Is this even possible?
Is this even possible?
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>Is this even possible?
To a superhuman like him?
Just barely.
Yeah, if you're not fat and lazy.
So basically, not possible for Sup Forums.
>10km run a day
Time for some exploding_knees.jpg
Every single day? Well sure, but it wont be healthy for your body unless you've been training your entire life and is used to do more but like 3 times a week.
It's not the training itself, its the dedication. You need to do it every day. Even when your bones feel like theyre breaking and if you feel like youre going to die.
You need to commit to it
It's possible after a few months of training.
You can't actually do that in real life, you'll just get an injury that will put you out for a few weeks. But if you start with 30/30/3 3 times a week you can progressively increase until you're able to do 100/100/10 every day.
Well, I've done 2000 sit ups, plus a few hundred push-ups before in the same day, so... probably. Not in the shape to do a 10 km run right now though.
God, was I sore after 2000 sit ups...
well obviously with training you need to start somewhere to work your body into routine so you can handle it or it'll be a shock to your system.
I'm sure Saitama worked his way into it and did the 100/100/10 for 3 years.
Either way, the point of his training is how he was willing to push himself to achieve his dream of becoming a superhero while everyone else around him took shortcuts or dont go through the lengths and treat the job as being a celebrity or a means to attain their own goals.
I'm the opposite. I can do the hundred pushups and I run 10km regularly, but I don't know if I'd make 100 situps and squats. Maybe barely.
Isn't that kid from Mob Psycho doing this? it's a constant running gag that he faints right? I wonder if he actually started seeing some progress
So, with our powers combined... we could become Saitama?
You can. But not every fucking day. If its 2-3 times a week, maybe. You'll only injure yourself if you do it everyday.
If you do it 3 times a week for a few weeks/months you'll be able to do it 4 times, then 5, and eventually every day.
Is paleo a meme or should I just stop eating bread entirely?
he did, he stopped fainting
yes it's very much possible.
i used to do that when i was in school, with the exclusion of running, and it didn't even make me look fit. gymnastics is a fucking joke.
No, I did 65 press-ups for one of those waifu thread challenges and it fucked me up so bad I couldn't use my arms for days because they hurt so bad.
I guess if you were able to make it to 100 you'd have to be superhuman.
everything except the pushups is possible
Even the pushups are possible.
My uncle runs 10k every day.
He's a marathonist though.
>tried doing 100 squats daily
>without working my way up to it
That was a bad week.
I've started doing squats everyday. Up to 50 now.
I'm slowly going to start incorporating situps, pushups and running.
Usually I do the squats while watching anime .
that was just lactic acid residue.
you don't push yourself to the limit on the first day, that challenge was fucking dumb.
when starting to exercise you need to go easy for 2 or 3 days. after that your body will go into mode where it will start dealing with excessive lactic acid and you should do all exercises on a principle "until you can and then 5 more times", if you want to gain muscle strength.
That's only 6 amerifat units. See, it sounds like less work doesn't it?
Be nice if someone said that earlier, I'm a vegetable now.
actually 200 pushups for a couple of times each day is a normal gymnastics regimen.
and you can go to hundred pushups and beyond as a challenge. pushups are extremely easy if you're fit. it's just very boring and pointless as those don't really train anything. you need to lift weights to gain strength and do long-ass swimming sessions to gain endurance.
Anyone who says it's possible is stupid.
The point of the training is it was not possible at all so it made him crazy strong.
The point is it's beyond his limitation to do that routine on the first day and continue with no rest days.
well you shouldn't have listened to skinnyfats of Sup Forums. go to /fit/, my son.
You have to stretch after exercise, otherwise your recovery time gets tripled at least.
Pushups are an easy way to have nicely shaped pecs, if you don't want to go to the gym and all that crap they're great.
OPM is absolute cancer.
Except it is possible. Not out of the blue obviously, but it's completely possible.
Spec OPs training and tests would be more efficient. This will likely break you down instead of building you up.
Show me a guy who can do workout while his bones are broken.
You can't.
Who said anything about broken bones?
You keep misunderstanding the point. The number of reps doesn't matter. The point is to train beyond your body can. Did you forgot that Saitama have broken bones while doing the workout because he started that routine on his first day.
This workout is about 10 times harder than Saitama's
This guy
That's not what the OP was asking about though.
100 push-ups \
100 sit-ups > possible and not that hard
100 squats /
10 km > hard as fuck but possible
Possible to do, but certainly impossible to become like him. How many pull-ups though? One hundred too?
Official marathon distance is 42 km. I think it's meant to be a hilarious parody of dudebro types, /fit/ motivational speeches.
>10 km > hard as fuck but possible
Not really. For a normal person, yes, but very easy for everyone who does long distance running even at a non-competitive level. There are quite a lot of people who run marathons every single day.
Yeah, if you're not fit it will take some time to get to 10 km, and then some extra time to be able to do it every day, but it's more about time than difficulty.
No, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have time to do all of these in a single day.
He looked very unemployed at the time.
You are right because Saitama have broken his limits.
Thats around 2 hours
more like 1
>There are quite a lot of people who run marathons every single day.
Those people all have fucked up knees by the end of their lives.
>fucked up knees
>what is titanium knees
I hope this tech will advance in nearest future allowing for shorter rehabilitation and longer service time.
Are you supposed to do them all at in one go?
It's very hard.
But you would be terribly unbalanced in muscle structure as it does not work the back in any significant way.
Would promote A forward posture 3/10
It depends how you run.
I just went running for a whole 4 km. I'm doing it!
>People shitting on this post
It's pretty basic knowledge that frequent running is going to fuck your knees up in later life, jogging or cycling is far better and wont destroy your knees in 30 years.
Switch to complex carbs
That entirely depends on your running form. If you're overweight and you heel strike hard you'll fuck yourself up fast.
Slightly related, but I had an uncle who fell for the long distance jogging is healthy meme. Then he got cancer and died slowly during his late 50s.
Yes, if you work up to it. If you're not athletic and you just jump into that routine you'll fuck up your body hardcore.
>implying the next chapter won't show the result of the offscreen WD vs Garou fight instead
I doubt it's even possible to jump into it like that, if you're out of shape and you go run 10 km your legs will just give up halfway, if even that.
It's the every day part that would destroy you.
Totally related.
The real torture begins when you do shoulder workouts.
Also If you havent been athletic as a child/teen your body is inherently limited in what it can do compared to someone who was.
It takes longer to recover from injuries, you dont gain endurance as fast and if you lose muscle gaining it back takes longer than someone that was athletic his whole life.
You serious. This isnt even hard at all?
Just finding time in doing it routinely everyday would be the hard part
t. Armyfag
Shouldnt your core be well enough to handle the sit ups, if you aren't struggling too much with the 10km? Cmon man
Its hard since theres no real motivation to do it for almost anyone. If your job demands weekly excersice routine thats 1 thing but just doing it for no reason seems silly and would require some crazy mind.
I despised push ups and pull ups and ran around like a fucking sonic in childhood and teens.
Now I've got nicely developed quads and ass but scrawny upper frame.
Well thats anything in life. If you dont have the motivation to work at your job you will most likely quit your job eventually soon. Or just have no motivation to work hard at work.
If you have no motivation to get stronger than Saitamas routine will be difficult for you. If you wish to become stronger mentally and physically, its bo problem. You gotta set realistic goals and attain them. 100 situps 100 pushups 100 squats 10km is a very realistic and attainable goal for anyone looking to be stronger
Maybe if you lessen the 10km running part and only do the routine 4 times a week. You'd just quit the routine due to lack of time otherwise.
Well, it works if someone's a NEET
Well you could always just spread thw workout through out the day. Like 5km in the morning and 5km at night. Then everything else in between that time frame at your own pace
Not true. I used to work for a landscaping business during the summer last year. Had to be at the job at 8am. Would wake up at 6:30 every morning and run a mile and half before work. You can always find a way to fit in the workout. No excuses
Seems weird to end with the running. Should end with something like 2 hour plank.
Depends how long your commute is, do you make your own food, how long nights sleep youre used to etc.
Sure you can do the run but it may be more difficult for people who arent you.
Yeah, it's not too bad desu, just gets boring. I was doing more mileage though.
I would commute about 20 min away from my house for work. Wasn't very far at all. Most days i would just buy shitty food at the gas station cause i hate cooking and preparing food lol.
I would at least try and get 5 hours of sleep a day. This was all before i joined the army. So i was putting myself through an extremely vigorous training.
So you have much shorter commute than average
Buy premade food
Sleep 2-3h less than average
I've been hitting the gym and running 12km since I was 16.
I did semi-pro athletics training for 7 years (13-20)
Right now i suffer from absence of cartilage in my knees
I'm not saying that my condition is the absolute sample but it's pretty common to athletes
btw the opm training it's a joke, it did emphasized on the fact that saitama never gave up even when his muscles were very sore
that kind of training is pretty simple and aside from the running, which is the joke part, it becomes a small warm-up after 1 month
It's most likely in good part because you started when your body wasn't fully formed. I've been running more or less regularly for 14 years and I haven't had a single related injury for over 6 years.
what if i run on the sand, i live close by the beach
It's both good and bad. Good because it's softer so less impact on the joints. Bad because beaches are sloped perpendicularly to the direction of running and that has a negative impact on your ankles and tendons.
it's literally a meme workout taylor made for plebby redditers
A friend of mine started doing 10 push-ups/sit-ups/squats and 1km running every day, hoping to be able defeat anyone with 10 punches.
Dropped carbs lost 160 pounds 11 months. If you are fat do it its too fucking easy to lose weight. Trying to get swole idk
Was he able to?
Only theoretically. The problem is staying alive long enough to deliver 10 punches.