Why did last thread got deleted even when I said I would post translation soon? I even posted a link to KanColle related news. Is the mod retarded? Do you hate KanColle? It's freaking anime, manga-related.
KanColle - Kantai Collection
Title: Crane sisters
Shoukaku: Here's my report
Zuikaku: Thank you, Shoukaku-nee
Zuikaku: Good work
It has been a few months since Zuikaku became Admiral's secretary
Lately she has been only replying to me at the door
I have a feeling that she doesn't want me to enter the office
Shoukaku: There's something she doesn't want me to see...?
Love nest
Shoukaku: Not good!
Shoukaku: I must do something
Shoukaku: I can't let them use the office for the own reason like that!
Shoukaku: I must stop them
Shoukaku: Excuse me!
TTK+Zui: Ah
Shoukaku: Kyaa!
Shoukaku: What's going on here!!?
time for translation
Zuikaku: Hey hey! What's wrong yo! It's not like you to raise your voice like that yo!
Zuikaku: The honorable Carrier Shoukaku, my sister, I respect your way of living yo!
Shoukaku: You can't food me with your rapping!
Shoukaku: What's going on in this room!!
TTK: You see, it's...
Zuikaku: The Admiral was so sloppy so I catch it too...
TTK: Ah, that's not fair!
Zuikaku: I said I would clean it up! Many time...
TTK: You're only talk!!
>The Sixth Destroyer Division, led by Hibiki, has the largest contingent, with a total of 62 circles devoted to it.
Hell yeah. Loliships are the best.
Zuikaku: You always leave your coat right where you took it off
Zuikaku: And you always leave your futon there after you sleep!
TTK: You! You always throw your books around after reading them too!
Zuikaku: I just left them there. Not like I was making a mess! I make sure I remember where they are too!
TTK: Didn't you forget where the papers were and when to look for them!
Shoukaku: You two...
Shoukaku: As a big sister, I was so proud having my sister working as a secretary...
Zuikaku: S-Shoukaku-nee...
DDs: It's Zuikaku-san! So cool!
Kaga: Tch
Zuikaku: I'll clean it up tomorrow
Shoukaku: Tomorrow?
Shoukaku: Do it now
Shoukaku: Clean up!!
Zuikaku: Y-Yes!
Shoukaku: Throw anything you don't need into the trash bag!! Put anything important on the shelf or table!!
Shoukaku: I'll use the vacuum cleaner to clean up the rests!!
TTK: She's so much more forceful than usual, your sister
Zuikaku: She's always so noisy when it comes to cleaning...
TTK: You didn't clean up after yourself because you keep depending on her, right?
Zuikaku: S-Shut up!
Shoukaku: Hey!! Don't stop moving your hands!!
Shoukaku: Remember to always clean it from now on!
Zuikaku: I understand
TTK: I learned my lesson
Zuikaku: I'm sorry, Shoukaku-nee...
Zuikaku: For being so pathetic like this...
Shoukaku: What are you saying
Shoukaku: It's a big sister's job to take care of her little sister
Zuikaku: Shoukaku-nee...
Zuikaku: Shoukaku-nee, I love you~
Shoukaku: Oh you...
TTK: Such good sisters
Next day
Thanks for translation. I have no idea why the janitor deleted the thread either.
Zuikaku: S-Shoukaku-nee!
Zuikaku: You see! In order to practice cleaning
Zuikaku: We thought we must first make a mess, well, you know
Zuikaku: Er....
Zuikaku: Shoukaku-nee, I love you!!
Shoukaku: Zuikaku!! Admiral!!
Zuikaku: Please!!!
TTK: Forgive us!!
That's it for this chapter. I will post more translations later if I didn't get banned for pissing off the mod. Hell, how many time did I get banned for stupid reasons?
Is anime ace still okay for typesetting or is there another font that is supposed to be used?
Don't ask me. I'm not a typesetter. Well, used to do some but I don't really remember
They don't care anymore, they're deleting all threads.
>Calling mod retarded
RIP Refrain
Takao a breast
Fucking lolicons
from what I can guess, too many rule breaking.
which really sucked considering one of the other threads had a translation already done in it.
How soft is Akagi?
I see no rule breaking in last thread
KanColle threads are
no rules were broken last thread. mods are lazy to check the content and delete it because its "kancolle".
