This is the ORIGINAL alien pic that was posted and deleted immediately after it was posted. Pls share!!!
24489 taken approx 24 miles north west of luke air force base phoenix az lab h4c
Other urls found in this thread:
...................who cares
Mulder, I...
Well that one is less realistic than the other one I saw.
I didn't see it personally but someone who saw it claims that this was the actual real alien pic.
These are the gayest threads ever
Why is that exer erb copy channel stamped on this?
anyone else feel really sick after looking at this?
That literally looks like a modded NPC in Fallout New Vegas.
What do you think about Jonathan Reed?
>alien is drag queen
fucks sake the gay is everywhere
ayo he got them whiteboy thin lips like how you even holla with them tiny teeth sheets ay how you even makin them impro beats man fuck out here wit ya no lipmeat bullshit alien racist crackas
Literally Fire in the Sky
His name was Tory Smith.
Op i have original screencap on desktop you fucking retard and that one is nowhere near real. Posting from phone and surgery today so expect my post approx: 6-8pm chicago time.
move this garbage to /x/ you worthless faggot
Whatchu talkin bout Ke' Blorp?
And it looks fake as FUCK, Hans. Sage
Fraudulent and homosex
What was the name of that larp? Myzim or some shit like that?
how dare you make me wait all day
Extremely sick, I have the shakes now too!
Those threads were being shutdown because a diagram, coordinates, and satellite image of the intrance to a DUMB in the middle of fucking nowhere were posted.
There is one of em.
Keep them rolling faggots.
aliens dont look liek that faggot.
If you've ever been careening through the cosmos, looking out of your third eye, and seeing the inhabitants of the greater universe, you would know that.
Aliens are literally grey creatures with football shaped heads.
1 species of ET yes.
what kind of genitals do you guys think this dude has? like a huge dong or micro pene
asking for a friend btw
better yet, how many genders do aliens have?
Are the ayy lmaos feminist?
It's not an alien. It's an ancient human alchemist who created the Philosopher's Stone and managed to hugely extend his lifespan.
Would someone just post the fucking original already? I'm tired of watching every one of these get slid after so many posts.
>Are the ayy lmaos feminist?
I fucking hate that hipster faggot gym. Leave McFIT alone, you fucks
Aliens are a Jewish-Luciferian hoax.
just like tetrahedrons and the all-seeing-eye, right?
god have mercy
wheres his fucking shell?
i have to poop now.
Gay, irrelevent and fake as shit
This is different from the angle from the face to camera is more steep, like it was physically taken closer to the subject.
Rez too low
i wonder if we will ever find out the origin of this alien&tree picture
I am a remnant of what we believe to be the last benevolent secret order on earth.
there are no aliens.
what you think are aliens are actually "holograms" (hard to explain) of mummified corpses long dead in a procedure you ironically DO know but in pieces that you would not piece together.
All of it is not magic, it is entirely basic science, requiring knowledge of basic electrics and basic biology.
They live forever and rot slowly.
There are leaders and servants and if you see one, you can kill it normally, but it will come back after a ritual, you must find where it lays and remove it from it's resting place.
there are two pictures of these things on the internet, recently captured by US Forces.
So explain the procedure then, fuckstrodamus. At least one of us will understand.
It seems pretty purposely vague that you'd say "I mean, you guys would probably get it...but I'm not gonna tell you". So calling bullshit.
Fuck off space nigger. We're full.
Brent Swallory
Fuck off tard. Anybody who actually believes the alien story is a newfag that clearly wasn't there on the day it happened. I was literally in the original thread and I can confirm that the alien shit was a well done cover-up for that 9/11 plane that was spotted. It was a professionally done psyop to distract from the more realistic, yet far more damaging story. Turns out people don't actually give a shit when it comes to "muh alien selfie lol!"
this is actually the most likely thing i've seen, but i've only seen maybe one or two images regarding it. i'd like to know more about it.
was that one of the jets that was meant to have crashed into the pentagon but stangely appeared on some airbase?
post infos
Heavily underrated
I spewed my coffee
A duh where the fuck do you think these reptoids reside?
I keep downloading the real alien and the fucker keeps getting deleted on my computer...
Delete system 32 then try noob
Stop using Windows 10 then.
now for the real showstopper
>> what did he mean by this?
First one was more realistic. Everyone who saw it can swear it was real.
Weirdest part is that it got 404ed directly.
But this is years ago.
KGB Bob looks way more real than any of this shitthings.
Its real but is it an alien or a child modified to look like it ?
>that was meant to have crashed
pls define this !
a) like timeline said fuck that these people aint dying to day tunneling them some where...
b) more like secret tech fuckery cia nigger style ?