Hibike! Euphonium
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What degenerate minority is gonna crawl out of the woodworks next? Pitfags?
Bush gentlemen because Kumiko has a beautiful bush.
>Kyoani makes a thinly veiled GuP ripoff
>doesn't even have the guts to make them win
Really makes you think.
Kyoani are feet bros now, What can you do about it.
Does she triggers you?
Girls und Panzer? What??
why does shoe hate tomatoes
If only she had more to do in the show.
She is so cute.
Agreed user, kyoani is lame.
Probably due to the fanbase throwing shit at him.
why is there another episode?
is there even anything left to cover?
>it's a IRC agenda shitpost thread
>they haven't even kissed yet
When will he tap that high test pussy?
What is he waiting for?
>high test
It's called THICC you fucking idiot. Girls don't even have test.
Some after concert content from novel vol.3 and some content from novel vol.4 that can fit into the timeline.
Its not that easy user, she is a quality girl and demands effort to give away her puffy pussy.
Girls produce testosterone too you dumb nigger. Also high test = thicc girl that high test men are attracted to
Here, have it.
Nothing wrong with this unless they're using the word thick interchangeably with fat or obese. In which case it's disgusting.
This is the most relatable Hibike fanart I can find on the internet. Especially after Episodes 11 and 12 for /u/
But thick always means fat?
No, nowadays some people use it as a politically correct term to mock fat women.
Degenerates like you who cannot accept the beauty of girl's body.
How can this show end on a positive note for Reina?
Taki reciprocating her feelings, otherwise she will off herself at some point.
Her moving on from the teacher. I think that's what everyone think as good character development.
tumblrshitters still haven't woken up.
If she suicided, would Taki even attend her funeral? That would be one hell of a final insult.
Good question.
And getting with Kumiko right?! I think that's what everyone think as good character development.
Last scene is a timeskip of several years and shows a now adult Reina coming back to the school as a teacher and being greeted by Taki.
>And getting with Kumiko right?!
Yes, Kumiko was always by her side.
Nice bait. In reality lots of girls her age have a crush on some older guy. Obviously it does not work for them so they usually move on.
Since everyone here seems to advocate that anime has to be like real life this should happen right?
has a friend
Well meme'd my tumblr friend.
>a teacher
I can't see that going well.
Yeah, it's called adolescence right?
A rag tag band of slackers and casuals decide to win the tournament, lead by an autist genius.
She is in love with him since she was a little girl and it just got stronger when she grew up, wake the fuck up t/u/mblrshitter.
Cancerous newfag post
So, Saki?
He might avoid it, not because he doesn't care but because it would mess him up seeing another girl so young struck down in her prime.
>Liking yuri = being tumblr
Fuck off hetshill
Based Ultimatemegax BTFO hetfags.
Using "het%" = being tumblr
You have to go back.
>still no kaori episode
>kyoanuslicker calls others new and cancerous
This level of irony is out of the galaxy.
You're both new, now go play nice.
>thinking getting over Taki being good for her = advocating a lesbian relationship with Kumiko
stop shitposting
>reading retarded yurifag that hates Maid Dragon
He was pretty assblasted when last episode aired, seems now tries to move flags, but it`ll end with him being devastated even more. Hillarious.
After finding out that he had a wife and two failed rejection I doubt her resolve can get any stronger. She ought to stop.
As long as Kumiko & Reina are single everything is possible
>implying she is anywhere near being getting over her sole purpose of existence
>finds out he has a wife
>resolve gets stronger
tumblrshitters will always deny reality.
I'm and I never claimed she would have a relationship with Kumiko or at all. This isn't a romance there isn't going to be a romantic ending, anyone who didn't know this from the start is just retarded.
>how new do you have to be to call KyoAni fags "new"?
The first Studio Wars on Sup Forums were Gainax vs KyoAni. Sup Forums is KyoAni fans since Fumuffu
>What degenerate minority is gonna crawl out of the woodworks next? Pitfags?
What of it?
Yurifags and anyone advocating for degenerate homoshit need to be gassed. And I don't mean by Kaori and buchou after eating hot potatoes.
>all these desperate selfinserts wanting a het end
Imagine sleeping on Kumiko's fluff
>Those tits
>all these degenerate selfinserts wanting a yuri ending.
>gets stronger
Not really. You have to consider the scene after your pic as well. We see a bird flying away symbolising her being from from her year long crush.
Or perhaps look at the dam and consider that her pussy is absolutely drenched thinking about him.
I like how selfinserts ACTUALLY think that yurifags selfinsert as well.
Yurifags are neither girls nor gay. I bet you also believe the main audience for yaoi is gayboys lmao.
She was looking up to the bird. The dam means nothing.
>unironically saying het*
off yourself
Kumiko pityfuck.
Yes, the dam, the intentional central focus of the framing, means nothing.
t. samefag
>Yurifags are neither girls nor gay.
Fat tumblr dykes doesn't count as girls anymore?! Good.
And any shiper is a selfinsert by nature, denying this just makes you a hypocrite.
why would the same person make his point twice
Is he really that smug in this new season? Maybe it's worth to watch it.
Again, your trip.
>Yes, the dam, [...] means nothing
I'm glad we came to an agreement. The dam is not even in the frame anymore yet we can still see the bird cleary.
spin off when?
Here bye.
Critical levels of denial
>And any shiper is a selfinsert by nature
ebin bait 10/10
You really think they'd put a metaphor that represents her wet cunt in the show? If the dam means anything it'd probably be about holding back her feelings? Even if it was about her cunt, it would be implying she's less wet.
OVA sequel about
>these two
>Shoe getting it on with the octopus
>Reina trying to get Taki's cock in her mouth
>Natsuki seducing first years
Nice argument 10/10.
>any shiper is a selfinsert by nature
Not that guy, but elaborate?
>You really think they'd put a metaphor that represents her wet cunt in the show?
You're failing to take into account the differences between Japanese and Western cultures. I mean, how many Western children's cartoons depict girls masturbating until their hands are dripping wet? Damn it, of course the dam represented repressed feelings.
>these two
I don't care.
>Shoe getting it on with the octopus
Well, Kumiko confessed to her older sister. He's out.
>Reina trying to get Taki's cock in her mouth
She moved on unless you think deadfish Reina is fucking hilarious or something. No it's not.
>Natsuki seducing first years
That might be interesting if they're girls but I'd rather want to see her with Ribbons.
Will flatty flat Kumiko get those big breasts she always wanted? That's a pretty big plot thread that they left dangling.
>i don't care about hetero
>kumiko will fuck her sister
>reina moved on guys!!!
>natsuki and ribbons are totes lesbo!!
People who watch things looking for romance are most part of the time sad loners who want fill the lack of it in their lives with fiction.
That's a pretty big projector you have there