Role playing, posting images that belong to /e/,
posting images that belong to /u/.
The Mod or Mods Look for a thread that is about the subject the OP makes. in this case its about translations that are being posted, therefore the subject has to be about any of the translations that are posted.
Last thread I posted KanColle related news and "posting translations soon" in the OP. Also no one broke any rule in that thread too
and the thread they saw didn't have translations so they deleted it.
>Role playing, posting images that belong to /e/,
>posting images that belong to /u/.
>deleting the thread and not banning them
>proof that they're lazy
its not OP's/threads fault if Sup Forums has retards and autist trolling around.
And how long did the thread last? They didn't bother waiting for like an hour or something
and I didnt blame the OP in the first place
I DO blame is the Mods that didnt do anything when there was reports sent in. its just out of hand now when theres a thread.
I'll jump on to IRC next day when theres mods who are awake with a few pokes.
last thread was up until bump limit after that it was a kill. I think the last post was an yuri post.
No, not that thread. The thread I made just right before this thread to post translations.
what I'm saying is that mods are blamming the translators/typesetters who are starting the threads with doujins/trasnlation and deleting them thinking that "its another moeblog/waifuthread" with out checking the content, sorry for the misunderstanding I'm just a bit tired and knowing a kancolle doujin translation threads got deleted with me reading it.
Are you still alive?
Good KanColle performance
Kaga still doing strong.
I believe you on this and youre not alone.
What I found interesting was when the general purge bs hit, someone kept on pushing that KanColle thread was nothing but a circlejerks.
>Suzuya comes into your office late one night wearing this
>She sits on your desk and tries to seduce you
What do you do?
Thanks for the translations.
>Fucking lolicons
Yes, that's what most of the DDs are doing.
Ask where Kumano is.
Why do I feel like fucking Takao so badly?
I don't know what is allowed to post anymore
Man, I miss Fubuki on crack.
Too bad the artist jumped ship to FGO
A trend that will keep happening. That or Granblue.
Best pet.
Fate and Granblue combined come out to be less than half of what KanColle's getting this comiket. This fad's not dying anytime soon.
I'm genuinely surprised by this. You'd think Fate would do better, just by virtue of how established it is and Granblue's cast is like a doujin material smorgasbord.
>my wife has like 25 circles for her
Shiggy strong.
Just asking but do you guys want funny chapter or normal chapter?
I'd prefer funny.
Funny and cute.
>Kaga: Tch
Poi is doing pretty good too. Good to see the doggy DD love alive and well.
Thanks a lot Refrain!
Kaga is the strongest shipgirl in history
A fun carrier like Kaga chapter
This fad will be dying any day now.
It dies every year.
Wo dies
Kumano a cute, my favourite bear
Forgot Teste.
I like Kumano. Why isn't she more popular?
No, you're waifu dies.
Suzuya is way too sexual.
Her design looks too generic, maybe?
Her personality is funny/5 though
Suzuya is cute. Cute!
Also mildly titillating.
Lies, she's eternal.
What a bunch of sluts.
Wo(Kaga)life is forever
Sasuga Shirei
Wo will never have a VA.
Wo is wo.
Wo is the enemy. Enemies should be destroyed.
Smells bad.
I'd like to think that Wo is one of Kaga-san's evil evolution
What a wonderful girl.
No, give the D and make her your ally.
That's just the shitty movie.
The movie is Sup Forumsnime canon
Boring, there are far better ways to defeat the enemy.
No one likes that canon.
Anime canon isn't game canon though.
The game is the only canon that matters.
Not everyone
She doesn't need one.
Faggots don't count.
Fubukifags and other people with shit taste, so who cares.
Only secondaries unironically enjoyed the anime.
Everything about the anime is cancer, specially it's canon. If you support it then you're also cancer.
I kinda like the anime, the OP is catchy and Wo is Kaga all along
>Kagafag likes the anime
No surprises here.
You disgust me.
There is nothing wrong with Fubuki or being a Fubukifag.
You too
hooray, more akatsuki
This artist's Fubuki is so sexual.
>Liking the fact that your wife died before and has traumatic experiences of Wo's memories.
Kagafag always gave me the impression of a psychopath, looks like I was right.
It's nice seeing her being made a true lady if you know what I mean.
But that's because Fubuki is really sexual herself. You are just blinded by the potato filter.
i do