
What gender is that thing on the left?
I've only been to work today. So none.
Two in college, three if you count central america as non-white.
Non luckily.
Unless the local greek family, if you count them
CPA here
This job is a white man’s paradise.
>Mostly white males
>talk sports and politics all day
>job is too intellectually challenging for most minorities
>good pay
>wear a suit most days
Fuck yeah
around 50 its really bussy here lately
I saw an Asian with what appeared to be an Asian nigger mixed person with them. Everything else was normal though.
A couple of hundred probably. I work on the border of somalia.
I'm not white
>you will never be bullied by Tura Satana in the middle of the desert
why even live?
Same sort of thing going on here.
Literally zero.
probably between 50-100
I am going to be in Europe in 4 days for business. Mate. Hungary is a step above, I will grant you that, but Western Europe is a toilet compared to Japan.
Oh... yeah, and I am from the UK. Whether that is part of Europe though is debatable. But yes, the continent is filling up with Niggers and Kebab. It s a toilet. Props to Orban though.
Haven't been outside.
My dog's black, but I don't think that counts.
Wanna trade?
an ethnonationalist country is better than non-ethnonationalist countries? No fucking way dude, that goes so against Sup Forums's worldview. how will we ever recover.
Do Soviet leftovers count?
None, because the aren't any of them here.
Too many. NYC. I wish we brought slavery back
maybe three or four gooks. there are quite alot of them in Saint-Petersburg now. and i don't even know what are their doing here. not working or studying, just walking around in shitty /fa/ clothes and creating queues in supermarkets.
Haven't left the apartment though as I work and study from Home.
Was home alone all day, so 1.
>hundreds of thousands of beta soyboy sararimen
Its been 24 years since I saw a white person (the nurse that was on my birth was a white woman from Bulgaria)
Nah, moron.
What’s special about white?
Pooland btfo
I saw an Arab and a few gypsies
a few, our dorm has like thousands of POOS and other durkas
A fair amount.
I live in Niggerdelphia, and haven't gone out yet, so none yet. But, I'm surrounded, this place needs a nuke asap.
>implying slavery means racial segregation
It doesn't, though.
Zero, weatern North Dakota is wonderful
A few. Around 1% of all the people I saw. They don't live here permamently, though. They just come to study at our universities through some shitty program. I just hope that it's not an exchange one because that would mean that some Polish traitor is burning coal right now and probably planning to come back with her mutated, half-human offspring.
Shouldn't you be killing yourself, then?
I thought Australia was pretty tough on immigration? It is even on my list of emergency go-to countries if (when) Sweden becomes a failed state
I've been counting niggers lately, started some time ago, only seen ten here in Chile, not natives or mapuches, niggers, Haitian niggers
Shit, only one so far. Working at the gas station where I got my coffee. Nice older lady. Usually it's full of welfare nigs playing scratch-off lotto tickets.
Tough on ILLEGAL immigration. Our government welcomes them with open arms otherwise.
about 70
Just one.
Several, passed near the Embassy of [EDITED]
How else will they achieve a brown dreamland city of tomorrow?
Africa if full of ethnostate countries. Sup Forums hates niggers everywhere. Ethnostate is not the defining characteristic. It is those that live there. Full stop. Japanese are smarter, cleaner and more civilized than any white.
If anything. Some whites are Honorary Nips.
But you, not you. You are a potato Nigger.
Nah, I'm moving out in a year or so. So, I only have to suffer for a little while longer.
Imagine that for every 1 white person you see I see 20 blacks. This is life in London.
Christ its a bigger shithole than NYC where I live. I hated Philly
Who cares?
Пoмню вcтpeчaл aзиaтoв нa Кипpe. Литepaли cпepг зe нeйшн. Бoльших ayтиcтoв нe видeл в жизни. Haши coбcтвeнныe aзиaты пoлнocтью accимилиpoвaны нa мoй взгляд и aдeквaтны.
More yellow in our case. If it weren't for the whole dual-citizenship thing preventing you from being in government, theoretically anyway since lots of our pollies are being caught out as traitors and now our kike PM is trying to change it, we're going to eventually end up with chinks in our government working for chink interests
Literally 8 of them around me on the bus right now
25 if I had to count I live in an area of mostly First nation people so seeing non whites is normal, hell half of the "whites" here are mixed race
Haitian niggers make every experience in Florida supermarkets shitty. The Cubans aren't that bad though. I'd rather have to deal with 10 Cubans over 1 Haiti nigger any day.
>Japanese are smarter, cleaner and more civilized than any white
kek, all this civility was beat into you by burgers with nukes.
>island chink thinks he is endemic
Do non-white flags on Sup Forums count? 0 if they don't, thousands if they do.
About 80-100
I saw a polish and a russian.That is the closest to a nonwhite or subhuman I saw today.
>kike PM
L.O.L. user., you have had two Roman-Catholic P.M.s in a row and are still blue-pilled about it.
You should go to Khakassia or Tuva.
I work with a spic so one so far. She is a disgusting fat little troll.
Like I said—you're blue-pilled about it.
Oh yes they are so tough. For example my french friends were deported a few weeks ago. if you are not a human but a mere "beast of the land" then you can live here forever I guess.
far to many
Then enlighten me O wise americunt
working at home so the only person i've actually seen today was the postie, and she's pretty cute
going out in a bit so i'll probably see some of the chinese people who are colonising my small town since once of those fucking chinese medicine places opened up here and started people trafficking
jesus i have to get my wife some panties like that
zero you fucking wagecuck
so true
lot of black fellas here
A shitload of pajeets.