What do you think of the new Civ VI trailer Sup Forums?
What do you think of the new Civ VI trailer Sup Forums?
>caring about the civ series
>when Alpha Centauri came out nearly 2 decades ago
fuck off shillboi
But you get to kill evil nazi facists in this one
Way pozz civilisation? It's a fucking turn based strategy game for fucks sake. It's audience has to by 97% male.
That is one of the most poorly animated and directed things I've ever seen.
Alpha is the best turn based game ever.
What social justice? Are you seriously bashing it because it says nazis were bad?
It's quite beautiful, it could be better animated tho, but those transcitions are really neat
0 black people in the trailer?
There's always something about the Nazis but no one every fucking acknowledges communism or the Soviets
What did he mean by this
Well soviets were also anti-semitic and persecuted jews, so black boots bad guys could actually be communists
Strong woman saves mankind
>but no one every fucking acknowledges communism or the Soviets
She's hammering down the Berlin wall in the same trailer, right after the nazis.
Came here to post this women absolutely hate these games.
Is it just me or are modern graphics repugnant?
You can tell from the jackets and guns that it’s likely the french resistance.
>Are you seriously bashing it because it says nazis were bad?
it's gonna be the same shitty game with a new movie. nice if you've never played it.
One of my gfs in back in the late 90’s introduced me to Civ (the original). She was addicted to it and named every new city she founded after herself.
Then you had good taste in women. Fact remains women leaders are absolutely the worst because they shan’t to give away all men have worked for because they didn’t make it. Because it was given to them, they feel obligated to give it to others.
Regardless of the obvious (((agenda))), I don't know why this game even needs such pathetic trailer. This is not Call of Duty. It's for totally different audience.
What the fuck are you talking about. Is this was Isabella or Catherine, or that Austrian girl (whose name slips my mind) did? The Austrian girl went to war to defend her lands against those who suspected she would be weak. Elizabeth executed her sister and BTFO of the Spanish. Joan of Arc (less of a leader) was more badass than you will ever be. Respect where it's due. Actually provide an example, mongoloid.
Since when does civ have dragons?
>Strong independent womayn shoots Nazis
That' right boys, girls rule the world :^)
>Joan of Arc (less of a leader) was more badass than you will ever be.
>never actually participated in a fight
>got a stone thrown at her and fainted the first time she tried
She is a propagandasymbol and a meme.
>le 56% face
come on 2k you arent cucks, xcom is good!! DONT BE KEKS GUYS I LOVE YOUR GAMES GUUUUUYS
>>never actually participated in a fight
That's just a blatant lie. She participated in all her battles.
>>got a stone thrown at her and fainted the first time she tried
She got shot with a crossbow bolt then went back to the battle after she got healed.
civ 6 sucks shit and nothing can fix it
time travelling mexican who becomes president and tears down the berlin wall thus ruining germany and the eu by flooding it with commies
tearing down the wall was a mistake
>man builds all of civilization through blood and sweat
>a woman becomes president
Really stimulates the thinky-thinky bits.
Glad I didn't buy this trash
>amerimutt stronk womyn
which classic civ should i reinstall?
>le eternal brown woman of historical relevance
didn't happen, no thanks
it's almost like games are going really downhill fast
It's probably someone from Carthage or something, not a Mexican. Middle East and North Africa was very developed back in the day so it's fair they get represented.
Why are the Romans not white? Why is every white civilization darkened. I mean the Vikings in Civ6 are darker than the Greeks from Civ5.
Pic related, this is King Harald from Civ7
Faking history to achieve what we strive for/have today (gender equality) seems corrective, wrong and ridiculous.
It's really not as bad as it could be. At least they didn't niggerify everything like other games. Occasionally there are badass women leaders and I'm fine with this. None of them are leftist though. Leftist women are the problem, not right-wing women.
Really shitty HDRI lighting of the models. Almost certainly using a generic "portrait" setting, which in realty darkens skin tone deliberately for 1970s magazine camerwork (which lightened in print).
Also, the additional NGO grant money for presenting everyone beige, of course. It's got fuck all to do with sales, niggers and asians don not want to play blacked versons of famous world leaders iin their fantasy games.
Everyone is a PoC in history because this is the least racist worldview
>no gameplay
>no mention of what's being added
>wants money and preorders
>AI is broken, GUI is still shit, characters look retarded
>last preorder I ever made. 600+ hours in Civ V, maybe 20 in Civ VI.
I'm not paying for shit when the game is still absolute shit
>Alpha is the best turn based game ever.
wasn't called SMAC for nothing.
>implying the Romans, Carthaginians, etc were ever white
>what is HoMM
nice try faggot
i didnt really enjoy 5 or 6
im annoyed by the city states and maps that feel smaller
i enjoyed the incredibly large sprawling empires you could make in previous ones. my favorite part of 3 and 4 was exploring the map and founding cities
dragons added to pander to chinks.... the game is ruined
>le equal women
>no turk civ
Trash game.
i want to fug that woman
>no turk civ
Indo-Iranian speaking White people from the Pontic-Caspian steppe
Wow, Hannibal was a manlet
What's with the roastie everywhere? And why is she always superior than the male? More anti-male propaganda, trying to rewrite history.
Sad. Good thing I've been on full video game boycott for years. Only game I've bought in 5+ years was MGSV.
Are you dense? It literally shows her tearing down the Berlin Wall. The previous game expansion trailer shows Stalin and the red army as a malicious force.
>Female president is foreign born
What did they mean by this?
I've never known a woman who likes Civ games. However, when it comes to Sims, don't get me started.
They want to stick le powerful woman of color living in Europe.png everywhere. Sadly the betas on pol will still buy it
its a really shit trailer desu, its all over the place.
And I cant believe they went with the same: 'man is dead and has past the torch of humanity on to women' meme
actual game content sounds good tho
>Getting buttblasted over 10 fucking seconds of an occupied nation in WW2
The absolute state of Sup Forums
Ah yes the game that a woman will spen-d more than the cost of a new computer on.